Now that Rean's game is about to be released for PC...

Now that Rean's game is about to be released for PC, I was wondering if anyone could give me a recommendation on whether I should play on Hard or Nightmare for this one? I tend to go Hard though.

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anything higher than hard is balanced around new game+ in falcom games

Ah, so Nightmare isn't really intended for first-time play? That makes sense then.

Are there any big differences? Like does Nightmare offer anything that Hard doesn't?

in earlier titles it was mostly +hp/dmg for baddies and =dmg/xp for players and the enemy encounter sizes might have been inflated but i don't recall anything else

Thanks man. Appreciate the information!

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Why would you buy this shit on PC? The PC releases are years and years behind console release.

>A timed autosave feature with custom save intervals.
>Configurable turbo modes with separate factors for battles and other gameplay.
>Arbitrary framerate support up to 480 FPS.
>A large range of Field of View adjustments.
>Arbitrary resolution support (tested up to 8k), with all secondary rendertargets scaling correctly with the main resolution.
>Several MSAA modes, and optional transparency supersampling.
>High-quality ambient occlusion in the form of HBAO+.
>A high-quality postprocessing effects option.
>Flexible input rebinding for both keyboard/mouse inputs and gamepads, with the correct re-bound prompts showing up in all in-game tutorials.
>An unlimited drawing range option for high-end systems to eliminate pop-in.
>Support for ultrawide 21:9 aspect ratios.
Are those reasons not enough?

I played my first time cs3 on nightmare it wasn't THAT difficult it was just long, hard is plenty enough for someone new in the series however, normal is too easy.

ummmmmmmmmmmmm juna pits........ SNIFFFFFFFF

Nightmare, it's what the chads do

How many years are there between CS2 and CS3 canonically?

around 2 if i'm not mistaken 3 tops tho

Hard really is all you need.

>Game has secret points based on battle performance
>Choose a difficulty that will absolutely get your hidden score trashed
Nope, nope, nope.

That is indeed our Rean.

1 year and maybe a couple months

Fine, one bump since you posted the GoG-link.

Wait, so is the entire game without the old cast at all? I don't know if I want to play without Fie!


Nah she's there too

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What does this game play like? I wanna get into the that's our haha... memes

for the memes

Bullshit. Nightmare multipliers in Erebonia are smaller than Hard multipliers in Sky
OP play on Nightmare unless you are terminally retarded

I miss Laura.

Nightmare definitely.
Only the first two Sky games actually had Nightmare as a super bullshit difficulty. From Sky 3rd onward, Trails difficulties pretty much amount to the standard:
Easy = Journalist Mode
Normal = Easy
Hard = Normal
Nightmare = Hard

It's a turn based jrpg.

Start with Trails in the Sky though, then Ao and Zero, then Cold Steel.

Sky plays different than Cold Steel, Ao and Zero are a kind of mix between the two, and Cold Steel tries to simplify the game mechanics.

No thanks.

pls no spoilers but do the crossbell games spoil the cold steel games at all?

I don't have a console

should I even play tits 3rd?
a while ago I heard some user say it was just infodump: the game

you and me both laurafag

there are some info dump moments but it also has some of the best moments of the entire in the sky trilogy so i would say play it, its a lot more linear too so you can just focus on the gameplay, just do all of the doors, some of the earlier ones are info dumps but the doors near the end are great and should of been mandatory

Hmm, is everything available on PC? Which order should I play?

i'm in no hurry to play games the day they are released, pc is the only platform i own and the ports are great

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All the games are on PC.
Start from Trails in the Sky FC if possible. Cold Steel 1 is another alternative if you're a zoomer who can't stand 2D JRPGs, but you're going to have to go back to the older games eventually before playing CS3 if you want to get the most out of the games from there on.

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Calvard when?

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why do people come to Yas Forums if they hate anime?

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This. Nightmare is either if you're insanely grind-happy (and I mean INSANELY grind-happy) or when you want another run.

I took on Nightmare in CS2 and found it enjoyable, but a NG+ was needed.

How did you enjoy the 3rd, Zero and Ao, consolenigger?

They both spoil each other because they're taking place at the same time.

Counting order.
>CS1 > CS2 > CS3
If you don't have the cash or just want a bit of a sidestory grab Trails in the Sky.

All the games take place in the same world at the -more or less- same time so they all compliment each other nicely.

We're still missing CS4. That being said, if you start from Sky then CS4 will probably be already out in the west and on PC by the time you reach CS3.

Always hard. Normal is casualshit and nightmare is for NG+ only.

Can someone give me a spark-notes for the plot points in the second half of Cold Steel 2? I cannot seem to finish this for the life of me, despite how many times I try. CS2 is so bad compared to CS1 its fucking pathetic.

>CS3 in two days
>tfw still in chapter 6 in CS1
I don't think I'm gonna make it...

its not like you have to play cs3 day 1 user and its already been out on console for like 6 months anyway

>Games must only be played when they come out


If I go at it at my pace it'll probably finish CS2 and 3 by the time 4 comes out, so I guess that's a plus.

I was in the last chapter of Trails SC and procastinated it for 3 years
I lost my save

they take back the school then something happens to turn the castle into a final dungeon, class 7 goes there and loses every single boss fight and gets saved every time then they beat crow and then beat the evil mecha and crow dies then osborne comes in and rufus bitchslaps vita and kills GRIANOS RIP NIGGA and osborne reveals it was all according to his masterplan and tells rean that NO, I AM YOUR FATHER then he invades crossbell and makes rean help him and then rean fights lloyd and LOSES TO SOME RANDOM GUY WITH TONFAS then everybody in class 7 except for rean drops out of school for some reason cs2 spoiler

The same thing happened to me in the middle of 3rd, I went too fast through FC and SC and burned myself out.
Some kind user from /fg/ sent his saves to me and saved me from having to replay the entire game.

>Rean flies around
>Ouroboros holds back
>Towa remains best girl
>Karma's a bitch
>Three back to back "final" dungeons
>Literal copy paste true final boss

Reminder that Calvard will have an isekai protagonist with his own fresh brand of harem.

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These games are easy as shit and broken so easily by delay spam alone that you should go nightmare.
In cs2 I only had an issue in first bossfight because I was playing for the hidden bonus points but after that it was free.
Also don't start with cs3 you fucking retard.

The ports are good and I can use cheatengine to remove the unfitting daiting sim mechanic that unlocks only scenes that should be normal dialogue in a good trails game.

Literally nothing important happens except that Crow dies not really though haha and Osborne is revealed to be Rean's father for that epic Empire Strikes Back moment

it also didn't help, that a Boss Gauntlet was about to start and I was too tired for that shit

I can't believe people would willingly stick with this when 1 and 2 were utterly garbage, bottom-of-the-barrel tier.

3 was a lot better than 1 and 2
then 4 goes back to being 2 quality haha...

>same time

Delay spam is broken? It felt like the whole game was balanced around Rean's crafts. Is there even another viable way to play?

I loved trails in the sky too much to not still care about this. Wish falcom would stop giving all the npcs still this much good writing. If they were all standard shallow jrpg npcs then I could let go of this series for good.

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Yes the game is balanced around being easy or else all the lowlife waifu fag audience would drop the game. Everything in the game breaks the battle system. Delay spam, crafts in general, quartz setups, equip, items, cooking, spells.

Why do you still cling to hope, user, even when all the signs point in the opposite direction? Is this the hybrid sunk cost/Stockholm syndrome with which Trailsfags are known to be afflicted in action?

What do you mean hope? I do enjoy the NPCs being deeper than other JRPGs maincast. It is the #1 thing I love about the series and the heart of it to me. Sucks I have to swim through generic school setting shit for it but that core heart is still there and satsifies me.

Jesus thats actually fucking retarded.

Japanese audio.


welcome to the cold steels, enjoy your stay
are you hyped for Hajimeri, user?

Haha... that's our Cold Steel!