You ARE going to cut back on your gaming during Corona right?
It's for the good of society...
You ARE going to cut back on your gaming during Corona right?
It's for the good of society...
How is gaming an issue but there is no mention of streaming services like netflix? That's like several hundreds the times of bandwidth used up.
Online gaming takes barely any bandwidth compared to watching Netflix or other streaming shit.
>implying most of the games I play require any sort of internet connection
Maybe their crap job should provide commercial internet service if they actually expect their cucks to work from home like a dickhead.
I don't play multiplayer games.
I JUST got 2.5 weeks paid time off from work today.
Fuck cutting off gaming.
they told italians to stream only in 480p
There's already been similar statements issued to streaming sites like Netflix
Go fuck yourself I pay for my internet bitch and I’m going to fucking use it mother fucker
Fuck that. Tell the normies to fucking stay off facebook.
BREAKING NEWS: Retarded Twitter nigger doesn't understand that Video Games account for less than 0.5% of total internet bandwidth and are two way static connections requiring little routing processing.
God I want to fuck Kiera.
It really is basically nothing, this Dave guy is a fucking idiot. Even downloading a game isn't anything compared to streaming services.
I guess Google Stadia players can fuck off though. All three of them.
it barely uses any bandwidth, like i'm talking kilobytes
How about you faggots watch your LGBTQITPHJKA Netflix garbage at a reasonable time instead.
Niggers tongue my anus. Xi Jinping can personally suck each of my hairy testicles.
Truly the end times
>Stop using the internet that we will continue to charge monthly regardless of whether you use it
How about fuck you and stop charging me faggots
Imagine reading this unironically
She's beautiful as fuck. If she didn't get into porn she could easily have become famous or a movies star.
This Is so fucking racist
Thank God she went to porn then, just a shame she didn't stay long.
piracychads win once again
Not to be a coomer but that scene is like my favorite of all time
im torrenting hentai throughout the entire corona pandemic and there's nothing you can do to stop me oh also doom eternal :)
Well she left because she got pregnant and had triplets, shame it was with a you know what colored man though
It's the sweater, user.
I don't play multiplayer games, they are for stupid people.
Anyway, i don't know where else to post this but DouchebagChocolat just uploaded a new video, so.....yeah.
Or we can play offline Dave you stupid cunt
They should've used this bitch facescan for jill in RE3
gaming isn't even 1% compared to streaming video
it's literally just streaming video that eats any bandwith nowadays
Gaming is not bandwidth intensive. Gaming requires a reliable connection with good ping. Video streaming uses the most bandwidth, then voice, gaming is very low.
Then throttle me, cunts. You do it anyway.
>when she reaches over the bed to grab his phone and the sweater pulls up to reveal her tushie
Its actually the fucking halloween video he was supposed to release 3 years ago. 3 years late on schedule, this has to be a record.
I've been playing dragons dogma and i just made a cunny team member for my guy to bang in the tent at night
Not like throttling would do anything since a video game server connection is like 640bytes per second.
BREAKING NEWS: gaming takes less bandwidth than streaming video
what is this? a blank post with joker avatar? why are you posting this?
>tfw you work in an "essential" place and need to work
shitting hell
I stream on twitch everyday. Internet companies are jews I don't give a fuck. They make me pay an extra for only marginally better internet you're right I'm going to use it.
Internet is too cheap, they dont have enough money for better\faster hardware.
>Boomers complaining about video game data usage while sitting back and watching the same shit on Netflix over and over.
>You ARE going to cut back on your gaming during Corona right?
Sure, but I'm replacing it by watching Netflix, while reseeding 100x back some filthy filthy porn I downloaded
OK. In return, you're going to pay for my Internet, right?
What's that? "No"?
>checkmark says something retarded
Just a normal day on this hellsite
limited bandwidth is a myth
ok 0 viewer andy
video games dont use fuck all bandwidth
1 person streaming netflix is like 10 or more people playing games depending on game
Gamers rise up
Video games are nothing compared to straight video. If you had to download them every time then maybe, but even at 720/1080p in the past I could easily hit 100+GB by watching a lot of YouTube in a month, let alone anyone streaming 4K now.
There's a reason the IPTV package I just had installed has it's own connection separate from the 8 device normal connection - it would eat a shitload of bandwidth if it didn't.
To give an example, I generally use about a GB when playing games a lot (8+ hours - it's a hobby and my job to do so) in a day. Meanwhile, I spent a couple days after it was installed just watching the usage since I got sick and didn't feel like doing much myself anyway and about 2 hours of my brother watching TV on that is 5+ GB by itself. Depending upon what I'm playing I would literally need to play upwards of 80 - 100 hours in a day (which is obviously not possible) to reach that much usage and I'd have to ALWAYS be online which isn't necessarily true.
>the internet is a series of tubes
I rake in 30k viewers on a good day, try again.
gaming bandwidth is fucking nonexistant
how about stop streaming porn and twitch you absolute degenerates
Most games use relatively little bandwidth. Loading the average webpage without ad blocking will use more bandwidth than a game does in half an hour.
This reminds me of when I was a kid and my boomer step mom would get claim that the console is ruining the tv so she threatened to stomp on it. Crazy ass bitch.
My parents thought games put viruses onto the computer.
Lmao what're they gonna do, huh? Sheckelstein get fucked. I pay as much for my internet as he does.
I suspect a lot of online games will be laggy or unplayable in the weeks to come, what older single-player games should I get so I don't have to deal with that bullshit?
better than the 0 viewers your mom has on chaturbate
If you're not playing games where you can host the server yourself, you're doing something wrong.
Fuck you, I have already been locked in my house for 4 days now. I'm playing all the fucking video games I want
Doesn't matter. Video games use maybe a few megabytes of bandwidth per hour in any case. No amount of curbing tv/movie streaming will be able to use a comparably low amount outside of just outright banning it. This twitter clown is or whatever his source is just happens to be completely retarded.
This is why I buy those 12TB external hard drives when they go on sale and just shove them in my NAS.
I mean.. some flash games did.
But yeah the boomer idea that games on disk that you bought at stores would have viruses i always thought was funny. Silly boomer retards.
Thanks twitter literally who, I'll make sure to play online vidya all night.
*laughs in Skyrim mods and Wii homebrew*
I'm covered.
xQc is that you?
>playing online games
Streaming is cancer, and so are you.
oh for fuck's sake. do these people masturbate to the idea of controlling what the "cattle" are doing? the same people who yell at us for having disdain for trannies and plebs are now telling us not to play too much vidya. I fucking hate society. coronachan needs to touch the lives of every one of these cunts.
>nnoooo not the h*ckin badwitherinoooo!!!!!
We're at a point where the state has to bring the boot down on these fuckers