Why have games with dinosaurs died out?

Why have games with dinosaurs died out?

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They went extinct.

At the singleplayer level, the Turok remake didn't do so well, and Turok was THE dinosaur sp experience. Nobody wants to try after that blunder. Multiplayer? ARK Survival Evolved is doing well.

Well they never really started to begin with. They were also few. It was really just Turok, Dino Crisis, and whatever Jurassic Park games got licensed.
Well the Turok remake failed mostly because it was a classic case of how not to do a remake. That game lacked everything that made a Turok game a Turok game. It was Turok in name only, really. Everybody who wants a Turok game knows what they want in a Turok game and knew before hand that wasn't really a Turok game. So they didn't buy it. I did because I'm a sucker. I still have the launch T-shirt they gave out.


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Dinosaurs got really popular when Jurassic Park came out.

Can this be the new dinosaur game thread the old one is fucking horrifying


Scientists ruined dinosaurs and made them uncool

That depends. Why is it horrifying and don't bring it here.

Yes, this
Early scientists shouldn't have found overtly bird-like skeletons and labeled them "Terror Lizards" when in reality they weren't really reptiles and more like birds. They also should have properly started depicting them with feathers. But no they chose to make them look like godzilla and now we're stuck with centuries of retards who deny immediate scientific proof that dinosaurs have feathers because it hurts their nostalgia for outdated B-movies.
Fuck you.
Move on and understand that science EVOLVES.
You're the type of people who insist that trans folk have to disclose their biological history to people before dating and sex as if dysphoria hasn't been scientifically proven.

You just have to fucking adapt to the new information. Scientists haven't gone "back and forth" on feathers, it's FOSSILIZED

take a good look

>At the singleplayer level, the Turok remake didn't do so well, and Turok was THE dinosaur sp experience. Nobody wants to try after that blunder.

>Well the Turok remake failed mostly because it was a classic case of how not to do a remake. That game lacked everything that made a Turok game a Turok game. It was Turok in name only, really. Everybody who wants a Turok game knows what they want in a Turok game and knew before hand that wasn't really a Turok game. So they didn't buy it.

niggers the turok remake was great and well received what are you talking about?

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I think the retard was talking about the 2008 game

Oh. Yea don't lead them here, please.

I think he means turok 2008

Is this what it's like to feel old?

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I thought we were talking about 08. 08 was a remake. The Night Dive Turok was a remaster. Not a remake.

you anti-feather retards sound insane, yo know that?
This is you faggot

It was more of a reboot rather than a remake


Wtf why am I the retard?

True but I still figured he was talking about that one. Either way, the recent Nightdive Turok is a remaster, not a remake.

Oh look, here's the feathersperg.


Last thread wasn’t vidya so it’s not surprising it turned into shitposting in an instant

>I think the retard was talking about the 2008 game
>I think he means turok 2008
oh wow, ya, a retard indeed
>I thought we were talking about 08. 08 was a remake. The Night Dive Turok was a remaster. Not a remake.

no you dumb fuck. 2008 was a reboot, the night dive was a remake/remaster(those terms are basically interchangable and describe a touch up/modernization of an old game to be as close as possible to what it was like back in the day with some quality of life/under the hood improvements) where as a reboot is a reboot, an entirely new game in a franchise reusing the original name.

a good example of another reboot: 90s DOOM 90s vs Doom 2016. a clear reboot, not a remake.

>Being this pedantic
Gonna continue to call it a remake just to tickle you weirdos.

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You mean people denying absolute scientific fact? Yes that was infuriating

How come in any thread where people are having a typical discussion, there is always that one guy who always have to fly way off the handle for little-to-no reason? How are people so unstable that they get set off so easily by the most inane and dumb shit?

On this site people cannot hold a conversation without hunting for the subject they feel like fighting about.
They don't win a lot of conflicts IRL so they want the dopamine rush of verbally wrecking someone online

>Game came out 1997
>its fucking 2020 now
Fuck me time flying

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That's not true nigger

Let call 08 a remake and maintain the position that Night Dive was a remaster which is different than a remake for the sole reason of giving this guy an aneurysm. It'll be funny.

It's true

I still remember using level select in Turok 2 to pseudo-coop boss fights with my brother. It was fun.

>Either way, the recent Nightdive Turok is a remaster, not a remake.
look at this wrongfag. the nightdive turok is technically a remake because they REMADE the game engine, textures, etc from the ground up. remaster typically refers to just a graphical update. nightdive remade the whole engine for turok, ergo, its a remake. the confusion between remakes and remasters stems from many developers using the terms interchangeably or incorrectly and/or just doing piss poor half assed attempts.

ANYWAYS, turok 2008 was neither a remake or remaster. it was a reboot by any common definitions of the terms.

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No clue.
Wasn't there some park management game a years back with Dinosaurs?


>Wasn't there some park management game a years back with Dinosaurs?
ya some older dino park management game. also jurassic world evolution is pretty recent (and currently on sale on steam, just bought it this week) and its pretty good dino game. learning lots of dino names i never knew before.

Prehistoric Kingdom? looks alright but they're giving up on their accuracy message which is pretty shitty

Jurassic World Evolution? PURE shit

Dinosaurs got too much of a kiddy stigma these days. It’s a struggle to find any readily avaliable dinosaur book in stores that isnt a coloring book or basic dino facts for little boys. Even JW had to tone down on the gore compared to the original trilogy because it was assumed the primairly demographic would be kids.

Do they really? I never hear anybody talk about them outside of referencing Jurassic World. Which is most certainly not a kiddy stigma.

Reminder that T-rex was a giant scavenging turkey
Source: youtube.com/watch?v=lHf9MJKBzEA&feature=youtu.be


So which is the best dinosaur game ever made? Turok 2 or Trespasser?

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carnivores dinosaur hunter my fuck did that game ever scare the shit out of me

Go away. We don't want you feather arguing fuckers here. We just want to have video game discussion.

Is this a joke? Trespasser was hot garbage.
There is one decently good game in the jurassic franchise and its JPOG

Turok 2 by the virtue that it's actually a completed game that works and is good. Trespasser could have been but that game was such a disaster.

Well I actually enjoyed the Genesis Jurassic Park game when I was a kid. But maybe I am in the minority on that one.

Trespasser was pure kino though

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I don't think I played this one.

Their "feathers" are hardly feathers you fucking ingrate. It's more like quills.

But World WAS kiddy as fuck between the absolutely moronic plot, superinteligent raptor friends and all major deaths happening off-screen. It was obvious as hell the writers aimed to lower the age rating as much as possible, while JP was pretty much 18+ all the way. If JW doesnt have a kiddy stigma already it will soon do.

Turok 2 didn't even have regular dinosaurs in it, they were lizard alien things

It could have been. But it was too much of a mess for me. It was way too ambitious for it's time. They really should try to make another pass at that game. They could actually pull it off today.

I miss Turok Evolution.
It gets a lot of shit but it was great.

Dont reply, he’s here to shitpost, not to discuss vidya.

why did they think levels like lair of the blind ones as well as others in 2 was ok?

Nah it had raptors and that triceratops you ride. Though the raptors were far less used than in 1.

>But World WAS kiddy as fuck between the absolutely moronic plot, superinteligent raptor friends and all major deaths happening off-screen. It was obvious as hell the writers aimed to lower the age rating as much as possible, while JP was pretty much 18+ all the way. If JW doesnt have a kiddy stigma already it will soon do.

the child actors in world are absolute cringe versus the two great child actors in the original JP. hell, even chaos doctor's baboon daughter in one of the og JP sequels was a better character than the kids in JW.

i dont think JP was ever intended as an 18+ movie it was just made during a time when comical/fictional violence was more acceptable to showcase to kids, JP came out during the mortal kombat era of comical gushing blood and men being eaten by dinosaurs on toliets era and JW came out in the "politically correct SJW era"

What do you guys think of this mod?


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80's = Ninja
90's = Dinosaur
00's = Zombie
10's = ???

Sure the movie was dumb. But I find it hard to consider a movie with dinosaurs eating people as kiddy.
Please don't reply to them. They're just here to shit post, bait people like you, and fuck up a vidya thread. Just ignore them.

Velociraptor had literal feathers, as did archeopteryx, anchiornis, sinorithosaurus, what are you talking about? Do you think these animals are somehow super primitive?
Birds had already had fully developed feathers by the middle of the mesozoic

I know for sure it had compys and normal raptors. I decapitated enough of the later with the shotgun to be certain.

Looks like another attempt at Trespasser. This could be sweet. Let's just hope it stays low-key so Universal doesn't find it and slap them with a C&D. What is this a mod for?