what went wrong
What went wrong
What happened?
woolie owns a slave and is desperately attempting to morally justify it
>lp makes me want to replay
>dig out my physical copy
>download all the mods
>crashes when starting a game
>unistall out of frustration
>convince myself its for the best, so many games in the backlog
>on Yas Forums
Does the Steam copy have native 1920 x 1080? Also why cant this guy differentiate between right and left?
I can't think of anything.
this is the only worthwhile LP Woolie's doing because it doesn't include his usual co-stars
yes, you can easily make it launch into windowed too if you want. game freaks out sometimes launching though. dunno if you could do that with the physical copy, but it's just a quick ini edit.
with how easy and stable it is to install the restored content mod among a few other things like widescreen mod I would argue the steam release is now the definitive version.
It's basically not even a Woolie LP.
It's a guy babysitting woolie as he presses the buttons he's told to press.
And that's why it works.
Watching it on youtube is aids but the streams are peak comfy and V seems a cool dude
>*whispers* hey ya know...
Least I can understand what he’s saying.
>already played though this game twice one as evil kelly clarkson and the other as jedi jesus
>urge to replay rising
never done a negative influence run, is it evil feasible? dont they turn opposite of your alignment?
yes it's called a good build and master force speed
Isn't he doing a light side run?
>is it evil feasible?
Can't use Atton, Bao-Dur, Handmaiden, or Disciple since dark side influence will override low influence I think.
He has the Twilek dancer for credits, ultimate they're doing a content run, which requires some dark side points at times, but is 95% light.
Yes its possible, it's also possible in KotOR 1.
>Also why cant this guy differentiate between right and left?
He didn't learn what they were until late high school.
He knows port and starboard better, for some reason.
do a blaster build run
port and starboard is literally left and right, it'd be different if port and starboard was right and left, but it's literally said in the same order.
Woolie just doesn't know it period, don't let him lie to you. Port=Left, Starboard=Right, Left and Right, it's literally like this in every single language, variation, wording, etc. on the planet. There is no way he knows one variant of it and not another.
If we're going by the logic of Kreia's philosophy, then owning that slave is morally right.
Kreia's logic is literally just devil's advocate then telling you to make your own decisions and not to listen to her because actions have consequences. Even in her reasons of "don't be a good/evil person" on Nar Shaddaa, she is incredibly flawed because she doesn't understand that not every action will literally have a spiraling butterfly effect that causes the opposite reaction or hinders the person. It's such a ridiculous line of logic. Like I understand that actions have consequences, but she makes the black/white of the Star Wars universe look silly in comparison. Let alone her entire hatred of the Force and its pre-destiny, so she wants to literally try to break the fabric of reality so everyone has free will (even though the vast majority of people do and only a very few select few do not, particularly Anakin).
Kreia is like someone who read Star Wars, didn't like what they read, and decided to take a high school entry level philosophy class, while not actually understanding any of the material that was presented to them, but still parrots it in an effort to sound intelligent. Fuck Kreia, they should have stuck with Atris as the original villain, she has a more compelling story in terms of Meetra Surik anyway.
>port and starboard is literally left and right, it'd be different if port and starboard was right and left, but it's literally said in the same order.
>mfw I never clued in to this until just now and always got confused with port and starboard
what would you do if you made a quiche n then it dissapear but then u see this guy outside the window
Kreia's philosophy is literally just "being inflexible and dogmatic is retarded, being power hungry and cruel for the sake of it is retarded too". She cites the Jedi and their rigid code regarding the Mandalorian Wars as one example, and every dark side user getting corrupted with a lust for power as another. It also has a meta element because if you know about the prequels and how the jedi council/anakin act in those movies supports the idea that leaning too far to either side is bad for you.
And yeah she's a massive hypocrite who doesn't even follow her own advice, since her dogmatic belief that the force is evil leads to her death. That's the point.
See that is my problem with her, the dogmatic ideology is bad yes, but her reasons behind why they're bad are just ridiculous at times. A good example is when you're playing Light Side and she's constantly hounding you about taking away growth and strength by helping people. It's like trying to insert darwinism into Star Wars, where it doesn't always fit. For instance, what if you helped save someone's life that was dying. Yeah by her logic that person could go on to murder 15 people and you ultimately did a bad thing, but it's impossible to know such things, let alone by her logic that this person wont grow from the experience? If anything they'll grow more from that experience and be more careful in the future, and if the force didn't want that person to live, then they wouldn't have.
Ultimately leaning too far in either direction is only bad depending on the context of a situation. It's so completely contextual/situational that it just can't be applied to everything. I understand what she means, but she goes about it in the most ass backwards way imaginable, while trying to at times be entirely cryptic, or just as you said, hypocritical and failing at her own ideals, which she wants you to be the best apprentice she has had. To me, Kreia is a great idea that is just done poorly overall. Qui-Gon I feel has a better ideology than she does. He follows the Force, even if that puts him at odds with Jedi ideas , but is ultimately still part of the Light and how things flow and move. He's more Nirvana and at peace with himself and the Universe than pretty much every other Jedi/Sith in existence, without being overly philosophical or hypocritical in what he does and says.
I don't know, I just have problems with her presentation even if there are good points at times.
It's less about them and more about you. Her point is that if you give away your money and waste your time helping people that have nothing to offer you, you're fucking yourself over by getting broke or potentially dying due to the danger, and you're fucking the person you help over by making them dependent on people instead of getting off their asses and solving their own problems.
There are several points in the game where you can help people, and she never cares if you make sure you're getting something out of it. A good example is on the first planet where you can choose to help those ayys restore the planet. She rightfully points out that the ayys previously failed to make any progress on their restoration despite plenty of time and resources, even before you blew up the mining station. If you point out that the ayy is going to help you reconnect with the force, you don't lose influence. If you take the moralfag option, she disapproves.
His problem is he's playing a 3.5 derivative system and isn't playing a WIZARD
But see here is my problem with that line of thinking personally. If you give say a homeless person 5 credits in this case, yeah maybe that can fuck you over, but its also only 5 credits, maybe it'll help that person survive long enough just to get some food in their system. Maybe that person has been trying and just has bad luck, maybe they haven't. It's not something I could possibly know. Like it might be different if the homeless person was holding up a sign saying he'd spend those 5 credits on death sticks for instance. Like I said, its completely situational or contextual.
You pointed out the Ithorians on Telos and their battle with Czerka over the restoration of the planet. Yes they had plenty of time, but they also had plenty of opposition. Whether you intervene or not is honestly rather irrelevant, either it'll get done or it wont. Especially when it comes to Star Wars' logic. As you said, she wants something out of it, specifically for you. Which is more selfish than anything and that often leads to the dark side when you're out for yourself. Because even if you're trying to do something good (Anakin trying to save Padme), you're still doing potentially bad things in order to get to that route, or only doing it out of pure benefit to yourself. She's so hypocritical in what she says and wants you to do, that it feels more like she's just trying to breed you to become a new Sith Apprentice because she's upset at Sion/Nihilus and also upset at the Force because one day she'll die (which has nothing to do with the Force lets be real).
To me I just don't like it, there are times I do like it and it makes sense, but its kind of all over the place. Even when I look at Atris, she's dogmatic and mostly only to justify to herself her own line of reasoning and logic, but that makes more sense to me than Kreia. Because while she's not being honest with herself and is still hypocritical, you can still see her line of reasoning fairly well, its relatable.
Steam copy is fine but it seems to have a memory leak issue that causes dialogue to randomly skip and sound to cut out. Not sure if it's in the physical version too but I figured you should know.
Steam issue is basically the definitive version now.
I mean, the five credits thing was just an example meant to illustrate the danger of applying that kind of selflessness for choices that are way more meaningful. HK-47 even points out something like that when he talks about the best way to kill Jedi: making them have to save people they care about. Kreia believes that people are only as valuable as what they have to offer her or you, and judges how necessary it is to assist them by that metric. And regarding your point about selfishness; nobody's ever gone down the darkside for refusing to put their lives on the line when there's no real benefit to it. Han Solo wasn't a bad person because he wanted a shitload of money for a dangerous mission.
Also, I might be misremembering, but the Ithorians only got heavy opposition from Czerka when they made almost zero progress and flushed their profits down the drain in what's essentially a planet-wide money pit.
The beauty of this though is that you can essentially call Kreia out at several points about her ideals. Selfless kindness does pay off more than sticking to ruthless pragmatism, and from a gameplay perspective you benefit from looking out for your party members. I definitely feel like she was written with the intent of being a contrarian about the lore that is proven wrong at the end.
See that's why I don't like Kreia, its just so many potentially good ideas that can actually open up a good discussion, especially in game (granted KotOR 2 was rushed in 14 months) with the characters, but its just done so poorly. If I had to say anybody did grey the best, its Qui-Gon or Dooku, because they're like two sides of the same coin, one light, one dark, both have their actual overall good reasons for doing what they do, without hindering their actual ideals or falling completely or being hypocritical in a lot of ways.
But I digress, its a personal gripe of mine overall with Kreia and the Star Wars universe is very hard coded with how it works in a lot of ways, especially with the Force, a 'God' nobody can really understand.
>Qui-Gon, the guy who left Anakin's mother behind with a slave owner who just lost a slave plus a shitload of money.
I personally disagree and find Kreia really compelling, although granted I like her more because she's a rare video game grandma that loves you, and there's not many who are that active in the plot.
Visas > Handmaiden
See that is why I like Qui-Gon, especially in EU a lot. Sure he leans heavily towards the light, but ultimately he follows the Force, even if sometimes that requires harsh actions or bad things. Grey to me is The Force, its good and bad. The Jedi try to follow the light portion of it, while causing their own problems, whereas Dark Jedi follow the dark, causing their own problems. With the Sith just taking it to a far more corrupted extreme using Sith Sorcery. The Force is good/bad, largely good, but its not something we can rightly understand, very much like a God(s).
Which is fine, I don't hate on anybody that enjoys Kreia, I just wish some of her stuff was presented a little better, which you can only present so much in a rushed DnD 3.5 after all. She makes good points, she makes terrible points. It is what it is, I'm more amazed we had a coherent discussion without calling each other faggots to be honest. I would still love to see their original vision with Atris as Darth Traya properly though and where that was supposed to go, especially her fighting Nihilus and how her thoughts on Meetra and how things have played out. Would also be interesting to see how different Nihilus and Sion potentially were without a 3rd Sith Lord among them as well.
did Woolie forget that light = selfless, dark = selfish?
Woolie's blind hate of religion due to his upbringing associates all things with Christianity and his need to rebel and act out against it, despite Star Wars being more buddhism and taoism than christianity.
His partner who's name I forgot who insists on minmaxing and handholding Woolie through every menial thing
If J didn't do that Woolie would miss 70% of the game and interactions and then complain that he doesn't understand anything and that its a bad game.
Woolie's Mom isn't even a real Christian. She's a snake worshiping vodoo cultist, they just call her Loa Jesus.
slaves are the one thing Woolie would want more than a jetpack
he'd whip em in the cotton fields while wearing blackface over his black face
He ought to just let woolie do the conversations however he wants and then just cheat the influence with a save editor.
Agreed, but do we really need another edge lord playthrough where Woolie is just acting out because of his upbringing like he's still 15, while trying to make it look like a huge meme like Pockets?
Helping with directions and convoluted mechanics I understand, but when it comes to choices during dialoque and J is like "oh uuh mm maybe you shouldn't pick that and you gotta do this to that end", et cetera, it just gets tiresome to follow.
Yeah, if that's what comes naturally.
Same desu, was nice discussing this with you.
And people still ask why the KOTOR games are lit as fire
I'd then give him a pie for the road
Woolie would find a way to screw up a lot of the game with the way he plays and wants to play based on what he's been saying that he wants to pick, he'd almost certainly ruin his experience ultimately.
It only comes naturally because he still acts like a teenager who can't differentiate his religious upbringing and a video game (said upbringing that hasn't been relevant in his life in years). Woolie is like that shit subreddit that everyone makes fun of , I am very smart or something. Watching him playthrough KotOR was insufferable by comparison just because of how he approached every situation. It was somehow even more saturday morning cartoon villain than Star Wars usually is.
Would he align with the demons in DOOM if it the connotation was that they opposed heaven
DOOM is hard because Heaven in DOOM has a lot of powered armor suits and mechas. But otherwise, yeah he probably would.
The Exile is smarter than every Sith or Jedi put together because they're the only one that uses the Force to make their blaster bolts shoot faster and harder. I like to imagine bolts ricocheting off the walls Revolver Ocelot style
this is not videogames, that went wrong.
Well you're in luck, one of the Bad Batch (donut steel versions of Delta Squad) can ricochet blaster bolts in S7 of TCW.
The main problem is the guy leading him who has had him exhaust like every companion option in the game before he's even really started the first planet
He's acting like every single influence point is a super time sensitive incredibly limited resource, so the playthrough just ends up frontloading all the interesting shit and railroading the game into a bad playstyle
Influence can be limited depending on who you want to influence, when, and how many you want to turn jedi or complete their character string. Especially certain characters. While Kreia has a shit ton of influence opportunities, Bao Dur has few and are easily missable, and if you do negative it can be even worse depending on alignment. Negative Atton as a Dark Side Exile is limited to the exact amount of opportunities iirc and also means not taking a single positive influence with him. There are no generic opportunities for influence because murderhobo murder actually nets positive influence and so does being jedi Jesus.
I like Kreia for that very reason, she may be hypocrite and entiretly wrong at times but it makes her complex, if she was right all times she would be like a walking encyclopedia rather than character, i mean if there was answers for all questions philosophy woudn't exist at first place, althrough she lacks some motivation, i mean it would be better if she had some tradegy in her past like losing child in war or something like that it could explain mother-child relationship between you and her throughout entire game and give reasons why
she gave up on jedi/siths (sorry for bad gramar, english is not my native language)
She was supposed to be the handmaiden's mother
Light side Jedi are evil extremists, just a different flavour to the extremism of Sith.
She wasn't intended to be, that connection was just a happy accident that just happens to fit
>hah- you have to pick option 4 option 4