Shoot grenade at Cacodemon

>Shoot grenade at Cacodemon
>cartoon gulping sound effect as he swallows the grenade
>Glory Kill Cacodemon
>cartoon popping sound as you rip it's eye out
Who approved this?

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Kill yourself OP, your TORtanic fantasies are pathetic.

Cacodemons were made to be bullied, and making them have silly cartoon sound effects adds to that.

>just want to shoot demons
>forced to glory kill and spam chainsaw constantly

I did. It's exactly what I wanted

Get the fast glory kill rune and stop being bad with ammo management.

the guy who went on rogan talking about how he wanted his 9 year old to play the game.

This all I wanted was to get 100 rounds for my boomstick and raise hell. But the game keeps cucking me with forced low ammo, weapon switchs and chainsaw glorykill abuse

If all you want is really just to use the super shotty, then why don't you unironically just use the infinite ammo cheat?

I can agree that Doom Eternal's Ammo Management is shit. I'm getting annoyed constantly running out of ammo and having to spam the chainsaw to get more ammo fountains from enemies. I have no idea why they decided it would be a good idea to force such a small amount of ammo on you. It's like, you start getting into the groove of things and then right in the middle of a fight you run out of ammo for the weapon you were using. Baffles me.

What really shocked me was realizing the final upgrade for the ammo count raised my shotgun ammo from 20, to 24. Like, why? That's not even useful.

Hugo Martin did an interview where he described violence in Eternal as 'never mean-spirited'. Cacaodemon glory kills came up as an example, where the popping sound makes the kill a little comical, while a more realistic eye-pulled-from-socket noise would be unnerving.

This is Doom, not Manhunt.

>never mean-spirited
>proceeds to mercilessly bisect hapless zombies with looks of anxiety on their faces

>never mean-spirited

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>'never mean-spirited'
The fuck? What was all that rip and tear meme shit about then?

Uhhh, what?

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If you couldn't pick up that the glory kills would be sillier, you weren't paying attention

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>shoot cacodemon
>balloon deflating sounds as it's going apeshit around the room

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IDK I say the way we jab a energy sword on Icon of Sin's brain after first stripping his face and chest of flesh is pretty mean-spirited and brutal

The analogy he drew was to zombies. You don't feel any kind of pity or compassion when you're cutting the head off a zombie - it's a zombie. He said demons are treated similarly, with the animation team choosing glory kills that are delightfully violent rather than just grotesque.

That said, it was being said about the game as a game. Doom Guy is firmly established as always angry and powered by rage.

>with the animation team choosing glory kills that are delightfully violent rather than just grotesque.

>stabs out mancubus heart and shoves it down their throat


>What really shocked me was realizing the final upgrade for the ammo count raised my shotgun ammo from 20, to 24. Like, why? That's not even useful

Have you played the game with the Infinite Ammo cheat? Shotgun and Super Shotty both need much more ammo management because they are such powerful weapons to begin with. 90% of the stuff you run against can be mowed down with either Shotty grenades, Full auto or just Super Shottying stuff in the face. 2016 was way more lenient with ammo and it resulted with both of the shotties being the "go-to" weapon for most encounters. With the current ammo management, they now sit in the space they're supposed to occupy.

I mean the shit that happens in 2016/Eternal is still a far cry from something like MK11.
That game just kind of went overkill with it, which is an odd thing to say for an MK game I know, but it really did.

it sucks honestly. 2016 was a masterpiece.

you know what I hate too? you don't need to be perfectly accurate. a shot that goes over an imp's should will count for a headshot and things like that. it's really annoying and breaks the 'ultra challenge' vibe of the game.

>Just shoot the super shotgun 10 times between chainsaws goy

Yea, but Doom 2016 had a max ammo count of 60 for the Shotgun. Doom Eternal has less than half of that. Harsh much?

At least cut it back to 30 or 36. I'm saying this because at 7 hours in, the chainsaw-for-ammo is starting to really get on my nerves.

suck my dick todd

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>waaah I can't use the weapon I want indefinitely waaah

What encounters absolutely require Chainsaw? I've mostly used it for refills between arenas, because arenas mostly have pickups scattered everywhere. Beyond that, just spamming chainsaw on mooks limits options in arenas which introduce tougher enemies because you're out of gas.

It's all a balancing act, if you don't like ammo management or limits to your arsenal, simply enable the Infinite Ammo cheat, it's that simple.

>you don't like the retarded chainsaw?
>just cheat and make the game braindead easy, it's that simple
That shit wasn't this stupid on the previous game.

On nightmare the second arena in hell with three arachnotrons requires like 3 chainsaws

I never recalled only using the super shotty or railgun solely throughout Doom 2016. I may have used other guns more than others, but who cares? It's my business which guns I want to use. They already have the enemies which are weak to specific weapons, against, why restrict ammo pools on top of this?

It's a stupid design choice.

The previous game had your marmelade ass running around with 60 shotguns shells in your pocket, of course you're gonna feel the burn when you're used to having your favourite tube NEVER run out of ammo.

Let me explain this so even you can understand basic level and encounter design.

>60 maximum ammo
>Lower ammo count to 1/3rd of this.

>Player hoarding reserves between encounters.
>Makes the player run out of ammo in encounters.
>As a result.
>Pickups become more meaningful.
>The weapon as a result can be MORE powerful
>Shotty alt-fires and SS Meathook are the result.

Chainsaw is there for ammo famine in mostly ALL (or most) of your guns. I saved up on gas and mostly used the Chainsaw to eliminate priority targets. Not chainsaw a zombie the moment my shotgun shells ran out. As i already said, if you do not want to play with ammo management being an issue, just use the cheat.

>things that were never a problem in literally any other shooter
Why attempt to fix something that isn't a fucking problem? Name 1 shooter that had to do this kind of retarded shit.

>>just cheat and make the game braindead easy, it's that simple
repeating this doesn't make the game any less retarded.

Because that way they can put players into challenging situations which will feel more rewarding?

I’m pretty sure you literally do the same thing in 2016

constantly chainsawing random enemies for ammo isn't more rewarding
The game isn't more challenging either, unless you're on a controller where switching weapons is somehow a challenge.

There's nothing challenging about looking for enemies to chainsaw (which you're immune while doing by the way, in a way making it easier actually as you get a brief pause to collect your thoughts and where you're moving to next) to get the next ammo fountain.

>that weird pop sound when you get headshot kills with the scoped heavy cannon
>the glory kill on zombies when you punch their head down into their torso like looney toons
>the grenade eating thing with cacos
bless id

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>Why attempt to fix something that isn't a fucking problem? Name 1 shooter that had to do this kind of retarded shit.

Every single shooter has ammo management, the extent it needs to keep tweaking it varies though. Destiny 2 is one example where ammo management has needed tweaking due to guns using three different types of ammo and weapon types having very variable reserves. Beyond that most "arena shooters" such as Painkiller, Serious Sam and others keep pickups scarce (or hidden).

>repeating this doesn't make the game any less retarded.

It's not the game being retarded, it's you. If you don't enjoy ammo management or understand how it interacts on all levels of encounter design, you can always DISABLE IT.

>its not harder then doom2016
well thanks for telling us you haven't played the game

I started on Ultra Violence but bumped it up to nightmare because I wasn't dying at all. What difficulty are yous all playing on.

you don't get your progession locked for using cheats. if you really can't be bothered to play the game the way the devs designed it, just cheat looooooool pussy

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I like the first two
Cacodemon thing got dull real quick since it's by far the most effective way to kill them, so you just do it on every single Cacodemon and haha look the funny orb made the sound again

I started on Nightmare but bumped it down to Ultra Violence after the second fight in hell because griffins are literal aids

ultra violence, seriously what is with all you playing on nightmare and saying its easy? I've beaten the whole series on UV and I'm getting my ass handed to me. Am I getting old?

nightmare is pretty hard at times but i'll probably stick with that til the end

Concern-trolling does not work on video games, but nice try, rabbi.

>this guy can't beat Plutonia on Nightmare

You have to chainsaw minimum once every fight, how the fuck is this different than just running away to get a fucking ammo pack? Also, how the fuck did that demon you just glory killed get into that stagger state? Did you.. shoot it?

>I can't even beat plutonia on UV fuck chaingunners

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zoomers love this shit bro

Implying that wouldn't be comedic kino

Perfectly put.

Too be fair i haven't died on UV outside of that first slayer room or whatever but been close alot. I died like 3-4 times because enemies would get on top of my body and i didn't think to double dash away real fast and those flame arm dudes two shotted me.

Game feels alot harder but i dislike how it doesn't feel like Doom at all even more so then Doom 4. It feels like im forced into this dance of cooldowns rather then just using any gun i want as long as i have the ammo well routing a level properly since so far there has been little to no level design.

Yeah fuck chaingunners.

>ammo pickups laying on the ground good
>ammo pickups walking around bad

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Thank you

Hugo Martin is a BITCH


If you want to shoot demons play a proper Doom game. They still exist you know

>can’t just run into ammo
>need to watch mini cutscene for ammo

>using destiny 2 as a good example of anything
Jump in lava, my dude