What are some vidyas should you play during a pandemic?
What are some vidyas should you play during a pandemic?
Death Stranding
Been playing Metro 2033, blasting gopniks and mutants is satisfying and comfy af
Her tits are too fat.
Jagged Alliance 2
Gunman Chronicles
Grim Dawn
sweaty boobies (:
Your testosterone is too low
I’ve actually been playing Hitman 2016 since I got it for free a while ago but never touched it. But goddamn I love the small but detailed maps, why the fuck wasn’t MGSV just five to six GZ size maps and some boss battles?
What pandemic? Everytime I'm sick I just play Dragon's Dogma.
>MFW virology Professor and myself were discussing; that maybe the coronavirus is triggered by a particular sound or even language vibration in the body
>”That’s why some it affects and others it doesn’t”
>but that doesn’t explain why it’s only killing old people and young children
>”but that’s the kicker, old people have a particular vibration sound to how they talk.”
Stupid hypothesis but hey
>TFW Louis Pasteur is rolling in his grave at such a notion and /sci/ is having a hard attack at the very idea of this hypothesis
So would this scene imply that Joosten is Navajo...?
Pontypool much?
I'm playing SOTC remake and RDR2.
Soon gonna play AC7 and Star wars JFO
Michigan report from hell
Poor Brisco :(
>wojak nigger
>talking shit to literally ANYONE about personal taste
fucking lol. kill yourself you unoriginal newfag
>you share this board with Anons who will be quarantined and/or die before Butterlord releases
>A glorified flu with low killing rate with palliative treatment already available
Pandemic 2
>Acting like the Corona virus is anywhere near deadly.
We may as well just go back to work and then get vaccines in a few months.
The worst that can happen is we get sniffly and cough a bit for a while.
Only old people and people with health issues should be quarantined.
If you want to be comfy
The amount of people who got meme'd into the fear propaganda is ridiculous. Humanity truly is lost now.
Nah bro is just a flu hahaha
It happens with any widespread illness that's not well known.
Swine flu, bird flu, ebola.
It's just even worse this time because it's spread further, more quickly. After all is said and done everything will go back to normal until the next new thing comes along and everyone immediately forgets that the world-ending virus didn't actually end the world.
I'm jumping game to game because I don't know what to do with all this time.
Come back when the death toll reaches 300k+ like influenza.
How does it feel knowing I just broke your small minded vision? How does it feel knowing it's not fear propaganda?
I fucking annihilated you.
Sit down.
Be humble.
>age-old virus with 27 million mutated versions currently has killed more people than new virus with no mutations yet
I am shocked
you're so fucking retarded it hurts
please walk outside and touch everything, hope the virus kills you.
I guess having Influenza is worse than Ebola then or what are you trying to say?
You're so smart, user.
death stranding
The Last of Us
>Proving him right
user BTFO himself
Oh boy....
this. just got it and loving it, it just fits especially if your an eastern europoor.
>men go bald because of high testosterone
Reality is gonna buttfuck your mind something awful when you finally drop out of high school.
This time is worse. Swine flu was the closest thing and everyone forgot easily when magically Tamiflu was the actual "cure". Swine flu was actually lethal.
Lethality is what makes these viruses stop spreading because they need live hosts to exist. Since the mortality rate for COVID-19 is so low, the virus can spread a lot more easily.
Which means nothing if a virus that is feared can't kill. This whole thing was overblown the fuck out of proportion seeing it with a cool head.
See you in 2 months.
You would think, but Hideo probably didn’t even realize it.
Resident Evil 2 Remake and 3 Remake Demo.
Literally the same.
Virus made deadlier in a lab and it escaped.
>Wuhan Virus test lab
>Wuhan is the ground zero for the outbreak
Corona G virus.
>Corona is deadly virus
But we all know the quality of Chinese products
can't wait for America to get hit, that's gonna be a fun time to browse Yas Forums
>China virus exploding out of control
geralt really let himself go
The death rate is pretty high, but remember the normal flu kills tens of thousands yearly in the USA alone
The real issue is with no vaccine this flu can spread easily and infect far more people.
The flu of 1918 killed millions globally because its spread was not managed well, not because it was any more or less severe.
Influenza already is a serious disease and should be taken seriously.
People are too passive when it comes to disease control which causes problems like this and mass panic.
Living in Asia I can see how people take disease far more seriously and the government in my country has taken very rapid steps to halt any spread from the beginning.
Death Stranding is real
High testosterone correlates with healthy thick full hair, not being scrawny and bald
Using steroids causes baldness because it fucks with your system
Observer. It takes place during a pandemic where everyone is under a lockdown. Also, Cyberpunk
Why dont white people just wear masks?
why don't old people just die