What do you think is the hardest boss across all Souls-like games?

What do you think is the hardest boss across all Souls-like games?

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fume knight is the most overrated boss in the series, and has no business in this image. Nameless king is also overrated in difficulty, the bottom two should be gael and maybe midir or friede, but it doesn't really matter because isshin and orphan are by far the hardest two bosses in the series. Personally I find orphan harder, isshin is only difficult until the first time you beat him.

Sister Friede for me probably.
Had a lot of trouble with nameless and Fume as well. Orphan was pretty tough but managable and Isshin I beat on my second try, but Friede took me an ungodly amount of attempts.

>nameless king

bed of chaos without the reload exploit

try not being a str or dex build, makes every fight in this game either significantly harder or extremely easy, this one for me makes it a lot harder.

For me it’s isshin very easily

>who is the hardest boss
the fucking framerate drops on my ps4. fuck blood borne.


in order of difficulty

Orphan > Nameless > Fumey > Isshin

in order of fun

Isshin > Nameless > Orphan = Fumey

Out of those 4 its Orphan.
Isshin is not even the hardest boss of Sekiro.

For magic you just behave exactly like a STR slow weapon build my dude, cast from point blank at the end of one of his combo strings.

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Fume is the one boss in the series that killed me most times, but I don't consider it to be merit of encounter design as much as him just being really cheap and DaS2's combat being crap.
The one that punishes mistakes and rewards skill the most, hence the best one, is probably Isshin. If you can reliably parry and know how to do Lightning Reversal, you'll beat him after a handful of tries, but if you're a brainlet you'll never even get to the last phase.

God iron keep was such kino, like DAMN that’s how DLC should be done. The snowy one too...

Fume is not hard
He just has retarded damage

Kos was hardest but that's because it was Bloodborne and ran like shit and he would jump and break lock on.

>Sister Friede
I'll second this, but I haven't gotten to Isshin yet. Just started Sekiro last night.

Hardest but in a bullshit way: 2kat in Dark Souls 2
Hardest but in a fun way: Sword Saint

i will note this is probably too biased in favour of sekiro, isshin is only easier if you actually go balls deep with the parrying mechanics and play the game the way it was meant to be played, which coincidentally is also so much more fun than any combat encounter in souls

Most probably. Dude is basically an mmo raid boss stuck in. You more or less have to cheese it.

Never could get into Sekiro so I can't speak for it, but I've always had the most trouble (by far) with Friede. Runners up are Orphan and Laurence.

Fume Knight is a great boss but his difficulty is exaggerated, same with Midir who I've seen some people mention. They're both bosses where they're tricky to master but once you do they become second nature and they'll literally never touch you.

Anyone complaining about either of them being cheap or overly difficult just never bothered to learn them properly and, in Midir's case, probably cheesed him with mercury and called it a day.

Midr probably*

I only have Hatred , Owl 2 , Ape 2 and Isshin left on my first playthrough. Im scared of them all so im exploring killing the nameless/semshichis and minibosses i had skipped.

are you braindead

sir alonne is harder than fume

You don't have to cheese Midir in the slightest. There's tons of videos on exactly how to deal with him, how to dodge every attack, what to punish, best spacing, etc. You just have to learn him and stop telling yourself he's harder than he is and needs to be cheesed when he doesn't.

Drake and Josh. Ever wonder where the saying "git gud" came from? Them.

Sure in a technical way they aren't the most difficult boss, but the difficulty in their fight comes from your skill level at the time you face them.

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I have a much harder time with a bunch of bosses in BB than Orphan desu.

lol no, fume has like 3 moves that can one shot you if you dont have full health.

Madam Butterfly

I don't who's the most difficult but Fume Knight has the best theme song out of those four.

Owl 2 is over hyped. If you beat demon, you can beat him.

Maybe if you never level health.

Hatred is closer to a Souls fight than all the other bosses, but there's a prosthetic tool that helps out a lot in his last phase. Owl 2 is just learning, see him as an upgrade to the first time you gotta git gud with Genichiro, you're just doing that learning curve again. Ape 2 is no biggie, don't be afraid to parry the headless cunt.

Orphan is harder than isshin for me but I enjoy the SS isshin fight, and I hate the orphan fight it’s not fun it’s just annoying

it's easier to not get hit by fume.

Not him but demon is stupid, I have beaten every single boss in every souls game and still can not even get close to beating this dude no matter how much i change my strategy. Plus people call you a fag for using malcontent on him so I want to beat him legit.

This, Midir is a joke though

just run around at a safe distance and hit him when it's safe like a pussy. that's what I did.

And also stupid long range

>fume knight is the most overrated boss in the series, and has no business in this image.
DaS2fags clinging to the idea their shit game matters.

It's literally just Souls formula of pattern recognition. Fuck his balls up and use the movement speed you have in that game to your advantage when it comes to avoiding attacks. I only remember one attack actually being scary and it was kind of fake scary, his unblockable charge attack where you need to jump over his arm or whatever the hell it was.

I struggled more with Chained Ogre than either Isshin or Madam Butterfly

Watchdog of the Old Lords (Defiled Chalice)
>Gael is harder than Fume Knight
Get the fuck out of here

>Fume Knight
Fume isn't even the hardest boss in his own game.

>it’s not fun it’s just annoying
It's one of the most exciting fights in the whole game

just parry lol

Same. Ebrietas and Laurence fucked me up. Both took me way more tries to beat than Orphan of Kos (same say Kosm).

Orphan is the most fun fight in the game, though.

This, people end up not fighting Midir at all because of how intimidating it is and what other people say, I used to say it was the hardest boss and I hadn't even beat it once, than one day I was bored and decided to try it out, I beat him on my third try

half his moves are just 'let me one shot you with this absurd ranged attack' and then i die immediately and just stop playing. Plus I use the fire umbrella thing and I always end up running out of sprit emblems by phase 3.


Gael IS harder than Fume Knight. FK is really easy to get down to a science and for the most part he's relatively non-aggressive compared to later series bosses. There's nothing chaotic or frantic.

Gael is hyper aggressive and constantly using several different attacks one after another (sometimes at the same time) and his attacks have extremely varied hitboxes that can be easy to lose track of.

Neither is the hardest fight in the series, but Gael is far more challenging.

This fucking faggot fisted my anus HARD on my first playthrough. I'm guessing it was so difficult because I was underleveled and had been putting points into bloodtinge. Took a good day and a half of trying to beat it.

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>Gael is harder than Fume Knight
fume knight is incredibly slow. The trick to beating him is to not have adhd, just give yourself breathing room and he's easy

Why does this cunt and his butt buddies give me more trouble than any other boss in the entire series?

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I'll never understand this meme, or saying sekiro is hard at all. He's slightly harder Gwyn, that goes to every humanoid boss in sekiro.

from a distance everything is dodgeable. only use the umbrella when you get cornered or stuck in the geometry. also, don't remember being one shot by anything, maybe you need more health.

Gael isn't hard because the player character of 3 is overpowered
Get a half-decent Shield and the majority of his attacks can't even hurt you
He also has a buttload of attacks that leaves his ass hanging out to circle-strafe like P1 Jump Attack, those light discs he throws out, or his crossbow

Demon is just straight up a bad boss. It's the only encounter in the game where Souls' strategies of running away and dodging are not only not punished, but actually encouraged.

He was my arch-nemesis for a while too. Now that I have his parry windows down I don't struggle much anymore but his fucking wavy planted sword range attack is still infuriating

Because you don't know how to backstab or block

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Literally all you have to do with Raime is wait for his attacks and react-dodge. Everything is consistent to dodge, everything is telegraphed, and everything is slow. Destroy the remnants so he doesn't keep healing, keep close to him, and watch his actions. Learn how to roll everything, and he leaves himself open constantly.

Gael at least makes you keep moving unless you cheese him with a greatshield or a strong medium shield while having insane stamina. He has a lot more variables to him than Raime does.

pick one and only one zoomerino

…Am I the only one here who got ass-raped by The Lost Sinner the first time they played DaS2

why is even shart souls 2 even there lmao

No idea never had a problem with that boss, I actually enjoy fighting them a lot every playthrough

wow a legitimate unironic fpbp, but i will say second post is good too and i think friede is harder than orphan honestly...

Great Shinobi Owl is the hardest imo, the game tells you to be aggressive but his poison and potions punishes you, not to mention that in second phase he can regain posture and how he can take more hits to break posture than a fucking giant ape. Even Owl father was easier since at least you can get in his face.

I thoroughly BTFO all of these but the most challenging was probably Isshin. It is a shame that parrying makes the games so easy, Sekiro at least made it a lot more involved

Ive beaten all the games multiple times but this is still the hardest fight for me out of any of them and its one of like three that have ended playthroughs for me. Dont really get why I have so much trouble here.

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Souls is so fucking shit compared to Sekiro & Bloodborne holy shit.

If Nioh counts - Tachibana Muneshige is complete bullshit.
It's not even easy to cheese him.

>generally a shitter at the game, never bothered getting good at deflecting
>third practice run, first two died to isshin phase one
>beat him with half my gourds left

he has such weak posture that lucky deflects made him kill himself

Pyros probably have the easiest time against Nameless King of any build.

Holy shit I thought I was the only one.
Legit trashed a controller on this fight the first time I played through it, and yet everyone keeps saying it's a joke boss.

I'm a pyro build and had almost no trouble. Midir was fucking wrecking me though.

I think Im just really bad at gank bosses. The trio in Dark 2 also fuck my ass every time but Ive found ways to kind of cheese those.

Fume is numerically the hardest boss in any of those games
Get over yourself lmao

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Being vigilant of what's around you and staying on the move is key for this one like no other.

The evolution of Souls difficulty is my favorite thing about it.

The games have an excellent way about fucking with people who played the previous games.
>Demon's to Dark
More punishing weight limits and speed
Way more punishing weight limits and speed and control
Removed shields entirely as a crutch, blood vials. You HAVE to dodge
Every enemy has fucked delays on their attacks and a million attacks in a row
You HAVE to parry

Orphan on NG+ is probably my favorite

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