GameStop goes full sovereign citizen

GameStop goes full sovereign citizen

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The free state of Gamestop.

In fairness, if they close, they die. They're just raging against the dying light.

imagine gamestop thinking they pay their employees enough to make them argue with the cops on their behalf.

La Creatura...

Depends on how long. If it's a week, for example, maybe not. Beyond that there is no telling.

It wouldn't be a week. Conservative estimates are two to three. Fear mongers want you to be prepared for a year plus of this shit.

The economy will be in shambles beyond a month, and it's already spiraling out of control now.

Can you imagine how many people wish they didnt lose their jobs?

Gamestops are literally biohazard sites, and I don’t mean selling the next RE game

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>literally lighting the ship on fire as they sink
Its so great to watch.

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How can they be essential when everything they sell can be bought on the internet and downloaded directly to your console?

>including a
>health seal cut off
not buying it

pretty chad move honestly

The CDC is trying hard to push for a full six weeks lockdown. They claim if we did that the virus couldn’t spread.


Would you be surprised if the real signs said the same thing?

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Gamestop is essential though if gamestop closed gamers might rise up

Copy that

If we rise up we might get aerial aids.

>When you can just download the game from your house
What the fuck is this. Someone make Gamestop die already.

The point of everything that's being done isn't even to stop it from spreading everywhere. That's a bit hard to say the least. It's to spread out the infections over time, so that country's medical system isn't overwhelmed like the unfortunate shitshow happening in Italy where way too many people are infected all at once, and the country can't handle it as a result.

I just realized this was the last thing I bought from gamestop outside of a giftcard or two for younger family

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I could see their point if we were still in 6th gen but not today.

I seen those videos! When do the police start smashing Gamestop's windows?

Gamestop corporate are among the worst type of corporate garbage on the planet and genuinely deserve death. Fuck those faggots so hard.

They're no different from any other corporate retail. The entire retail industry is garbage, and I hope the coronavirus accelerates its death and leads us to a future where everything is shipped from warehouses fully automated with robots.

They sell computer headsets. People now working from home can use headsets to do so. So, GS is trying to claim they're a "telecommunications solutions provider" and not just a game store in order to stay open.

I can't imagine them getting any business during this time. If I was an employee I'd see it as I'm getting paid to do nothing for 8 hours.

it's hardly fear mongering when china has been on lock down for two months. as they ease restrictions we'll see if they get a round 2 and if they do then being on lockdown until there's a vaccine, which will take a year, is really the only option

Imagine being the employee that gets ordered to argue with fucking COPS that your store is essential.
We all know store managers, marketing managers, general managers, etc etc etc are all too cowardly to actually confront a customer, imagine authorities.

Does that mean Gamestop will finally go bankrupt and then bought by Tencent?

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Imagine if we started another Battletoads request campaign, but we're all COOFing in our calls and offering calls of solidairty?

Finish them off with wholesome memes.

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But if everything opens back up in 3 weeks won't there be an explosion of infections anyway?

Based GameStop. Fucking government closed all the pubs and clubs here, they've got no fucking right to do that shit and I'm gonna go out if I fucking want to

when did GameStop become a restaurant?

Yes, bt not nearly as big an explosion. You can't keep the country locked down forever.

Happy to know that once Xbox and Sony go all digital with their terabyte drive expansions this shit company can finally close

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people are over reacting. Only old people, babies, and AIDs fags should be quarantined.
Its just the flu bro.

>I can't imagine them getting any business during this time.
You're acting like half the board hasn't been exploding because AC and Doom are both coming out this week.

I'm not that old bro

La negro de pasta

Being unemployed is more respectable than being a gamestop clerk normally, but holy fuck

Only one thing can get them to close...

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then you dont need to be quarantined lmao

where are the underground meetups

>they've got no fucking right to do that shit and I'm gonna go out if I fucking want to
based retard
People like you are the reason why the virus will continue to spread.

yeah bro it's not big deal for us. never mind the fact that about half of all icu patients in the netherlands are under 50, it's just the flu
it's just pneumonia bro, no big deal. let's party!

yes but far, far fewer. That said it's still unknown if three weeks is enough to blunt the curve below our healthcare capacity line.

>are both coming out this week
user do you know what day it is?

Sooooo does that I mean I WONT be getting my Final Fantasy VII pre-order Shinra card or naw?

But I'm in the hospital bro

Also, while a vaccine is still a year+ away, treatments are being developed and tested. Countries are also buying time so that can happen. Once there's some kind of effective treatment, that'll help hospitals more than you can imagine, when it comes to managing care.

You will, just not until later

Imagine corporate telling wagies to fight a war of succession for the right to sell Stranger Things Funko Pops

How have right wingers not jumped all over this, it's literally their dream scenario.

you'll probably survive

Literally what is the point of gamestop in 2020?

>most console gamers go with digital downloads because they take up less space
>PC players have no real reason to visit any kind of gaming store whatsoever

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The canada branch is shutting down. Made sure to stay open long enough to sell the hot new games first though.


The correct answer is to have a hundred thousand people call up and ask "Hey, I hear you guys are open despite the quarantine? Do you have any used copies of Coronavirus?"

Probably, but "just a flu" doesnt require hospitalization in most people

Good! I want them to put up the fight just long enough so I can get my Persona 5 Royal preorder.


I can’t even remember the last thing I bought from a Gamestop. The last time I remember actually going in to one was to to get BlazBlue: Central Fiction because it said they had a copy online. The only one they had was a used copy for $5 cheaper in a shitty generic case so I left without buying anything

Ended up buying it for like $7 in a PS4 store sale, found out just then that they apparently decided to stop dubbing the series for the last game and dropped it after 5 minutes. Sucks but at least Gamestop didn’t get my money

>On the verge of death
>Finally get a tiny cash injection
>New management

Fucking kek, good riddance.

The only young people who suffer severe effects from it have underlying conditions. Asthma being one of the biggest offenders, since it's rather common.

This is why capitalism is a failed system.

Literally putting peoples lives at risk for money. I hope one of them gets infected and sues the hell out of the greedy fucks.

>a year plus
At that point surviving the corona virus is pointless with impact that would have on the global economy. Most everyone would be living in homeless camps.

ugh, i have no patience user

The millennial version of the useless nicknack stores, also for nigs and joses who have no bank accounts

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Funko Pops, second hand games and other garbage merch, that's seriously all that's kept them afloat the last few years.

What the fuck, I thought everyone bought digital and even used games were overpriced at GameStop.

Govt has already suspended evictions and foreclosers

Their used game prices arent even good. I can find games on Amazon brand new for cheaper than gamestop sells used games. No idea how they have lasted this long.

At least they have a job still.

Lmao you think the government is going to protect you when taxes havent been paid in a year? The government won't even exist if quarantine lasts that long.

Not even babies or kids seem to be that affected

Jesus Christ everyone is overreacting over this. What the hell.

We always hear it affects every age group, we don't hear that 99% have underlying conditions.

That's only until the end of April, they cant maintain that longer than a month.

I think paying for food will be the big concern in a month.
At least stores will be fully stocked.

>second hand games
I legit remember going in there a few years ago and saw a shovelware wii game (not even wii u, it was the original wii) for like 50 bucks.

Even the secondhand game prices are terrible.

Meant for

I've never seen the US Govt get off their asses and move as fast as they are now
The Malaria drug looks promising though.