Which ones gonna be GOTY?!?!?

Which ones gonna be GOTY?!?!?

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obviously not doom

obviously doom

Mount and Blade

The one that's a good game.

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I think 7R appeals to larger crowd, Doom is a boring ass boomer franchise nobody plays that shit outside of Yas Forums.

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TLOU will shit on both

It looks like shit

glad we can agree that ff7 is winning goty.

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oh god fuck off

FF7, both original and remake, are fucking awful video games

fucking kys incel faggot

Go play some stupid ass westren gamebefore talking down on superior japanese games redditor.

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Neither, cyberpunk will win goty even though it will be an abomination of a game. Mark my words.

Bannerlord obviously.

Why is Doom listed as an xbone game and not a PC game?

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It's not Japanese vs Western it's good vs bad
I've played more than half of the FF games, DQ games, Persona games, etc.
FF7 is mediocre gameplay and the remake is a shit game

obviously not FFVIIR once normies realize that its unfinished

All final fantasy games are shit.

Well considering Doom is full of pozzed s o y b o y faggotry, I think it's an easy call

Animal Crossing

STFU Reddit

Jesus Christ shit taste

Final fantasy is litterally babies first jrpg. Final fantasy is so dull it makes dragon quest seem exciting.

Ohhh the weebs are mad

Nu Doom

It's great on One X. I know it's controller but it flows really well


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>Ohhh the weebs are mad

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FF7 will be a gimicky movie game. with pointless realtime mechanics that are only there to look flashy so zoomers are fooled into thinking they're doing more than they actually are when they mash buttons. but it will be a good looking movie game.

JRPGS are trash in general.

Last of Us 2 has it in the bag. FFVIIR isn't even a full game, the delusion there is unreal.

cyberpunk obviously

TLOU2 isn't a game either
Also not a game

LOU trailers look unpromising

The one that has a 96 on Metacritic.

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I bet you jack off to real women too loser, get out of Yas Forums.

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P5 has a ton of fucking problems

I've been fapping to 2d for over 10 years, exclusively. I also don't like JRPGs.

gaijin p-prees buy my softcore porn gaimu!

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P5 is fucking shit and proved that people will suck anything’s dick no matter how bad as long as it’s “stylish” enough.

what's the matter chinky gook chang? can't find a woman who wants to fuck your micro clit you called penis?

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>Style is not important in a game
massive cope.

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Pretty much this, my friend was playing doom eternal for like a hour before he turned it off and went back to his animal crossing.

>Nothing but basedboys here playing final fantasy
/sp/ here, you guys truly are pathetic faggots

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Reminder that game journos are gonna have GOTY be the Movie of Us Part 2 and it's going to be awful.

I like Doom but FPS are the capeshit of vidya, they can never be true ludo.

Remake is trash because it's just AC bullshit all the way through. Also, every villain is gay and wants Cloud twink ass. Literally Fujo Fantasy the game.

Look at this faggot Nip getting pissed. Tifa is an ugly whore faggot

>and proved that people will suck anything’s dick no matter how bad as long as it’s “stylish” enough.
Like you're shitty Remake you seething faggot.

>FPS are the capeshit of vidya
Only Cod and Halo


Sounds like cope because you can't handle seeing hotter men than you on your games.

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I don't know

FF7R by a landslide.

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Hard to say, but I'll go with tiddies.

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Doom will be forgotten by the time 7R releases. Not even being crass, because even Animal Crossing will make people forget about it.

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Doom already won for me.
>caring about reviewers or awards


is this edited I thought Yas Forums said she was flat??