How is everyone enjoying DOOM Eternal?

How is everyone enjoying DOOM Eternal?

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Other urls found in this thread: nudoom is the equivalent of watching mainstream news./

The aiming feels weird. Also it changes my monitor refresh rate away from 144hz every time I stop playing.

I’m on Xbox One X on Nightmare with a Controller. About at the end of Level 3. I think I’m going to switch it to Ultra-Violence since it is allowed and doesn’t effect Achievements. Will I be losing out on more Praetor tokens or anything like that by lowering the difficulty? By the way the game is out of this world.

I couldn't open the damn thing. Updated drivers, reinstalled drivers, reinstalled the game, rebooted every step of the way. Still thinks that my card drivers are from 2016 and refuses to launch.
Never buy a game new; in this industry it's standard to ship a product that just plain doesn't work. Wait till patches.
Better yet, wait till sales.
I've heard it's more restrictive than 2016, though. Demands that you play a certain way, and kill demons a certain way. Sucks.

why the hell would i ever enjoy anything

>pc gaming

Mustard race strikes again.

lol shit pc

I'm loving it, but the story feels very jarrring compared to D44M. I've played for eight hours and I still don't understand how I got out of Hell or how I got the doom fortress.

try disabling steam overlay
i went from sub 40 fps on lowest settings to consistent 75+fps on high settings just by disabling steam overlay

It's pretty great. Took me a while to get used to being forced to chainsaw for ammo and use the right ammo at all times, but once you get into the flow of things, it becomes zen-like.

Also, digging the lore, despite the way it's doled out.

Maybe try looking at the catalogue next time, shitter.

hows the multiplayer?

That would be nice if I could actually open the damned thing.

At first I was rather angry at how the game forces you to switch to shotgun to kill cacodemons, but later on you get more options so its fine.

just a suggestion
thought it might've helped anyway

This. I'm totally up for a more story heavy installment this time around, but it's very poorly implemented.

Not at all because its a hella epic game for dummies and teens.
Playing nudoom is the equivalent of watching mainstream news.
Its the feel of the game and everything surrounding it.
Its the Joe Biden of games.
It caters to this oblivious, hyped idiot type consumer who lives on buzzwords and inanities.
Its as if a bunch of has beens gathered and tried to think about what the youngsters like and then just shove it into one game.


40 years old and loving it. Kill yourself, edgelord.

>how do i open pdf

>how do I do this thing my generation literally invented?
Are you serious with this shit, Timmy? Go to bed.

>40 years old
>"Kill yourself,"

It's fucking epic I love the cinematic kills they are so cool oh and the cutscenes where doom guy is badass hahah! rip and tear!!!

Attached: soy shaking.gif (263x301, 383.41K) nudoom is the equivalent of watching mainstream news./

jesus christ

Appreciate the attempt, user. You were just trying to help, I didn't need to take it out on you. I'll give it a try if and when I can get it to launch.

Do you think we stop being assholes as we age, or something? Are you really that dense? Or is it that I shouldn't be using language that's as old as the internet at this point?

Hoooly shit, Timmy is a full-blown autist. Carry on, Timmy.

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>that's as old as the internet

Its a hella epic game for dummies and teens.
Playing nudoom is the equivalent of watching mainstream news.
Its the Joe Biden of fps games.
It caters to this oblivious, hyped idiot type consumer who lives on buzzwords and inanities.
Its as if a bunch of has beens and marketers gathered in a room and tried to think about what the youngsters like and then just shoved it into one game.
Its the feel of the game and everything surrounding it.

They essentially made a single player console arena shooter.
The fucking console font and style of the menus, the gun upgrades, the constant need to jump around and do acrobatics and the need to change weapons non stop.
like an xbox kiddie just drank a can of monster.

to be fair to him i've posted it once or twice too because i think it's hilarious

64 is unironically better.

Why are there so many bots shit-talking Doom?

Beat the campaign, loved it. Multiplayer seems a bit unbalanced, feels like the Slayer's at a massive disadvantage.


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Laughing at the mentally ill isn't cool.

Because there are so many bots spamming non stop doom threads

you're good. I was just shocked what a difference it made on my end.


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The fortress of doom has the ability to open portals which vega controls. That's how. At least in d44m it made sense on where you went, this game it's just fucking portals.

>demands you kill demons a certain way
2016 annoying challenges come to mind

>playing an FPS with a controller

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The funny thing is that he doesn't actually have any objection to you doing so. And that scene where you do blow a hole in mars in fucking hilarious because of this dialogue and a few others.

No one cares no game loser.

Bots advertising Doom are fighting against bots shitting on Doom. Vidya...has changed.

Is the speed loss on the second to last jump from him hitting a wall or does the game slow you down if you try to bhop?

fuck off

I went in blind on nightmare and I'm having alot of fun with my asshurt.

>Gen X
lol, if there was ever a generation with worse taste, well there wouldn't be Gen X

The gimmicks are shit. I pirated the game and I still feel like I was scammed.

It looks nice. 4K60, everything maxed in HDR. Shame it's so annoying to actually play because of the absurdly low ammo. I ran out of everything twice so far and that melee attack doesn't even kill a lil' zombie no matter how many times you punch them, let alone anything stronger. So I had to stand there and wait for them to kill me... twice... that was "fun".

I have a PS4 and A Switch too. And Xbox games on PC which I obviously don't use.

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Why would someone make a bot just to shit on a game on an anonymous image board? What would drive someone to that kind of madness?

You can use whatever you want, but demons have weak spots or certain guns tend to work better. Like you can use the scope of the heavy canon to shoot off mancubs arms or spider turrets, but you can do the same with the sticky grenade or good aiming with any other gun or even splash damage. The only time it becomes boring is using the sticky bomb on cacodemons because they immediately get stunned, so it feels like they're just a weak fodder demon compared to the rest of the bigger demons.

>he plays an fps with a controller
zoom zoom

Use the fucking chainsaw you dumbass.

I'm disappointed.

I loved Doom 2016, it seems like everything in Eternal is a step backward.

The atmosphere is too bright, and the overall delivery feels very "video-game-ey". The glory kills never really broke my immersion, but in eternal the entire game breaks my immersion.

The soundtrack is Godawful compared to 2016, and the menu layout seems super cheap by comparison as well.

But overall, I'm having fun with it because I really like the actual gameplay. The combat feels smooth and fast to me, and I like the ultraviolence. I just wish the attitude wasn't so...campy.

Also, am I missing something? Where the fuck is deathmatch/team dm? Am I a brainlet and can't find it, or did they deliberately leave out the real multiplayer? All I got was this 2 demons vs 1 slayer bullshit and I can't seem to find anything else? Who made this retarded ass decision?

>leaving VEGA at Urdak
their gonna pull some halo 5 shit huh

I just couldnt justify paying 60 bucks for doom in 2020. It doesnt have anything worth the amount of cash they are asking for it. I feel the same way with wolfenstein now a days.

>The soundtrack is Godawful compared to 2016
How in the absolute fuck do you make a soundtrack worse than the shit that was in 2016?

>it eventually runs out of fuel
Wow, what a protip!

>it recharges
Wow, what a retard!

>Out of AMMO
>Out of AMMO
>Out of AMMO
>Out of AMMO
>Out of AMMO

The game does not respect player agency, will be good when 4x ammo mod comes out

Literally same dude. All the 'humor' is very forced too where any in 2016 was subtle.

I also don't like how it went from Sci-Fi to Fantasy.

The chainsaw regens fuel up to one pip, enough to kill a zombie, imp, or possessed soldier.

wtf is your computer like
it just instantly booted via proton on my laptop running manjaro+proton and the performance has been great

>a video games feels "video-game-ey"

It's fucking strange
> Feel like I was thrown into some random ass story
> Doom guy is basically batman now, has some floating space castle cave thing suddenly
> Not only do you have to use all your weapons, you now have some flame shoulder thing, blood punch, grande launcher, and dash to keep track of
> Story is completely random and thrown in, have no clue what's going on
> Gay ass hell priests always talking
> Aiming feels off
I don't know, this game has so far been strange. It doesn't quite feel right for some reason. Doom 2016 was extremely enjoyable but jesus.

>I also don't like how it went from Sci-Fi to Fantasy.
nigger. Doom isn't in a fucking fantasy setting really? God damn these shills are retarded

I'm a huge doom fan and I'm a little disappointed. Movement seems slow, the character feels heavy.

I dont like the forced badass persona, it feels like a Bollywood movie.

Game is more survival/resourcemanagement based and meh.
I'll get in an arena once and awhile and feel great. I dont like how the map shows where everything is. I feel like I'm noth sprinting through everything but instead checking the map every 10 seconds.

I only just met the betrayer so I'm not far into it

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Should have just bought borderlands 3

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would you, Yas Forums?

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Not instantly.

I dunno, I kinda liked the 2016 soundtrack. It was a little cringey, sure, but it wasn't SO bad. At least it went with the game. Eternal's soundtrack just sounds like noise to me, and the main menu music makes me want to rip and tear my own fucking dick off.