Hey guys. Somewhat insider / internal dev for Valve here, willing to answer any questions that you all may have. While of course being vague enough in their answers that I blur my tracks and give myself plausible deniability.
Fun Fact: func_vehicle is once again "func_tional" in the Source 2 SDK. Half as a nod to the legendary func_vehicle 2012 but also as a colorful name for the railway path-finding that the new Source 2 engine utilities. Once again, feel free to ask anything in reason.
Hey guys. Somewhat insider / internal dev for Valve here, willing to answer any questions that you all may have...
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you have to go back
Back where?
Dont give a shit when will there be a full fledged fps instead of the interactivity bullshit?
>Look I am an internal dev
Why does the game look boring?
I'm also an insider
Insider mom
when's half life 3 coming out
Have you tried shartifact 2
We literally have jokes in our trello regarding how this game could possibly be played in anything but vr. It's really hard to get a good base of reference for the kind of control and fluidity you have with VR Input without already having VR as a base of reference
Also why does valve want to inject some fucking tech inside our brains?
Tell gabe and the jews I am not interested,
Does Gabe even do anything? I imagine he just eats, farts and jokes in the offices all day and then goes home.
Hey guys, Gaben here. Won't asnwer any questions but just wanted to let y'all know that since we make billions of dollars hosting Steam we don't really care about making video games anymore.
that's half life alyx, when's 3 going to come out?
Is it possible for you to leave a note or message for Gabe Newell to see that tells him how much of a fat, disgraceful, greedy hasbeen he is?
I was on it for the first week or so of the rebuild if that means anything? Keep in mind that it's an internal name, It's still going to be Artifact.
Okay enough of shitposting.
Been hearing a rumor about a hybrid game that combines vr and keyboard and mouse players.
Is that true?
Will we ever get F-stop? It’s been 9 years since Portal 2 and I’m still wondering what exactly F-Stop was supposed to be
will half-life alyx have watermelons?
What rank is gayben in dota?
Why didn't they use Alyx's original VA?
>railway path-finding that the new Source 2 engine utilities
Care to explain a bit more? :)
Expectations set too high and too much time has already been blown on proposed Half-life 3 concepts and technologies.Higher ups of the internal structure of the company just put too much sentimental value in the IP to potentially fuck it up with people who they feel don't get the "feel" of that era of games. Honestly there's just a serious distrust between new recruits and already established developers within our company.
Planning phase, figuring out logistics before diving into it as a "new ip" (new as in no direct correlation to portal). Alot of the Campo kids are flocking to it.
Nope. Sorry.
Another Fun Fact: It's funny as hell to me that Gabe showed up to the interview in an untucked white shirt and worn-in jeans. He's obviously trying to give off the impression of some sort of "Hard times are over, time to reap what we sowed" beach bum type thing but he's really been an absolute wreck since the original tweet announcement back in Novemeber. Pay attention to his body language when he explains why Portal 2 is his favorite out of all of the valve titles.
Tyler this isn't healthy
>Planning phase, figuring out logistics before diving into it as a "new ip"
That's cool man but why did you just give the idea away to some random indie dev studio if you were still in the "planning phase"?
What fancy shit can the new physics engine do?
Real question. Why didn't you prideful cunts just bite the bullet and use UE4 instead? You know? The superior engine?
Is Alyx good or will it kill the IP?
>Honestly there's just a serious distrust between new recruits and already established developers within our company.
Gee I wonder why.
houndeyes please?
Actual Valve dev here, this guy is larping. Also, anyone can tell it's fake since func_vehicle is much older than 2012.
Is the alyx time travel theory true.
Is Alyx good
Be honest
At what point in the game does Russell turn into a stalker?
Alright then you answer our questions.
When is half life 3 on a traditional format?
houndeyes blease?
1. How many people currently work on Team Fortress 2? If the size of the team has fluctuated recently because of development on HLA, what would be the average amount of people actively working on it nowadays?
2. What are the roles of the TF2 developers? I mean, how many of them are artists, writers, designers, developers, etc etc
3. What do Valve employees think of Valve? Today it seems like the gaming community regards Valve, as a company, of being complacent, uncaring/out-of-touch, and generally accepting towards the idea of not producing anything new or even interesting in favor of reaping the benefits of micro-transactions, steam revenue, and have community modders do a large amount of their work for them. Do Valve employees agree with this, even if they wouldn't say it to Valve's face?
4. Is there anything you can reveal here that, in the future, would cement your claim of being a Valve insider as being true? It doesn't have to be a big secret project or anything that would give your identity away, just something specific that hasn't been revealed yet so in the future we could go, "Hey, that guy on Yas Forums was telling the truth, he said this texture or model would be here"
He's larping Tyler
I was trying to put it in laymens but I couldn't find the right word to describe it. Alot of work has gone into dynamic physics and simulation. It's not too apparent in any of the gameplay videos but there are alot of nuanced features regarding how objects interact with one another. Both in the environment (in the VR Railway's case, doing the hammer equivalent of drawing a line and having the engine simulate actual wheels driving along a track and how that would effect the trains in HL:A) and with how Alyx interacts with the world (Most, if not all sound effects are dynamic, no two doors opening will sound the same, Alyx's clothes rustle when you move around your room)
Literally the same situation as Nebacular drop was, but valve is in a comfortable enough position now that they're fine with taking those kinds of "somewhat" risks. The mechanics of what the Lunch House guys are doing are somewhat similar, but VR really takes advantage of them in such a way that it becomes distinct enough to warrant working on it.
No fruits. Canned watermelon as an easter egg.
Nobody is on the TF2 team in any meaningful way. Barney.
Do you suck dicks?
Can you stick a sharpie in your pooper?
It's literally nothing at all like the Narbacular Drop "situation" you retard
Why havent you guys shown smooth locomotion combat for alyx yet
Why did they record much of the game with Merle already, then tell the new voice actress to copy Merle anyways?
>inb4 muh tyler lies
Merle literally confirmed she was working on the game before getting canned without notice, and never once told she needed to try to sound younger.
Probably because it's fucking garbage
Audio guy was trying to fuck the new VA
Yup, such a bad LARP.
OP here. You can't sprint and can only walk very slowly in smooth loco. The game was designed for teleport only, sorry. There's also a lot of invisible walls stopping you jumping off ledges which I fought hard to remove but Gabe insisted we kept them in as it would give new players a rumbly tum tum.
Sorry, I had just skimmed over your comment when you mentioned TF2, I didn't pay mind to 3. There are Three distinct groups within the current Valve dynamic. Folks who have been with the company for a good amount of time and who still have passion for designing video games, Folks who have also been with the company for a long time but who have "Burnt out" on the development aspect of things and have used their reputation and placement within the corporate hierarchy to land them a safe and well paying job, and new arrivals who have no idea which of the two dogs barking they should pay mind to.
In terms of "Lesser known predecessor" to the Valve flagship. Not from the monetary side of things.
"leakers" claim that there's a playable piano in the game. Is this true? I know it sounds dumb but it would help determine if these guys were just lying or not.
You don't even know what happened with Narbacular Drop vs F-Stop do you, you dumb fuck
>Gabe showed up to the interview in an untucked white shirt and worn-in jeans
This is how he shows up to every TI.
>OP here.
Atleast try to post first so it doesnt say you are a new ip
fuck you user lol
electra has fat tittymilkers
Why do you assholes reply to these threads with no proof?
>I didn't pay mind to 3.
Classic Valve
It's fun baiting these guys into saying retarded shit that outs them
I really just couldn't be fucked to read it I'm so damn tired, got no sleep last night.
What I'm trying to get at is that Exposure is always going to be known as the little brother to Valve's full fledged F-Stop VR