Monster Hunter: Iceborne

Who is your monster friend?
Here is mine Icycle Dicknose

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wtf dont insult your animal friends like that

Don't mind me, hanging out with the absolute best girl.

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>bad dragon hole
are they actually tight?

Damn, I want an onahole so much.

i bought the janine, it's not tight with lube, i hear others are tighter

got a video of you using it?

viper tobi is superior, just look at those eyes

No, but if you are curious, just buy a giant plush your height, cut along the seam, put toy, then fuck it. If you don't have a life size-toy, wait till november. Also learn to sew just in case.

let's just call them monsters

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How do I know if a Safi part is already broken or not?

menu-info-safi siege info.

k, thanks.

Safi weapons are retarded.

If I'm an eternal GS autist, what should I be doing vs safi? I notice that I hit his front legs and chest very hard.

we mmo now

Hit his tail. During supercritical switch your attention to breaking his chest.

>fighting Shara
>teammate with Nipnog name
>carts 3 times
Every time

Too bad my state is being locked down by national guard and military starting Monday. People have seen military trucks spreading all across the state the past few days.
I guess I can starve to death while playing mhw

Just got this, is it any good?

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Didn't you learn how to hunt and fish from playing these games?

What state?

all the local wildlife runs away from me when I run at them with a sword

That's just the endemic life you idiot. Try hunting a real target like a grizzly.

Something something Sticky 3 spam.

So I should try and go for a gun that has Sticky 3 rapid fire? Neat, didn't think those existed.

Grab a bowgun and go poach a kelbi, make sure any raw meat you carve is cooked well done because wild monster meat is full of parasites, I would also invest in a dehumidifier so you can turn it into jerky since it'll last a lot longer
Not him, and this is just rumor and hearsay because I haven't confirmed anything myself, but supposedly all of them
No official word on it yet, but a friend that knows a guy in the military was told by that guys family that they're gonna be closing all borders, all states
I don't have any friends in the military to ask myself but a boot would definitely tell his family first if they got orders that shit was going down

just savescam bru

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As in, something about how Safi Aquashot LBG is great for Sticky 3 spam. I don't into bowguns though so I can't elaborate well on it.

The unique rules for sieges have never made the game better, change my mind.

how savescam

Wtf I thoughtthe dev diray was at midnight

Astalos in World when?

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6th gen or portable 5th or whatever will probably bring back most of the old monsters like 4th gen compared to 3rd

also he's a flagship so higher priority

Skills that you get on weapon rolls are predetermined, unless you replace/pick skill on your weapon.
And since game doesn't autosave when you roll you can try different patterns until you find the one that gives you what you want the fastest.

I want insect-based monsters in World

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is this even ED?
looks lame

We most likely won't get a new type of monster in the World anymore. Hopefully in the next game they bring back monster like the insects and the crabs etc.

Go back to sleep Rath

Just a flying wyvern.

That's too bad.
What are you guys wishing for 6th gen? My only request is being on PC

>Fighting a Gold Crown Velkhana in the cramped-ass guiding lands
This is a literal nightmare I've never carted this much in the entirity of the game

>hunting safi P2
>going well
>dc randomly
>check internet, no problem
>check steam, online
>hunt unwinnable
>rewards stolen
This siege dogshit was a fucking mistake.

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>early days of MHW
>following Anjanath
>it sits and watches the horizon

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As monsters get more and more realistic, its stings a bit more to kill them

except raths

>In the end, the real monster was you all along
Has anyone been able to refute this argument?

Don't worry, they're all just paid actors

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ah yes the Gypceros technique

Was MH always this bugged? Heck, was base MHW this bugged?

>i killed shara ishvalda
>nvm it wasn't dead
>i killed xeno jiva
>nvm it wasn't dead
why are hunters so bad at hunting

Xeno is dead as a doorknob. We're just working through the rest of his family now because why stop at one.

then why is the one safi jiva the exact same size as the one xeno jiva

but you didn't kill Xeno, he really was a paid actor. Unfortunately the fall afterwards got him, it is very tragic

When in doubt, claim it was all part of the plan.

So what's up with the shitton of hatched Xeno cocoons in the final area? Did the Safi we encounter eat them all or are there a bunch of Xeno crawling around somewhere

xenojiva molts like a spider or snake


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Only that it's not more World.