>bullets go above your crosshair where you aren't aiming
how is this realistic
i own guns and literally compete in shooting sports and this shit isnt realistic at all
>bullets go above your crosshair where you aren't aiming
how is this realistic
i own guns and literally compete in shooting sports and this shit isnt realistic at all
doesn't battle field have the most realistic gunplay?
Yes. CSGO on the other hand is the most unrealistic.
nobody asked
Also on that note, pubg is okay. But battlefield has the most realistic gun mechanics. ARMA purports to be realistic but it's really not.
I did.
Squad has pretty good gunplay/recoil mechanics, too bad they casualized the game.
It isn't realistic. CS:GO is antiquated irrelevant boomer shit.
I still don't understand how Counter strike is as popular as it is. Who else but third world neets with crippling depression and a computer that sounds like it's going to explode actually enjoys this shit? Like how the fuck do you not get bored of it?
>how is this realistic
Game with the most realistic gun mechanics: Insurgency.
>CSGO is antiquated
>all shit for zoomers
You'd have a point if you were taking about CS or even CSS. But all the stuff they add to CSGO is for dumb addict zoomers.
I think arma just simulates combat well, it handles like shit and so does real life, so you don't get people doing anything too mad.
they add all that shit to remain relevant when the rest of the game is outdated garbage
That's why literally no one else uses such a retarded system.
CS was fucking cancerous with how both its tiny initial playerbase during beta would talk shit in every message board about how "elite hardcore skill-based etc" their piece of shit is, and Valve themselves using CS as a bundle-item for their re-re-re-re-release of Half Life. They've kept that piece of shit alive through absolute delusions.
CSS pretty quickly dwindled.
CSGO is only relevant because its tourneys have some fucking prize money, and bots playing the market with knives and skins.
I wish more games had the crosshair itself move to wherever the gun is pointing. Better yet let me move my fucking head while I point my gun elsewhere. I know there is a control scheme to be able to do it, but NOO we have to pander to literal 80 IQ retards that have an aneurysm if anymore than 6 keys are used FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU
>I still don't understand how Counter strike is as popular as it is
This, and also league + dota. The holy trifecta of "Games that literally aren't fun"
that only works for point and click camping trip simulators, you don't want your camera decoupled from your character while you're moving
Crosshair shouldn't be in CS anyway. Just have people spray each other down and hope for the best.
Too bad I don't want to play as a nigger nazi on the same 3 unbalanced maps for 1000 hours
Always hated CS, even 1.6.
CSGO is the accumulation of shit, the worst RNG bullets ever.
ITT: people who can't into spray control and are stuck on silver rank
What is bullet spread?
every shooter has recoil control, you're not special
what is the game design reason for having a crosshair if the bullets dont go where the crosshair is?'
every other game has this figured out
CSGO is trying to aim for realistic guns. Because the game is so slow, it raises its skill ceiling by adding those recoil mechanics to offset the really slow gameplay. If it was super realistic the game wouldn't have that certain charm to it that other people got into. At least, that's how I feel about the game.
silver/gold: the thread
Pubg is more realistic than Battlefield.
I meant isnt
>realistic guns
>can't look down the sights
only reason people play this piece of shit is because of sunk cost, don't delude yourself
its amazing how much Yas Forums seethes over csgo because of its recoil mechanic just shows how bad Yas Forums is at anything multiplayer
Man I'm tired of all you dumb fucks.
Games are not meant to be 100% realistic. Sure. there are legitimate arguments you could talk about in regards to how cs handles recoil in regards to game design, but you won't because you have a sub 100 IQ.
I know this is shitty bait but goddamn you goons make my butthole pucker sometime.
I'm not the one whining though
First shot is extremely accurate and the spray pattern can be learned pretty easily as you get used to the game, but I guess you people just want a point and click kek
real life guns are point and click
have you ever shot a rifle irl
Every mechanic in Counter Strike was specifically intended to be slow compared to the arena giants at the time, Quake and UT99.
It's a game you dip
>real guns are point and click irl
ok retard
thank you for using an image with your post
keep Yas Forums an imageboard
Most brain dead critique I ever hear for any kind of game. Oh, and learn to type.
Tarkov has the best gunplay of any FPS
Yes. I shoot competitive 3 gun and trap. Iron sights are easy enough, put a more fancy optic on there and guns are literally as easy as COD. It's not a joke.
Realism = good
>how is this realistic
It’s a video game.
tarkov is trash
>Quake and UT99
Any hl mp mod is better than those shit games.
>retard hops around a corner and misses everything
>gets killed
>force quits csgo then makes a thread on Yas Forums
a tale as old as time
>How is it realistic?
Who cares. All that matters is that it's fun, and it's not.
Thank god it’s unrealistic. ADS must be the least fun mechanic a shooter can implement.
battlefield? you having a laugh mate? running round with an mg34 like it's a super soaker?
RO2/Rising storm/Rising storm 2 feel the most like actually firing real historical weapons to me.
i remember the first time i fired an ak47 i thought it'd be a massive rattling bastard thanks to vidya, but it was actually really easy to handle. the garand kicked like a bitch though.
>Recoil and spread mechanics
Yes, this is good
>fixed "Spray Patterns"
Absolute fucking cancer and surely just some sort of developer workaround. Nobody would brainstorm this as a good idea on its own.
And yet ADS is the way you shoot a gun IRL.
so you instead would want a random spray? Are you retarded?
Why do people like CS:GO? I never understood the appeal. Anyone who likes it mind explaining?
No, he's based
No, pretty sure you're the retard.
which one?
It turns out 19-year old hitreg doesn't work for competitive shooters.
>COD player gives CS:GO a try and rage quits shortly after
its the same crowd who likes league
they like unfun unintutive games with obtuse mechanics so they can feel like they got good
The first two shots were misses anyway in my opinion.
Don't misunderstand, I agree that the clips shows some real bullshit.
I just don't think those two very first shots were hits.