The Government is giving everyone $1200

What will you buy with it?

Pic related is what I plan to get..(that or just buy each part and build it myself)

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I thought it was only for tax payers that make less than $100k/yr

Oh really? Good thing I pay my taxes early then.

>Less than 100k/yr
Isn't that like 90% of the U.S...?

there's a lot of speculation since they haven't decided on anything yet.

Okay, let me reverse the question:

IF the government decides to give those making under $100k a year $1200, what vidya-related stuff would you buy?

>tfw I make $90k
sucks to suck

Probably spend it on donations of my favorite streamers of the next few months

New monitor then save the rest.

I'd invest in stocks actually, this market crash is a great time to buy, and I can pirate video games easily or get them on eBay used for cheap.

Food, lots of alcohol, and some rope just in case everything goes south.

I'll see you on Yas Forums spamming pink wojaks with the rest of those faggots once you lose everything.

almost certainly

Cocaine probably

Lose what? Everything is at or near the bottom already. There's no way to lose if you hodl long enough.

DOW is already down to like 19k, do you think it's going to drop significantly further?

Except the company you bought stocks in could just straight up go under and you lose everything. Don't count on anything being "too big to fail".

johnny walker black label baby

I literally have that exact same PC. Well worth the $600 I paid. Also, I'll just pay my brother back what I owe him.

>He thinks businesses that provide services that are needed by millions people would go under because of a few months of shitty profits
If every single major company did die because of the coronavirus you losing all your stocks wouldn't even matter because at that point money would be pointless and it'd be absolute anarchy.

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>too big/important to fail
Hmm, that worked out so well in 2008, didn't it?

do you know if people who filed their taxes for 2019 will qualify or is it just 2018?

Why not Blue Label? It's a fucking beautiful drink

are they gonna give out free money in canada too? i would love some moola for drugs

its only taxpayers retard

NEETS and illegal subhumans BTFO

this is exactly why I voted for that asian dude

Well they also extended the deadline to file your taxes so I'm pretty sure as long as you paid last year you're good. I dunno tho. I can't get a clear answer. I need to do mine soon anyways tho.

>taxpayers only

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>he hasn't done his taxes
I got my refund back in the beginning of February. You motherfuckers are slow.

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NEETS maybe get 600 at most if anything. You can easily google it. Its primarily for taxpayers based off 2018 earnings. If you just sat around and jerked off you dont need the money anyways.

only tax payers are getting that 1k you stinky neets arent getting shit LMAO

what makes you think I didn't?

>that make less than $100k/yr
This isn't fair.

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As of now no one is getting any money. Only tax-payers should benefit though as they are the ones that aren't collecting welfare and by and large don't have work right now.


I'm ashamed of this but it happened before... I'll just end up blowing it on onlyfans :(

>2018 earnings
You mean 2019 right?

My dad is old and has assets and we needed to file a Schedule K1 in case he were to get dementia oand end up in some hospital or be involved in a frivolous lawsuit they cant take his assets and they go to me. I just got that form this week. Context, user.

Also I found it. It's based off 2018 tax returns. Filing this year doesnt matter.

You still will get a payout from the government, just not as much as those who made less than you.

And nobody still answered the question I've asked.

Assuming I actually get it, I'll probably buy a new Rice Cooker off of amazon since the one I have right now is a piece of shit that leaks everywhere. I already have a decent enough computer and my student debt is too worrying to spring for something like VR.

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I'm going to put it aside into my savings as I manage my finances so I have enough spending money monthly anyway.

>giving regular people money and not just giving it to corporations and billionaires
you people are dumb

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I'd save most of it, the rest will be for groceries and my phone bill (fucking dumb how they still expect us to pay our bill when a good number of us don't have jobs currently)

>he needs a rice cooker

Trump is worried he won't get elected now that Economy sucks so he's giving everyone money.

i doubt a weeabfag like you that browses a mongolian sweatshop board makes over 100k a yr

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No its 2018

I eat a lot of rice user. It's a very reliable grain that's cheap and can be used in an incredibly wide variety of things. Rice cookers are great because they can produce large volumes of rice incredibly consistently with no risk of wasting rice because it burned to the bottom of the pan or something like that.
Plus, the good ones have extra trays you can use for steaming vegetables and such.

>only poor people like anime

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>student debt
that's what you get for going to college you retard, serves you right

post your last paystub then

user, how do you manage to burn rice in a pot?

taxepayers are almost certainly getting more especially if you have kids and are poor

a rice cooker is nice to have, i dont have to worry about getting burned, overcooking or anything, you can get a good one for about 40 dollars

No one mentioned Nazis you oven dodging kike.

The majority of the rice doesn't burn, but it's incredibly difficult to cook rice in a regular pot without the grains in direct contact with the edges getting somewhat burnt. It's just a more consistent, reliable option to use a rice cooker if you eat the stuff regularly.

So if I started working this year and would make less than $15k a year (seasonal minimum wage) would this still apply to me or would someone have to have been working a set number of years to be eligible?

According to other anons it's based on 2018 tax returns.

All you have to do is put water in a pot and boil rice in it, how the fuck do you manage to burn any of it? You don't even have to follow the instructions, just boil it and check on the rice like you would most things you cook.

You can back file for the previous 5 years or so right? Is there any benefit to filing as a neet? I'm 29 and have technically made more than 10k a year so I never bothered filing.


Not everyone on chan makes minimum wage.

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>not pay taxes for five years
Yeah, enjoy getting an audit, my friend.

There's a 99% chance that you make shit rice and don't know it if you think this.

I haven't had a job in ten years.

Debating on using my trumpbux to replace my WMR headset with an Index.

What Graphics card is a good replacement for a GTX 750 TI? Not gonna return DOOM ETERNAL Just yet.

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Hard top roof for a Miata

750TI can play doom eternal just fine, just drop your settings and update your drivers.

youre not fooling anyone, youre gonna spend all the money on scratch offs and cigarettes you poor piece of shit

Shut the fuck up loser.

I've been trying to update them since Thursday. I keep getting a 0x003 error and not even download the drivers directly helps.

Cash on delivery if possible. The fuck kind of wookie delivery is this going to be?

They've been talking Direct Deposit.

Works on my machine. I'm not your tech support.