I'm playing CB. Is there a style that's focused more on the axe?
I'm playing CB. Is there a style that's focused more on the axe?
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Adept has the perfect dodge in axe form rather than perfect block in sword, but I dunno man just use the axe more why rely on style?
Yes, it's called playing World.
I'm having more fun with GU, thanks for the bump.
I'm trying to make an anti-Silver Rath set since I'm a shitter and sick of him kicking my ass. Does this look good for a Gunner set with the Mizutsune LBG, or does anyone have better suggestions?
what site is that?
Forgot to include resistance in screenshot, but it's 10 fire res.
idk I thought some style had some extra moves in axe mode or something. I know valor has the extra ED but it almost feels like you never have time to pull it off.
Or maybe I'm just shit
>suddenly playing like shit and multicarting against monsters I've killed before no problem
Akantor had me running around chugging potions and still killed me twice
How do you recover from slumps?
We all have bad hunts sometimes. Shake off the rust by starting out with easier hunts then working your way up, don't sweat it user.
>get to deserted island
>you can't go into the water
>wanting to go swim with the plesioth assholes
Aerial is all about dunking on monsters with your axe.
>Want to play with GU bros
>Only have XX
>The cross server cheat crashes is either side uses event gear
It's not fair bros...
not really since you cant do the ultra discharge in the air
>get in EX room with 3 big crowns as a crownlet
>they all spectacularly get squished by Elderfrost in less than 5 minutes
So even if I'm wearing something like Zero Suit transmog, you'll still crash if I enter your hub?
You can though? It's X+A.
I'm not sure how deep it goes, but I'm pretty sure anything dummied from XX to GU would do it?
huh the guide doesn't mention it. gonna have to try it i guess
It's very much not worth it of course with how they butchered ultra... The only reason aerial CB is usable in GU from gen is because of them moving it to X+A and letting you do the regular one with A
do you guys prefer Charge Blade or switch axe?
Who's down for some huntan'? All my friends are playing AC.
Post room. Will take about 5 min to get ready once you post room code.
Do Mopeshrooms also only last half as long in Demon mode like Dash Juice does?
Why do I always have 0 unique mushrooms for crafting even after gathering some in the previous mission?
unique is account item. Will converted to points once quest completed.
Unique Mushrooms are Account Items, which automatically get converted into Wycademy Points at the end of any hunt they're collected in.
what do you mean by "how they butchered ultra"? why's it not worth using?
Yeah but how come they're materials too
What are the worse monsters to fight online? I just put someone through a Teostra hunt and feel like I owe them physical money
kek I remember doing Teostra key quests in 4U, there was 1 success out of 10 hunts
Kill yourself, faggot.
Why the hostility
>love the looks of the LR Mizutsune armor
>my character is too dark skinned to really rock it
Feels bad
You console warriors are cancer.
Take your pills and dilate, schizoid tranny
It's useful in a pinch, but they made it a single hit that's a bit weaker than it was in 4U.
what the fuck are you talking about
Did you reply to the wrong person or something
It's all about axe, get full phials, do the A swings repeatedly then cancel into R to get red axe, keep axing.
Only reason to use sword is to charge up the axe and to block/guard point.
Keep seething listfags
Is it better to axe one phial at a time or unload 5 phials ASAP with and ued
lmao 2rex
I have both, World is good but I prefer GU
No no, not one at a time, you do constant swings with A, then when it's the last swing, DON'T discharge, instead press R, this will cancel into a sword attack and will charge the axe/shield.
See my screenshot how the axe/shield is red, like that in axe mode it does shitloads more damage, also, when in sword mode, it does damage when blocking and can stun them too.
>carted once to Dreadqueen 1 in G Rank gear because I thought Black Armor was supposed to protect me from getting poisoned
Striker boosts the axe damage even more when you have red shield and takes away the shield thrust from sword mode, so that definitely seems more axe-focused. Aerial technically focuses on axe more too because most of the hunt will be spamming aerial AEDs. Adept gives you more mobility in axe mode and leads into your axe infinite, so that's also a pretty good option. Valor and Alchemy are also worth looking at since you don't have to worry about SAEDing instead of AEDing by accident and the new phial bursts that brave axe mode has are niiice. Its modes are pretty balanced between all the styles, honestly. You can use whichever whenever, unlike swaxe where adept with tempest axe seems like the standout option for axe-only play.
I like most swaxe designs more since charge blade designs all feel kind of samey. The mechanics on a charge blade are way more interesting though. It took me a bit to realize how the shield thrust worked.
How do you predict precise monster movements online with weapons like Hammer or GS? GU doesn't have tools like Clutch Claw to make the job easier.
They can be used in combination with Hot Pepper during a quest to make Spicy Mushrooms, which aren't account items and can be used as mats for the bistro torso. I have no idea why they bothered doing this. Tropical berries and ice shards can be combined as well if you're short on cool drinks in the dunes, which is much more useful.
It's only a single explosion so it feels a lot more limp. It's also just not really strong enough for how many resources it uses up. You could use it right before your shield boost is about to run out, but you could also just use those phials to recharge your shield. I think the one thing it's good for outside of brave mode is waking a sleeping monster since it's a powerful single hit
host a room
Pay attention to who the monster is currently targeting and when they turn to target someone else. They usually stick with that target for a little bit, so you can use the times when they're looking at others to go for the tail and the ones where they're looking at you to go for the head. Even if it's harder to headsnipe, having other people means you get a lot more openings for charge attacks. Alternatively, just eat for Felyne Provoker, get -10 points in Sense, or use Hammer's taunt HA so they focus on you more.
Man, I looked into it more and I actually can't even use it because of my o3DS. Loading the cheat with luma causes random crashes and some update broke bootntr's cheat loader when used with luma on o3DS since you can't turn off luma's on it.
My current GS (pic related) runs out of Sharpness too fast, but the Mantis one is ugly. Any suggestions for decent ones with a black/silver aesthetic?
Which patch do you use? I know there are two kind of patch that you can use. I use the Crossplay.zip patch that I got on /mhg/ and it works eventhough I use O3DS but I think I dont have bootNTR.
I was going off of that QoL cheats thread on gbatemp but I'll look into that.
Can that method be used to cheat in the DLC palicos on 3DS and then send them to someone on switch? I know the dummied out skills should work fine
Oh nice, it worked. Does this have the 60 fps cheat rolled in too though? Because it sure feels like it. It's too bad I can't toggle this plugin though if I wanted to play with Japs...
I dont know about that. But if you want the DLC palico, the only method that I know is just trade or share the Palico with someone that has it.
But if you meant by make a room with both 3DS XX and Switch GU and share Palicoes, that also can be done because of the Crossplay patch.
Do you only get a crown if you're hosting an EX Deviant?
I dont remember. There are two sources of Crossplay.zip patches. One in /mhg/ and one in gbatemp I think. Try to check the gbatemp one because they bundle it together with 60fps. I dont know about the /mhg/ one.
Go see the post that recommend the ips method. There is a file that bundle it together.
plus you can use keyboard while hunt using these bundled ips patch.