Enjoying the new Animal Crossing?

Enjoying the new Animal Crossing?

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>Game comes out
>Yas Forums goes out of its way to talk as less about the game as much as possible and only the superficial controversy they're trying to craft around it.
In the end it was never about videogames

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I was just asking a simple question user

yea, day 2 and ive done everything i could do so im just farming miles. how do i create slopes to reach the higher areas?

OP is a very boring individual and wonders why no-one talks to him

The museum and nook store opens the day after you finish meeting their requirements, right?

you have to wait till tom nook gives you a ladder, not sure what day it will be though.

I sure hope so, I have like thirty things to give that faggot owl but he stopped accepting things once I met the minimum requirements to get the museum built.

It's alright, not sure why there is so much content time locked though. Apparently you don't get hourly music changes until day 7 or unlocking town hall.

Has anyone had any luck using dodo codes? Not sure if all the rooms are full or there is network failure between first day launch/coronachan.


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I fucking hate treehouse.

Japan doesn't have to deal with tranny autism.

>Yas Forums laughs at SJWs for getting angry over pointless little things.

>2018 onways
>Yas Forums gets angry over pointless little things.

implying either of those only started happening in the years you listed and weren't BOTH present from the start

Fuck no the SJW plague (and its resulting opposite screeching autism) have not always been here.

I'm more weirded out by them changing the extraneous english to spanish for the english release. Why not just put the Japanese down there?

go to Yas Forums


because it’s supposed to feel like an american airport in the american version, and a japanese airport in the japanese version... come on, it’s not that crazy man

Yas Forums doesn't actually play games so it sure as hell can't talk about the gameplay

I was in university back in 2013, where I got to hear lectures in Gender Studies about how brave Anita Sarkeesian was

so the tranny shit was forced in by treehouse, it's not even what the devs intended. goddamn western cancer infecting japanese games

anymore of this pro-japan shit and you will force my hand to spam anti-gook wmaf black propaganda.

just fuck off back to Yas Forums you rat

dilate freak

Another company to my list.

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whats the moon runes say?

Are you a boy or a girl.


>wow are you really getting upset about censorship? fucking loser
When did we let middle school girls onto Yas Forums?


Its the exact same only under the pictures it says "boy" and "girl"

It looks fun, wish I had the money to buy it but I'm a poorfag so I'll have to wait

I swear the term censorship is so overused....
Just fucking shut up, you'll buy the game and play it anyways, so why does it matter

How fucking new are you?

Oh. Very new. The anti-SJW screeching is just the latest brand of Yas Forums screeching. It has literally always been nitpicky manbabies raging over nothing. The only difference now is stupid newfags like you, who need to lurk moar.

All it takes is one post and you stop pretending.

but now its heavily mixed with Yas Forums manbabies instead of just complaining about stupid shit while mostly having thinly veiled Yas Forums threads

How’d you set Lang?


user I don't disagree with your sentiment, but crying about SJWs goes back to the days of Anita. It's unfortunately a very old trend that's here to stay.

seethe tranny. stop forcing your cancer into localizations

> hey I hate SJW's as much as you but don't you think anti-SJW's are just as bad?

Transexualism is here to stay. Either accept it or fall behind.

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Games with language options usually sync with your console's language setting.

It's literally censorship, and this is coming from a chad who knows japanese and can just completely ignore it anyways. I fucking hate subhumans like you who just say "just keep consooming bro don't ask questions just consume." Go off yourself you gigantic faggot.

it's not, 41% die before age 30 and you're less than 1% of the population.

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then why do you seethe so hard and feel so threatened :^)

why do you force your cancer into localizations?

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You messed up right from the start.
If you want to bait as one of them, you have to use the proper terminology.

>It's literally censorship

that's a funny way to say you're fucking frightened of trannies

After the whole controversy surrounding no same-sex marriage in Tomodachi Life back in 2014 and Mr. Game & Watch's feather in 2018, it's not a surprise that the last thing Nintendo wants to do is cause yet another wave of "microaggressions" amongst their batshit crazy American audience by making any reference to the concept of gender.

I am but I'm wonderin
Oh it's a bait thread.

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frightened of a group a failed males who embarrass themselves by wearing grandma's dress in public? stop forcing your cancer into localizations, abomination.

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yes, you're scared and obsessed because of it

I've been playing the game in nip, and checking in from time to time on my sister playing in English, and my god is the localisation soulless.

>oira characters have a clear accent, both in text and speech
>in English, the accent is preserved, identically, which makes them all sound completely fucking bizarre because it's not something you find in English. To me, they sound fucking Jamaican.

>the localization ranges from decent enough, to "lets invent lots of dumb shit in to make the game funnier!" I've seen shit like Nook pretending he's a secret agent for a throwaway line, it's peak treehouse.

I get that this shit is targeted at kids, but it's still sad.

>make something
>some faggot translator gets a hold of it
>they change parts of your work so that it conforms to their political ideology
>random anonymous retard on a basket weaving forum says this is not censorship

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you're obsessed with forcing your cancer into localizations

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well not to worry user they'll all be dead. but you seem to be peeing your pants in fear instead of localizing yourself

I am not upsetting about these little changings, but I will be upset about some localizer being proud of "fixing" the original contents just because of it offending their fragile sensibilities, just in the case Persona 5 royal. at least, stop boasting publicly it is a good thing or should have done etc as if the act is perfectly morally justified. your cultural standard is not necessarily to others works and its not like the work belongs to you dumbass translators who cant still even reach N1 level.

can't wait for your death soon! let's flip a coin, heads you die and we laugh, tails you live for another few months until we coin flip again

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*your cultural standard is not necessarily superior to others

Now that I'm past the most nerve wracking achievement, I'm finally starting to have fun.

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I can't even hit 50, this shit is hell.

you will never pass

Why do people feel compelled to do everything asap? Take your time, bromodachi.

^^ Dupe items

quick: what furniture is expensive to sell back

The switch

>japanese says boy and girl

>He hasn't realized that making obvious bait OPs is the only way to get discussion going on a game
If you make a post with a normal screenshot and ask "How do you like the game so far", you'll get maybe 10-20 normal replies by other people who played it before the thread gets archived
Make a "Stealth" Yas Forums thread and you'll hit 600 replies, 400 images omitted on the same day

Two questions:
>How the fuck do I get villagers to move out so I can get new ones
>Why the fuck did Nintendo think it was a good idea to only be able to find custom designs through specific IDs while in Smash you can just look at all the uploaded ones

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