What the fuck where they thinking?

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They were thinking about GOTY


what the frick, no spoilers pls

So far ive fought him once and hes pretty fucking annoying.
I can only imagine how hard he will fuck up battles later on once he spawns with an army alongside him

he's the epitome of eternal's "revamped" combat
just simple pattern recognition
>wait for him to shoot projectile
>then wait for him to run right at you
>wait for him to do telegraphed attack animation while glowing bright green so you know what's happening
>shoot with shotgun
>repeat 8 times until dead

The problem from my experience is that when they appear in combat with all the other enemy types he just ruins the flow of combat.

>doing a slayer gate
>archviles, pain elementals, and whiplashes fucking everywhere
>manage to kill them all
>suddenly a fucking cyberdemon
Jesus fuck, I nearly shit my pants.

I'm using a trainer for the whole game, it's too stressful.


git gud

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HAHAHAHAHAHA IS THIS NIGGER SERIOUS??? Imagine being such an absolute beta that you can't even beat a SINGLEPLAYER game without resorting to cheating. Un-fucking believable, to think I share a board with these bugpeople.

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BASED Marauderchad shitting on FALSE IDOLS and USUPERS

Its a hella epic game for dummies and teens.
Playing nudoom is the equivalent of watching mainstream news.
Its the feel of the game and everything surrounding it.
Its the Joe Biden of games.
It caters to this oblivious, hyped idiot type consumer who lives on buzzwords and inanities.
Its as if a bunch of has beens gathered and tried to think about what the youngsters like and then just shove it into one game.

>die like 20 times fighting him on Nightmare
>using super shotgun to counter him, but get overwhelmed by the adds because every time I turn to chainsaw one of them he summons like 5 wolves and everything spirals out of control
>remember I have the ballista
>beat him in one go using it instead of super shotty
fun fight

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He also doesn't block the splash damage of the rocket launcher

>This enemy is as powerful as you are! Which means he'll be a tough rival!
Again and again game devs tried to implement a "Rival" on games, an enemy who is in equal terms to the player and actually puts up a fight instead of being mowed down like a regular mook.
However, they never get it right; this rival will either be laughably weak or unfairly overpowered. No middle ground.
You'd think game devs would've noticed that this "Rival" shit just simply doesn't work by now.

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Doom 2016 had far better handling, it was easy as fuck there. I can't do it here, it's beyond annoying having to jump around and shoot and juggle the weapon mods and the grenades and the chainsaw and the fucking flame belch.

what about Dark Link or Vergil

A rival enemy should never be one that fights with rank and file enemies, the only way they work is if they are boss characters and it's a one on one fight.

I figured that might be a thing but I also didnt want to risk killing myself with spash damage trying to counter

Vergil exists user.
If by "game devs", you mean "Western" game devs, then I dunno. I'm certain a good rival character made by a westerner exists somewhere.

Whiplash are way more fucking annoying.

nice neck

Icebomb them.

Out of 5 fights in the series, Vergil has one actually challenging fight. Unless you want to count Nero Angelo, then it's more.

This game is such a dizzying catastrophe

is this what happens when you grow up on halo and cawadoody?

Yeah it's a weird enemy to throw into the arenas since he is clearly designed as a 1v1 fight.

Eternal controls exactly the same just with a few new toys to use.

yet Vergil is bar none the best rival character in a video game.

All of the Virgil fights in 3 and the Dante fight in 5 are very hard on higher difficulties, Nero too if you can't do the slam
Nelo Angelo is probably the easiest boss in 1 even if he's fun as fuck, the sword shenanigans in his last fight are the only real tricky part

I don't know what I was expecting but it certainly wasn't that fight. Not fun, hope it's more interesting in bigger arenas.

The game is kino until these fucks spawn in at the same time as other shitheads on these crowded arenas. Very fun fighting this edgelord while a cacodemon sneaks up on me and kills me in one hit.

I just said 2016 was a piece of cake. I've been playing gaymes since the last century, man.

That one hidden fight with him was the worst fight in the game.

Why am I having such a bad time here then?

Because Eternal is a fuck ton harder than 2016.

It takes some getting used to. Eternal forces you to use those extra tools to survive. I never had to use the chainsaw in 2016, but it's a regular necessity in Eternal. Same goes for the flame belch and glory kills.

I actually really liked the boss fight with him. When he starts spawning in the middle of arena waves it's fucking infuriating though

literally fuck this guy, worst enemy in the entire game
in the last levels he ruins combat

Glad I didn’t buy it.

It is? That makes me feel better. I thought something was up with me.

I just ignore him and hop around the arena wasting adds until he's all that's left(plus the worthless adds) or he dies from collateral damage. The later is what typically happens.

Same. They can't get away with making it harder for no reason.

Why does this fucking game run worse than NuDoom? Getting 60-70 with dips to 40 and below while in Doom 2016 I get a consistent over 100-200+ FPS. It doesn't fucking make sense. The UI is smoother than the game itself.

>complaining about combat in doom
doom has ALWAYS had combat that's so basic and stupid that even a retard can master it in a few minutes, it's built so brainlets can do well in it

Yes, as a brainlet myself I don't like the idea of challenge

>using a trainer
>when the game literally has cheats in it
just use the ingame cheats and have fun user

>that arachnotron glory kill where you flip them upside down on their head

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Yeah, I myself prefer a game with no challange where I can just 1 trick pony through the game


Rival fights are the consistently most successful boss fight type. Boss fights have a habit of being poorly implemented but I will always get more hyped over that than any kind of helicopter, tank, "giant monster you don't actually fight but have to avoid and press buttons", or big ugly thing with a big eyeball weakspot.

ok so am i expecting not to get fucked up by 100 other enemies while waiting for this guy or what

This motherfucker is so annoying, he just refuses to get stunned sometimes.

>being retarded
using the air-burst rockets caves his asshole in

eternal basically picks up difficulty wise where 2016 left off, but you have only basic weapons, and no runes or upgrades
they fucking throw mancys, arachnotrons, and revenants at you before you even see your first pinky

>this is fun but they need to throw more enemies at me for this to be perfect
>Eternal, first slayer gate
>8 gargoyles surrounding me at all times, dread knights waiting for their turn to spawn and ruin my day, and few arachnotrons for good measure, somewhere, a todd is crying

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Pinkies are way harder, too. They aren't fucking about when they say to hit it from the back, and it has this kind of thrashing attack if you let it hit you and just dumbly try to walk around it that will just keep scoring hits. Once you learn how to swerve it's fine, but they definitely make you learn that.

>doing gates as I'm playing through the stages for the first time
>2 cyberdemons at once and a doom hunter + revenants and the obligatory swarm of imps, gargs, soldiers, and prowlers

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>face 2 marauders in battle mode
>all they do is throw their axe with the occasional shotgun
They got nerfed hard there

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