Glory kills

Fucking glory kills.
Why is this shit still in doom?

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Because it's fun.

Explain how.
Im already burned out of this shit from doom 2016 it back then it got boring really fast third into the game.

Zoomers need epic killmoves and skill trees and weapon upgrades.

Did that Imp see a Switch?


>b-b-b-b-b-but I n-n-n-n-n-need t-t-t-t-them because I f-f-f-f-f-fucking suck m-m-m-m-monkey dick

Because it incentives close ducking into combat in order to regain health, instead of avoiding it. It helps keep the pace up.

You fucks act like a glory kill is a three minute QTE each time.
Also if you don't need HP just shoot them you idiots.


Because the devs hate you personally. Yes, YOU. And they wanted to send you into frenzies of faggotry on Yas Forums so they can laugh at you.

They just get old, imo. You see the same ones over and over and over again, and they start to become a chore rather than a cool little thing.

And it wouldn't be so bad if the game wasn't balanced around them at it's core.

fucking retard.

I gotchu senpai

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The game is balanced around glory kills you stupid fuck.
Theyre not some optional thing, theyre your primary health resource.

I wouldn't mind them if they were like half a second
Just a quick smack to the face then moving on

So is Not getting hit scrub

That was a completely valid argument in doom 2016, but to be honest, not so much in Eternal.
Eternal is wayyyy more balanced around doing constant glory kills, and with dashes there's way less danger in doing them.


lmao just don't get hit not a single enemy has a hitscan weapon


Yes, I agree not having to play carefully or think makes the game go faster.

Not an argument retard.

There's health packs scattered everywhere, get gud enough to not get hit and you'll never have to do a glory kill except to finish off a boss.

lmao is this your first video game? Just step to the side to avoid damage haha!

Again this was true in 2016 but it doesn't really seem like this is the case in eternal. you have way less ammo than in 2016, so you constantly have to go in for chainsaw kills.

>I hate that I have to glory kill for health
>try improving your evasion skills so you won't have to
So you just want to complain. Gotcha
Don't you just hate how you have to pick up ammo!

>eternal has even less health and ammo pickups in the levels than 2016 because it expects you to glory kill enemies and use the recharging chainsaw on fodder
>arenas are now filled with AoE floor hazards created by multiple enemies
>don’t get hit bro!

no theres not.
all pick ups are fucking worthless when some random cannon fodder zombie gives you +80 health on a glory kill

>lmao posting
kill yourself retards

Big fucking deal, you're still killing a fucking demon and getting rewarded for doing so, so what's your motherfucking problem? That you have to do more than just randomly shoot everywhere?

>hit first slayer gate
>ultra nightmare
>do great until I have to glory kill/chainsaw
>soon as the animation stops I'm fucking surrounded by assholes

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>hurr im retarded
I agree, youre a retard

I'm really enjoying Doom 64's eternally timeless gameplay and atmosphere

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>this thread

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Is it still more or less mandatory on the harder difficulties for Eternal? I know this one gives you a shitload more mobility but it was really stale doing them on every single enemy I came across just to get the health pickup, only to get swiped by an imp that ran up to my back off-screen and have that entire thing be negated.

Enemies make constant noise, if you didn't hear that imp that's your problem.

Because the devs did the right thing and copied a good system.

Attached: mgr.jpg (1920x1080, 647.77K)

Its a shit system.

No they didnt.
Zandatsu is actually fucking satisfying. to do. but even that becomes bit spent after a while and you just ignore it unless you need energy

No it's good. It keeps the combat going instead of the player having to hide behind cover,

Zandatsu has its issues too, but no one was angry about it because Rising is not Solid, it’s a spin-off
Eternal is a new Doom game that is such a far cry from any previous entries that it should have just been a new IP

That's dumb user, running in the opposite direction to find health doesn't take more thought than finding a way to charge into a group of enemies safely. Why would you say something that dumb? Do you want me to think you're dumb?

On Nightmare/Ultra Nightmare they can phase in and melee you in the short time it takes you to do the vast majority of glory kills since they're not timed out for the same duration. There could be absolutely no other enemies currently in the area and as soon as you do it there's 1-3 Imps clawing away at you if not lobbing fireballs while you're stuck in the animation. You would know that if you played 2016 on a difficulty past Hurt Me Plenty, where you can easily cruise by without once doing a glory kill or chainsaw.

they feel that way with upgrades to me
overall stopping the game for the glory kill feels like a bad move, but doom does it right because its fast, rewarding and doomguy is invincible while at it

I took faster glory kills just because they are so boring. Fight me Yas Forums

it actually feels way less that 80
its like they give more when you are low on HP

They could have done the old system, there isnt only halo shields and glory kills.
Instead of hiding behind covers youre running away looking for that one trash enemy that works as a healthback.
But you cant simply just grab the health, you have to play a near 3 second animation.

Bruh, there's no invincibility the instant the animation finishes, and things will absolutely clip in to your model trying to get at you the entire time you are doing it. You can mash to dash away and pray but that's it. Half the time you lose everything you just gained.

The game doesn't stop when you use a glory kill, it takes the same amount of time as just finishing it off with another shot.

>a near 3 second animation
Why does everyone who whines about these games also lie out of their asses about what they're whining about?

yeah but
you are not playing while cutscene is running

Who the fuck cares it’s an animation that lasts 1 second don’t you get tired of just shooting because it’s repetitive? Stupid argument

This game is giving me a tinnitus
Why are there so many high pitch noises like the double jump peep and shit like that?

Yeah, they should be about the length they are in Succubus.

I hate them so much and I will never listen to any argument people give me as to why they are not terrible. I couldn't even get into D44m because of them. They're just so fucking awful in every goddamn way.

You guys are embarrassing

>Shooting: Something that actually requires input from the player
>Glory kill: Just press one button

Yes you are still playing the game, christ you faggots want to be ACfag so badly, don't you.

exquisite b8

For a shooting game
the shooting part is fucking awful. and its not even rewarded.

>shooting: press one button while aimed at the enemy
>glory kill: press one button while aimed at the enemy
>chainsawing: press one button while aimed at the enemy
Fucking cockdonkeys no wonder Doom is such a shit franchise, so fucking boring and repetitive.

Killing enemies isn't rewarding to you? Seems like you should play other genres since this one isn't for you.

>have a gun that's fun to shoot
>press LMB twice
>LMAO outta ammo better use that shitty other gun you got
>don't chainsaw too early you'll run out of shit before the level is over
these ammo pools are fucking cancer and ruin whatever good gunplay the game might have had

its not a lie, most of the kills take almost 3 seconds without any upgrades.

>oh my god why can't I just hold the shoot button and mindlessly kill everything with bottomless rounds like in Overwatch which is a much better shooting game just for that reason?!

Repeating bullshit doesn't make it fact, son.

with shooting youre actively playing.
>moving, dodging and predicting your next shot
Glory kills are just mini cutscenes where you can throw your arms behind your head for about 2 seconds.
Not being able to differentiate between the two should be classed as having actual autism.

>oh my god why can't I just hold the shoot button and mindlessly kill everything with bottomless rounds like in DOOM 2016 which is a much better shooting game just for that reason?!
fixed that for you

I want to kill enemies by shooting. not by using shitty glory kills.

Are you pretending to be retarded or are you really retarded? shoot them?

Saying something isnt true when it is true doesnt make it not true, chap.

more importantly why do you have to do even more them than before? Theyd be fine if you only did them as often as you did towards the end of doom 2016

I love how Yas Forums's gone full ACfagtarded and is constantly crying about how everything is cinematic experiences and QTEs.

They halt your momentum, lock you into place, and take away your situational awareness. On Nightmare it feels like you have to clear the room first because it's too easy for an Imp to snipe you with an 75dmg fireball from across the map because you got locked into that shitty animation. And sure, there's other games like Half-Life where they had medical stations that you had to wait around while using, but you weren't fully locked into place while using them, you didn't have an awkward pause before you could start moving again, and they were on the wall instead of in the midst of enemies. It just all runs counter to the "go fast" design of the game, and as a difficulty measure, it's like your younger brother pressing pause during your combo in Tony Hawk. Sure, you could just work around that little shit, but damn is it just annoying.

i dont it when a first person game takes camera control away from me mid combat. especially with how they can snap your character around. if it was the same system gameplay wise but didnt move my position or camera i would enjoy the games a lot more

>take out glory kills
>take out chainsaw ammo piñatas
>scatter more pickups and ammo around
>make health and armor pickups give the same amount as in the classic games
>restore 200/200 HP pool
>make equipment more worthwhile and make use of rare special ammo instead of recharging
much better

Then shoot them, you bitchbaby faggot, nothing is stopping you from doing that.

because trend humpers who jumped the "geek culture" bandwagon love flashy crap. They love "difficult" linear games with lots of flashy crap.

Guns barely tickle them unless you really like wasting all your fucking ammo on one guy.

glory kills are literally cinematic take downs though.
What the fuck?
Its the same shit as the first person cutscenes where the character moves on his own but not as extended.

The game doesnt reward you shooting them. they soak up all the damage.

Oh yes, I forgot, you think you're ACfag and everything that "takes control form you" = a cinematic experience, cutscene, or QTe, which somehow "breaks the game flow" and turns you into a crying bitch.

because consolefags are the main audience
look at the fucking range

Attached: glorykills.webm (1280x720, 1.95M)

Stop painting me as something you stupid fag.
You literally dont know what youre talking about.

Nearly all of them take 1 second tops. The Cacodemon ones are a little longer but none of them are three seconds long. And you get a perk that makes them even shorter. You're only crying because you heard someone whining about cinematic experiences on Yas Forums and decided to emulate him.

Well there is the fact that health pickups aren't a sustainable amount of health, especially on Nightmare, and if you shoot them you're not guaranteed to get the health. Sure, you can just never get hit in your life, but if you slip up you're gonna need a few glory kills. Not to mention it's a needless thing to shoot them again to kill them, rather than them just instantly dying from going into stun. Takes a bit of the punch out of things.

>for about 2 seconds.

>Yes, I agree not having to play carefully or think makes the game go faster.
You're a zoomer trying to pretend like they're old enough to have actually played the original Doom.

>make all games exactly like the one I liked, never do anything different because it triggers me

Meanwhile us boomers prefer everything to be slow, steady, and without anything that makes our eyes hurt. That wonderful Halo series perfected FPS shooters and should have been the standard all of them use.

yup, most of this crap is catered to the "git gud" shallow minded kids that like "difficult" linear crap that is basically dangling colorful plastic keys in front of their faces.

So all the times I one-shit enemies and they exploded into gore apparently never happened because you claim all enemies are bullet sponges who take several super shotgun blasts to kill.

I played the game, again with the schizo shit where you think everyone is actually just a single guy.
Here is a glory kill that takes 3 seconds
from 0:16 to 0:19
Im starting to think you faggots all have a short case memory or are really delusional.

It was implemented to encourage players to get closer to demons and keep up pace. Think to the OG dooms, when you had low health the only way to get more was from pickups. So if you were low health, had exhausted your supply of pickups, and needed to get more you had to face enemies to get access to more of the map. The most health effective way to face enemies was to play quite methodically, peeking around corners and slowly picking off enemies one by one. This was the way many people played the game, your moment to moment game-play usually didn't consist of the high action so many people praise the game for. (not to discredit its massive importance and influence) This went against the design goals of the game, so when they rebooted the series in 2016 they set out to solve this problem and the answer was glory kills. From a surface level analysis they serve as a caned power fantasy animation, which is true obviously. But what Yas Forums seems to forget is that it changes what the player does in low health situations, now instead of backing off from the action and demons and trying to find some health pickups or slowly picking off enemies from a safe distance, you are now encouraged to pickup the pace and further engage with the demons.

INB4 if your attention span can't handle the ~750ms~ animation in trade for a much more perpetual combat experience and arguably more refined doom dance you probably have some gnarly focus issues.

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please tell us about your funko pop collection


In what's supposed to be a "fast" fps, yes, it is.
Cope, retard.

Died like 2 or 3 times there using a controller with autoaim turned off. You're embarrassing

fuck off shill

This is how a consoomer tries to cope when his brand is attacked.

you have a dash now, stop fucking sucking

you are fucking retarded.