How come Dark Souls has no easter eggs?

How come Dark Souls has no easter eggs?

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Drake sword is kind of an easter egg for shitty players.

It pays homage to Demons Souls frequently. And isn’t the Moonlight Greatsword technically an easter egg?

Japanese don't do easter eggs

it does?

Reminder that Gwyndolin wears a ring that causes his body to develop breasts and a vagina.

Yes, the Moonlight Greatsword is an easter egg/reference to King's Field.

Those are more of a reference than anything.


Ever since I discovered you can poison almost all the bosses, the first thing I do is throw shit at them

Easter eggs are detrimental to immersion


He loses his ring by the time Aldrich starts snacking on his ass, and what's left of his body - the upper torso, lacks the breasts he had in DS1.

Attached: reversal ring.png (293x492, 102.92K)

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kojima does

because Dark Souls is art, not reddit memes. If you want that, go play a Randy Pitchford game

He cut his breasts off because Priscilla found it too weird when they were having sex.

dark souls 2 (the best souls game) has a heineken easter egg

but that just switches walking animations and actions, not physical characteristics. Also it's entirely possible that it simply absorbed moon magic or something.
Also ds3 isn't canon

What the fuck came over Gwyn to go to the ring enchantment store and ask for an HRT ring for his son?

literally zero evidence that he doesn't have a dick

All the souls games are canon, though trying to make sense of fucking ANYTHING in das II in comparison to the other two is an impossible task.

His son had an oedipus complex and also fucked off with dragons

so he thought never again

you beat me to the picture.
Anyways fun fact Aldrich is actually wearing Lothric with Gwyndolin's mask.

the best souls game has easter eggs

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the entire series is just one big Berserk easter egg

oh you're right

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Why did Gwyn sissify his son?

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Yes, but he’s a massive westaboo

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Yea but,

You're saying it's the same model?

unpopular opinion but I feel Aldritch was one of the best boss fights of all time

I was playing with unupgraded estus so the fight was extremely hard, but perfectly designed, once I learned the boss and the attacks and timing everything clicked and I basically chainsawed him without getting hit, but it took i think 34 tries.

DaS3 has near-perfect boss design. Some of the absolute best of all time, any genre.


half the characters, weapons, and areas are a reference to fucking demon's souls. also seath.

I too enjoyed Aldrich despite it not being what I expected. Supposedly Aldrich was going to be the legendary slime boss that From has been trying to create since Demon's. It was almost like a now-or-never thing and I'm 90% sure that was why he was included in the cinematic as such.

But like past attempts, they simply failed at getting it to work, so the Gwyndolin Naga was kind of a clever way of dealing with it.
Shame the Deacons fight which was originally a first phase for the slime Aldrich was left gimped.

But those references aren't easter eggs. References are usually hidden but these actually make the plot.

Yup or at least Re-skinned version of it because Miyazaki wastes no time.

>Supposedly Aldrich was going to be the legendary slime boss that From has been trying to create since Demon's.

supposedly according to who

and i think phalanx is a fine slime boss.

Why the fuck did they rename Guyra. Kalameet is a cool name but without being named Guyra the completeness of the reference is lost.

Unuronically agreed
fight me

It's something that gets mentioned in cut content threads, I have no source so feel free to disregard.

Gwyn was probably gone by the time his lastborn came about

God I wish that were me.

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I like Aldrich but the teleporting window is so huge and his attacks so wide that you can spam R1 while he misses and then heal any damage before he reappears as long as he doesn't use the bow. I could see an unupgraded estus run can fix that issue at least.

Has anyone actually made Gwyndolin+Priscilla porn yet?

Gwyn never met Gwyndolin

thick ass, some tight little titties, and he can put his snaketenticles up your ass and massage your prostate while you fuck his boivagina(????)

whats not to like

>What the fuck came over Gwyn to go to the ring enchantment store and ask for an HRT ring for his son?

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He was already a huge fag even before the ring, might as well look the part.
>onii-chan please help me
>help me CUM please!!
>aldritch keeps teasing my prostate but wont let me cum!
>onii-chan please fuck me!!!
>also kill aldritch


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DSII is the best Dark Souls.

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This but unironically

>Anyways fun fact Aldrich is actually wearing Lothric with Gwyndolin's mask.

furries OUT

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Пoтoмy чтo вce пacхaльныe яйцa oтдaли мнe)

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You don't know what an Easter egg is.

Here's an easter egg in 3.

Attached: 374320_20180616210300_1.png (1920x1080, 2.59M)

it is a good fight and a dps race

>If you only knew how bad things really are

reference =/= easter egg

>literally not hidden at all
>it's part of a mandatory path
>on top of that, it works more like a continuity link more than anything

3 ignores 2 completely, it's a direct sequel to 1, so any reference to 2 is purely for fun and not continuity.

There I say...?Based

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