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Your a fucking disgusting time traveller

gold is a soft metal dummy

>play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Don't hit ROCKS with an axe

you can't

guys i think OP isn't talking about it breaking, but the animation for it breaking, I mean look at it.

Clearly we need diamond tools the hardest metal known to man.

Did they seriously put BOTW's terrible degradation gimmick in AC?

Jesus Christ, Iwata didn't die for this.

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Yeah weapons break before even killing a single villager.

>cartoinish puff of smoke
What is the issue with that? He is clearly talking about the golden axe breaking.

Who cares? I couldn't give less a shit that they decided to make the animation a poof away while its in your hands
The fact a GOLDEN shovel can break is bullshit. Why do we need breakable tools past the tutorial?


mostly inspired from minecraft from what i hear.
something along the lines of adding extra time sinks, and seeing ppl put up with durability in minecraft tools, adding extra time wasted repairing, and the slow process of gathering materials. (in comparison to prior animal crossing games)

my issue was the animation.
then again, i dont play animal crossing games, so its not like it really matter to me. just thought it was an odd animation.

I thought the golden axe was unbreakable across the series. Why the fuck would they do that?

>gold tools break

So much this

Previous games, the axe had a break animation

But does it actually break on trees?

>Cartoonish looking game has cartoonish animations
Oh my god

Wtf are they even allowed to do that?

I cant imagine why they incorporated this. There's some nook miles achievement for having your tools break X number of times, but thats just a reason to put up with it, and having to grind materials over and over again even for higher tier tools is just annoying. It sucked in MC and it sucks here too, and nobody asked for it

Then go play the older games, motherfucker. This is a NEW game for a NEW generation of Animal Crossing players. Either keep up or get lost in the dust.

fuck off, zoomer


There's no excuse to not have the highest tier tool unbreakable
We deserve the option

Lmao it is really this serious tbph

>Golden tools break
What the actual fuck? Also, fuck off time traveller

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I can't defend playing a female character in the already feminine game like Animal Crossing as a male

>golden shovel breaks
why? what purpose does this serve?

Are gold tools still the strongest tools in the game or is there a new tier now that gold tools can be crafted?

Come to my island. Dodo code is MB8KM.

I hope you catch the germs and die.

So do we all agree that New Horizons is the soulless entry?

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>hitting a rock with a fucking axe
What the fuck were you expecting?

Autists here reset their game to get the best fruit and map and make sure their waifu lives in their town but time traveling is bad? Hypocrisy.

Nintendo can literally do no wrong.

too bad it'll be as successful as sword and shield dexlet

Axes have had durability since the very first animal crossing game

Can someone please buy me the animal crossing game? I will do anything

It's okay there's no gender in Animal Crossing, you can say that you're a big manly man while wearing that cute dress.

>based retard doesn't see the golden axe in OP's webm
let me guess, you are >merely pretending, right?

Yes I remember my axe never breaking in previous games................

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Can confirm. I basically made a female character but made him male.

It's fun.

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>don't insult people for eating feces when there are people who eat live animals

just make another, retard

It's a kid's game OP,get over it.

>It's okay when Nintendo does it: the fanbase

new friend to the series, whats the big deal and why are there so many accusations of time travel? trying to get into new horizons...

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>He thinks golden axes broke in past games

Also reminder:
>No touch screen for making patterns, but you get it to write text
>Breakable tools
>Have to leave your catches outside for a good three days in a row
>Art, gyroids, cafe not in day one with no word on their return, might end up being paid DLC
>Access to large swathes of the island is gated
>Can't get hourly music until you get town hall
>All this tutorial bullshit lasts a fucking WEEK
It's a fun game, but come on user.

I think you're baiting but I'll fall for it anyway.

The series runs in real time, if it's 4PM for you it's 4PM in-game. The dates match and all that, so to get to events and items available on certain days or times people change their system clock to "time travel" and get everything within like a week in a game you're supposed to spend at least a year playing.


make up your fucking mind, you spergs

>Either keep up or get lost in the dust.
thats actually a pretty rad phrase, you sure you didnt die in the 90s and came back as a zoomer?

not b8, sincere newfag to AC. thanks for the needed context.

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>no picrelated

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>all of the retards are one person
kill yourself

>posting real superheroes
good taste

>reeeee we're not NPC, promise
complaints about realistic water were half the fucking thread, you nob

You obviously didn't play enough to get the Golden Axe. Fuck off, heathen

OP spawned it in

The golden axe is new though. What the fuck are you people talking about? The SILVER axe was in the original. This shit wasn't in the original all the way up to pocket camp.


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Based troll.

I'm interested in playing an AC but the new one seems kinda bland plus I can't pirate it.
Should I play Wild World or New Leaf? (I want handheld)

>the golden axe is new
Dumb fuck

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kill yourself, fucking idiot

wrong nigger, the golden axe existed before you did

>a good three days in a row
cringe I got blathers an hour into the ganm

That's a golden axe made with a recipe, a future update will add the fountain where you can get the infinite axe

On day one, after you give 5 donations to Nook, you're locked until Blathers sets up the next day. After you give 15 donations to Blathers in his tent, you're locked from donating until the museum proper is built. If you're not a retard that sells your first catches, you wind up with a sea of shit around the tent waiting to be donated.

>the fountain
you mean they will bring back the chihuahua npc??

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>people getting desperate and time traveling
why not just using the slow early days to gather a shitton of wood and resources? I know it could be boring at times but at least you could role-play actually getting a deserted island up from the start.

>food analogy

because not even being able to visit 1/2 the island without the pole is fucking stupid

>need wood to make better axe
>break 3 flimsy axes on trees without getting a single piece of wood

What am I missing here? Use axe on tree to get wood...right?

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trees only drop 3x(woods) once per day.

how many times did you bonk a tree pointlessly lmao.

>pole giving you access to the other half of the island
i got some bad news for you user..

>he didn't preload the game and play it at midnight last night
>he's a day behind the curve

Lmao at physicalfags

Each tree gives 3 units of wood. You DID try cutting other trees, right?

fortunately I got the ladder ecipe from visiting an user


IMAGINE not being a PST chad

user is either lying to make himself feel better or lying to make fun of anons that have been saying similar about other items that aren't in the base game. Also given the trend, if they bring back the fountain/well, it'd be Farley. It's probably not going to happen though.

>PSTfag thinks he's relevant
Everything is based around EST and then you other fags adjust accordingly

Enough to break 3 axes, I already said that.

Yes, but none of them dropped anything. I'm a secondary villager, so I think what happened is the main character already got the wood from all the trees earlier today. Also what counts as a new day? It's 2am where I live and nothing changed over. Museum is still being build and the trees are still empty.

5 am is when the day changes.

steam sales always start 10 AM PST

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>this amount of cope over not getting to play the game 3 hours early

Based zoomer

You must do $60 worth of physical labor for me

Fellow PST chad, is there a way for you to share the ladder recipe too?

how do I make a recipe?

I could visit you and maybe drop one off but I dont know how to teach it