Doom Eternal is such a letdown, holy shit. 2016 was an infinitely better game, here's why Eternal sucks (I've only played till level 3 but I've seen enough)
>the soundtrack is shit, zero memorable tunes, 2016 had a great fitting soundtrack.
>gun handling is 1000x worse, they feel like they have no heft and the gun sounds like the shotgun and the rifle are just bad. The shotgun sounds like a BB gun, zero punch to it. It's disgusting.
>the level design is shit too, the earlier levels of 2016 were so much better.
>some demons look worse, one of them even has a zoomer haircut now, the hand cannon demon. The regular imps look like shit too. The rest are fine.
>the upgrades are so many this time around, it detracts from the fast paced nature of the game because you're forced to look around for shit to get stronger instead of just pushing through.
What a shitshow. The shit guns ruined it entirely, they should have just reused the 2016 weapons and sound effects. It's beyond shitty. I get no joy from using them.
Made it to level 3 and it SUCKS
>I've only played till level 3
Is this another forced meme?
Come on. Will the guns, the soundtrack, magically get better after level 3? Didn't think so. The guns are worse than Call of Duty.
Shit opinion. Shit thread.
Great game though.
Ir's cool to hate awesome games....
This is the Yas Forums way :)
Its a hella epic game for dummies and teens.
Playing nudoom is the equivalent of watching mainstream news.
Its the feel of the game and everything surrounding it.
Its the Joe Biden of games.
It caters to this oblivious, hyped idiot type consumer who lives on buzzwords and inanities.
Its as if a bunch of has beens gathered and tried to think about what the youngsters like and then just shove it into one game.
I'm at level 3 and the story is terrible. It doesn't even tackle climate change or trans rights
I just read this guy's review and he's 100% on the money. 2016 had an exciting intro, really set the tone for the game. There's tons more unlockables here aka bloat, and the glory kills are indeed less visceral. Typical of a retard like you to disregard valid impressions just because he hasn't finished the game.
My biggest gripe is with the guns. Do you really like the new shotgun compared to 2016's shotgun? It looks wimpy and the sound effect is so dampened, it just doesn't feel like you're shooting a shotty.
DOOM 16 didn't have any memorable music either, until you get to the Necropolis where Rip & Tear plays.
>who was BFG division
This shit is so fucking bad, I'm using a goddamn training because I hate the guns that much
I'm just gonna cheat till the end and delete this piece of shit.
Would you believe me if I said yes? The super shotgun in Eternal (which you get halfway through level 3 btw) is one of the most satisfying guns I've ever fired, especially once you've gotten that mastery (protip it's really really easy to get with that crowd of zombies at the start of level 3) and the Arbalest and Chaingun are also really good. The rifle and shotgun you should have now are alright, but they're definitely the most boring weapons in the game.
That does make me happier. I love the plasma rifle I got, if the rest of the guns are just as good I'm gonna have a great time. I'm at the part where I control the revenant to get the SS, I'll get back to it.
Its a hella epic game for dummies and teens.
Playing nudoom is the equivalent of watching mainstream news.
Its the Joe Biden of fps games.
It caters to this oblivious, hyped idiot type consumer who lives on buzzwords and inanities.
Its as if a bunch of has beens and marketers gathered in a room and tried to think about what the youngsters like and then just shoved it into one game.
Its the feel of the game and everything surrounding it.
They essentially made a single player console arena shooter.
The fucking console font and style of the menus, the gun upgrades, the constant need to jump around and do acrobatics and the need to change weapons non stop.
like an xbox kiddie just drank a can of monster.
Marathoned the first 3 lines of OP's post. What did I think of it?
The SS is fun to use but it sounds like it's shooting a nail or something, instead of two shells. The explosive crackle it had in 2016 was vastly better.
God I'm tired
Go play Call of duty then
>Do you really like the new shotgun compared to 2016's shotgun?
Yes, not only does it have better range and stagger more often, the full auto mastery essentially gives it unlimited ammo, it has better DPS than 2016's SSG.
Nah, you just both happen to be the same kind of retarded.
Didn't read
This is not your new TORtanic
kill yourself
For a more ballanced point of view:
I have to say, the game did not set a good first impression. The menu's are god damn awful and there is so much bloat and clutter around the U.I. it took me literally like two levels to figure out what does what shit tracker even relate to.
The first level is underwhelming as hell, the starting shotty does indeed feel weeker than the one in 2016 at first, the intro is kinda lame and the cartoony visuals with secrets being giant floating questions marks and shit did not help the impression.
Plus the lives system felt totally unnecessary at best, the levels are more cluttered making it at first glance harder to judge what is climinble and what is not and so on. And yeah, the story is somehow even more shit than 2016: unfocused, grandiose but without impact.
Now I'm about 11 hours into the game and I had changed my opinion of it entirely around. I fucking love it, it's a straight up improvement on the first game, it's fucking glorious and insanely fun:
But it does take a bit of time to grow on you. All the weird shit makes sense retroactively - the story is WHO FUCKING CARES, IT'S DOOM and gameplay is flat out amazing.
So what I'm saying is - ignoring all the desperate crybabies who genuinely just want to whine: Not getting a good first impression is actually quite understandable, and I can see how some people would not feel particularly thrilled at first.
It's a great game, much, MUCH better than the previous one, but it does not exactly start out great.
This game is literally made for a niche, it's the soulsborne of FPS games.
And another thing: if you did not like nu-Doom's Arena style approach and glorykill system, Eternal is DEFINITELY not going to fix it for you. It actually pushes on that formula even further: glory-kills are more important than ever, arena-style combat is more prominent and longer than before.
It kinda makes up it's own formula though. I see it as a new branching out of the genre. It kinda takes up the best of games like Painkiller and Shadow Warrior 2 and polishes it up with it's own few twists.
If you really don't like it for some reason though, there are plenty of more traditional shooters like Dusk, Amid Evil, the upcoming Wrath, so go play those instead.
>being mad at videogames
>It actually pushes on that formula even further: glory-kills are more important than ever
This is not really true at all since your armour meter acts as an extension of health rather than a damage debuff, you should be abusing the flame belch and meathook and killing enemies outright to get fat showers of armour shards, you shouldn't be taking HP damage at all.
Add to this how aggressively enemies mob you and the myriad of new melee attacks that they have and glory kills are greatly dis-incentivized over 2016
>"I've only played till level 3 but I've seen enough"
Fuck off, seriously.
>Typical of a retard like you to disregard valid impressions just because he hasn't finished the game.
How do you transfaggot about "reviewing" a movie after seen the first 20 minutes only?
I find the sheer amount of damage going your way impossible to withstand without constantly topping up by glory-killing weaker mobs, and it seems the game is designed with that in mind, considering how much random cannon-fodder it is throwing at you along side the major threats. Ammo is another thing: there is rarely enough ammo in the map to get by without using the chainsaw regularly through out each encounter. And considering that you can get the "do glory kills from greater distance rune" literally after the tutorial, it feels like the game agrees with me.
But then again, maybe this is a testament of how different individual playstyles the game can facilitate, and both of us have just a very different approach to encounters and frankly - builds.
Either way, game's good, yo.
lmao dumbass use btdb
>the starting shotty does indeed feel weeker than the one in 2016 at first
Wrong. So fucking wrong. Etnerla's default shotgun is so much stronger than 2016's it's not even funny; not even talking about mods either.
I fucking love how much mobility is in this game, I love dashing around and shooting demons underneath me with rockets.
I torrented it. This makes me completely unbiased.
It's okay. Worse than 2016. 6/10 from me, while 2016 was an 8/10. Too much bullshit cluttering the core gameplay which drags it down.
>Wrong. So fucking wrong. Etnerla's default shotgun is so much stronger
But it genuinely does not feel that way, not in primary fire mode. It's far more useful, far better ballanced, it actually does bigger damage and handless a hell of a lot better - it's all around a better designed weapon, but the first time you shoot it, it feels weirdly weak compared to how the 2016 one felt when you fired it first.
frogposting retard
You would have loved Shadow Warrior 2 in that case. Doom Ethernal borrows a LOT from that game - far more than anyone realizeds (arguably, more from SW2 than from Doom 2016) - but the mobility in SW2 was even one step above.
Shame SW2 cluttered the game with it's very clever, deep and complex, but completely-out-of-place micromanagement and build optimization. Plus the level variety was shit, but then again it was a pure arena shooter, so...
>But it genuinely does not feel that way
Maybe it's your brain being used to the fact that your starting weapons in these games always suck.
2016's was weak from the first time you shot it til the last, often taking 3 shots to down a single imp. Eternal's one shots imps every time.
I've been meaning to get into SW2...but I really didn't like the micromanagement mechanics you've mentioned, they did discourage me as it wasn't what I was looking for.
Not really. I've played Doom 2016 and Eternal basically back to back. Again, I'm talking about feeling - sound, impact on enemies, especially the first batch of them. Which also may have a lot to do with it: the first possessed you meet are far more rigid and feel more spongy than the ones you encountered at the very start of nu-Doom. In fact, I suspect they are intentionally set up to be: I've noticed I could NOT get a headshot on the first batch of enemies with either shotgun or later on when I replayed the level the assault rifle, but later on headshots happened regularly.
well I mean if you gonna steal something steal something good
small brain take
I am one of the very few people in the world who genuinely really enjoyed SW2: both the combat, and the micromanagement. Which is odd because I genuinely despise looter-shooters, or Diablo-style loot-based gameplay in general.
There was something about the way SW2 worked though: a level of complexity that once you understood, MASSIVELY empowered you. You'd have to spend up to 30 minutes really fiddling around with the gems, really thinking about how to best optimize your arsenal, which was slow and basically a fucking spread-sheet management: But the way that then translated into the combat was absolutely AMAZING.
SW2 is such an odd game, and I completely understand why most people did not like it. It was also heavily a fault of the devs because they advertised it ALL WRONG (they basically sold it as a Borderlands-Clone, with emphasis on coop and loot, when in reality, it was... something entirely different). The game also did a horrible job at explaining it's mechanics too.
Most of people who played it never understood how the loot actually works, and what are you supposed to do. They thought: "You need to get the highest numbers" - which then did not work, their builds were terrible, and as a result, the combat felt terrible, because damage-feedback in SW2 is directly proportional to enemy health-pool / your damage: if you had your weapons poorly optimized, the gunplay felt SHIT, and if you had them optimized well, it felt AMAZING.
has anyone done one of those boomer zoomer memes but with hayden going "noooo you cant just shoot a hole into mars to open a portal to sentinel nooooo" and doomguy saying "haha bfg 10000 go pew pew" yet? its been in my mind ever since I played through that part and I cant stop thinking about it.
Why the fuck are people shitposting this game so hard. Is Yas Forums really that ass hurt about it being good?
It's not good. It's just okay.
Doom 2016
>fun, fast, and to the point
Doom 2020
>here's all this exposition + tons of tutorials + bad level design
The exposition in 2016 just came in twenty minutes into the game instead of at the start, and was unskippable, where as in Eternal, you can skip all of it.
The tutorials are obnoxious as hell: but you can disable them in the menu before you even launch the game.
Level design wise - it's... I'd say each has its own merrits. Ultimately, I like Eternal's a lot more because the levels are at least memorable theme-wise and more to the point, they facilitate for the far more fun core gameplay. That said: it does not make the leves necessarily better: they are a bit more linear at heart, secrets are more obvious for sure: it may be the overal far better core gameplay loop that makes me like the levels of Eternal more, rather than the level desing itself.
I do appreciate the fact that they are more memorable visually and theme wise, even though I think the story is actually far, far worse than in the first game.
>here's all this exposition
Is it really that bad? I can handle the different gameplay, but are they really this out of touch?
a shit post nonetheless, also be grateful u didn't actually complain about lack of ammo zoomers crap. try play the classic DOOM on mid-hard difficulty & then complain the lack of ammo LOL
fugg i love that game too just for the eternal dash and swordplay.
>Is it really that bad?
It's entirely skippable, unlike in 2016. You never get locked in a room listening to someone ramble for two minutes. Any time the gameplay stops for more than ten seconds, you just hold R down and skip right back to the gameplay. No long scripted set pieces - you are either watching a (skippable) cutscene, shooting, or platforming.
Only respite from constant action is the Doom Forstress which you visit every two missions or so, where you can wonder around looking at what you unlocked and shit. Frakly the doom fortress is needless at core and needlesly large, but again, the time you actually HAVE to spend there is near none, it's all optional stuff, you can just jump right into the next mission.
So... the story is actually less intrusive in Eternal than it was in 2016. It is a lot worse and more clunky, but less intrusive.
Doom 2016 had a single well designed level, Foundry. Doom Eternal's levels are significantly better because they have a much greater approach to encounter variety and scale, every fight in 2016 felt the same after a few upgrades.
Tutorials can be turned off.
Doom 2016 literally has a 5 minute unskippable segment where a robot exposits at you.
2016 was far easier to play, this game is ridiculous. There's endless demons and doom hunters and shit
Can't wait for a more casual FPS
>the soundtrack is shit, zero memorable tunes, 2016 had a great fitting soundtrack.
why does anyone talk about the nudoom soundtracks as if they're worth mentioning?
they're both just fart noises on repeat
it's the same god damn game. I didn't like 2016, I don't like this. It should be vice versa for anyone who did.
>t. too stupid to adapt to the systems
>It's entirely skippable,
not an argument
>not an argument
I think these threads are just becoming a breeding grounds for shitposters so terrible that any remaining semblance of a rational discussion will soon be sucked out.
>bing bing wahoo
What the FUCK happened?
its hard to take someone who suggests '16 had good or better level design than eternal seriously
>What the FUCK happened?
I'm more of an RTS fag.
The hell are you on about? What are you referencing?
so is doomguy actually.