Wind pressures you

>wind pressures you
>pecks at you
>enrages from your sonic bomb
>autistic fireball spewing
>ears broken
>starts limping
>fucks off to other side of the map
>get sexually harrased by congas while setting a trap
>tfw no ears
>tfw capped this cunt 21 times already

Attached: yian-kut-kunt.jpg (425x425, 20.95K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I can only imagine how much grief psycho-chicken gives you.

Attached: yiangaruga.jpg (650x650, 49.64K)

>monster (fight)
>monster (design)
>guild gal

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I usually just shoot at his ears with my LBG and it dies withing minutes.

>pic related

Attached: mogasweetheart.png (142x373, 53.51K)

Alright it then.
Lance and LBG
>monster (fight)
Ukanlos and Shagaru Magala
>monster (design)
Khezu and Kushala Daora
>guild gal

Attached: ukanlos.jpg (1280x720, 61.36K)

dont forget
>emptys your wallet

Attached: Pricey Boy.jpg (366x486, 17.75K)

Remember when this guy was a pushover then the next game it buttfucks you?

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Yian Garuga started out as a huge butt-fucking threat though. He was like the original "Elder-tier" monster in MHF1, before Rajang and Jho.

I honestly didnt get raped by it until 4U


post a monster without posting it

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>>monster (fight)
Brute Tig
>>monster (design)
Torn between the simplicity of the tigs and the Buddhist aesthetic of Shara
>>guild gal

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Freedom Unite
Yama Tsukami
I'm pretty into the handler from WOrld right now.

>3U Wii U
>Switch Axe
>Seltas Queen
>tie between Moga and Soaratorium

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What monster?

the one whose island is shaped like a lotus flower, dummy

>no fun

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>MHF, MHGU for mainline
>Swaxe F or MHF's Gunlance, Prowler for mainline
>Hunter's Road White Fatalis or any of the Zeniths
>Seltas/Seltas Queen with Ahtal-Ka as a close second

Attached: Slash Axe F.jpg (1200x1200, 254.09K)

Been a while since we've started a thread with Monster Hunter Thread
>hard question but probably 3U or IB
>Design: Nargacuga/Magalas
>Fight: Chaotic Gore
>Guild Gal: Moga Sweetheart

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Garuga doesn't exist, it's all propaganda from that jealous Kut-Ku loser.

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shut the fuck up rathalos, you probably enjoy being cucked by yian kut kus

motherfucker thinks he's a rathian

Does putting a high starred set bonus on a Safi weapon make other higher star bonuses more likely to set up?
I've got Odogaron's skill on there for now but I'm trying to swap it out for Teostra, if I put say Kirin's skill on there if it shows up will it make Teostra more likely?
Or are the set bonuses just totally random unlike the stat boosts?

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Provided you have all the other slots filled you have better odds of a higher slot appearing if it's an upgrade of that type, monster specific ones are random though but teo is generally one of the easier ones to roll for compared to something like Shara or Goldian

Damn I must just be getting unlucky then
I've got like 20 Stored Power now, I saw Rajang and some other Elders in there a few times but no Teostra.
I guess getting all my Sharpness and Attack boosts that I wanted on this Para Lance done in two runs was pretty lucky though. Might not even use Master's Touch all the time on it because the sharpness is already pretty bonkers but it'll be nice to have the easy option.

want to try out switchaxe
I have a para safi switchaxe because why not
how the FUCK do I build this

You can only have 1 6-star upgrade, if you try to get two of these, it will downgrade your previous 6-star upgrade to a 5-star one.
Let's say you have a blank slate, a fresh safi weapon. You burn Dracolite and you get to choose an upgrade.
>If you pick an Attack I, the next roll will have a higher chance of giving you Attack II, if you pick that upgrade, the next roll will have a higher chance of giving you Attack III and so on.
Now, you're looking for a particular set bonus, like Teostra's.
>If you keep rolling and storing potential instead of picking any upgrades, your chance of getting a Teostra's Technique wont increase at all.
>To increase your chances, you will have to swap the set bonus until Teostra's Technique appears.
>For example, you roll and pick Nargacuga Essence, then the next roll, you pick Diablos Ambition, then the next roll there are no set bonuses so you pick another upgrade or store the potential, then you get Zorah Essence and so on until Teostra's Technique appears.
But what if i run out of Dracolite? Just save before upgrading any weapons, roll and test your luck and if you don't get the shit you want, restart without saving and try again, Safi with randoms is absolute hell and I'm not wasting any Dracolite.
Might be wrong tho,
t. PS4 double dipper on PC.

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Basic melee set with power prolonger optional.

Oh I didn't think of savescumming it,oh well
I don't think randomly changing out the set bonus will actually have any effect on the luck though, that sounds like confirmation bias

does swaxe go teo or should I just go like 4 attacks + status up?

Evade Extender/Window to taste. I like Extender Lv2
Earplugs 1 to prevent being roared out of ZSD. More if you want I guess, charm makes it easy.
Power Prolonger is nice to have

There's a para build on the meta page

Otherwise build it like you would anything else, SwitchAxe doesn't need anything special like focus or artillery or the like except maybe power prolonger but you can run just fine without it.

Go teo if you want to run with safi or another set bonus, otherwise I'd say just attack.

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I used to run Goldian Head and Waist with Kirin Chest, Teo Arms and Garuga Legs:
>Divine Protection
>Health Boost
>Critical Eye
>Can easily slot in WEX 3 and Crit Boost
>You can swap 3% damage increase for Evade Extender 2
It takes a while to get used to it, but it's one of the most unga-bunga weapons in the game, only behind hammer and grugsword.

Status up isn't very good.
Depends on what you want, if you don't care and don't want to bother with with master's touch just go x5 attack up.
Otherwise go x3 attack x2 sharpness if you care about not bouncing that much.
Don't know about eating a slot for teo essence, but if you really want a certain armor set bonus go for it I guess.

>Status up isn't very good.
would the base paralysis on the weapon be enough for inflicting paralysis then? I haven't fucked with paralysis before so I don't know if you actually need shit to support it

On safi?
Yeah you can get 1 para off on him without any status up.
Not sure about normal hunts but I assume it'll be 1 or 2 procs at least.

alright cool that sounds fine

>>wind pressures you
>you feel the current again
>you feel the blood in your veins

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grigori when

I haven’t used hammer before, but i just got a safi blast hammer with teo bonus. Do I just add raw damage or do i put some affinity too?

You can get more than enough affinity from regular sources already.

>Hammer, then glaive starting with 4u, back to hammer in world
>hellblade or bloodbath

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How are people on PS4 STILL so fucking bad at Safi?

You think the equipment from Raging and Furious will compete at all with Safi gear or will Capcom fuck it up again?

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I feel like when Alatreon is released, they might do the different elemental weapons thing again due to that being Alatreon‘s gimmick

I’ve been out of the loop a few weeks, when’s the announcement of the fan favourite meant to be? Tonight?

Alatreon never used Water so I dunno. They could always just give him Water attacks though.

Hope somebody gets this one

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5 hours, they'll announce it in the dev diary

crab lad?

>announce a new monster well over a month before it comes out
>if it doesn't get delayed due to memevirus



>trying to learn to play without palico
>mfw tempered namielle
i hate this, i hate this fight so fucking much
why is everything a shitzone
why is there lazer spam

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So how do we feel about Dauntless?

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