What is wrong with adults ?

This is intended for young children.
Just by looking at this game a repulsive vibe passes through my brain. Playing this at age >16 is a form of degeneracy to your brain, a bad one. Blow my mind just to think that this is normal.
What a fucked up time we live in.

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Here's your (you)

Just by looking at your post a repulsive vibe passes through my brain.

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This is intended for young children.
Just by looking at this game a repulsive vibe passes through my brain. Playing this at age >16 is a form of degeneracy to your brain, a bad one. Blow my mind just to think that this is normal.
What a fucked up time we live in.

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any new fuckable female villager in this game?

You were definitely bullied as a child OP. It's obvious.

It's more for adults then anything. There's a lot of reading and it's calming (boring to children)

what in the sandwich fuck is wrong with you?

Kids just wanna be adults and adults just wanna be kids.

Simple as

yeah they should play something epic and ultra-serious like generic brown shooter #1235 or deep emotional story feat. lesbians, or should just do what us men did in the old days and hock rocks off the nearest freeway overpass or go out and fuck a random wild animal to death

>he doesnt have the museum, Nook's Cranny, and the second upgrade for his house all under construction already


Planning on intentionally ignoring house upgrades so I can get a headstart on building bridges and the like. small house is cozy anyway

Die ps4 user

I'm going to stay in the tent and savour camping life for a week or more.

You'll finish high school some day OP.

Where the fuck did you get 30 iron from? Doesn't help that my god damn steel tools keep breaking.

All games are ment for children

I got 5 iron out of a balloon,, then got 15 iron on one of the Nook Miles islands. Farmed the rest from my town.

islands you can go with your Nook Miles (tm)

I like the new horse villager. Raleigh or w/e.

>Animal Crossing? Mature gamers such as myself don't play such childish garbage.

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The rocks on those tiny deserted islands you can visit from the airport seem to give way more iron than the rocks on your island
>using steel tools
Bro just use the flimsy shit, its easy to make or cheap to buy and you clearly have more important needs for the iron right now

And yet I'm sure you watch anime.

They just want to fuck the villagers op. They're basically furries. Just leave them alone since there's no helping them .

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>he fell for the tools upgrade meme

Everyone on Yas Forums has been bullied at least once, what are you on about?

I wish I had a kid to play Animal Crossing with. Supremely cozy.

>found a bamboo island
>dug up some shoots
>made a little plot for them on my main island
this game is max comfy. is there a panda villager?

>Played AC from GCN up to WW with sister growing up
>She's coming to my parents tomorrow while im in town with a switch lite to play together for the first time in probably 10+ years
It's the little things in life

I haven't played AC in ages but decided to give this a shot. What I feel is that it's the perfect game for both children and adults: Children because there's a lot of menial shit to do of which could be a distraction and adults because it forces a hard cap of actual progress in like an hour allowing for them to play it even with limited time.

>deep emotional story feat. lesbians
hm this seems right up my alley
you got any recommendations?

OP is correct but it also applies to 90% of the shitty games this board loves

Chow and Pinky

yh but OP's bullied to the point of trying to fit in

>implying kids have the patience to play animal crossing

Back in High School i was super edgy and playing in Death Metal bands so this one kid spread a rumor that I worshipped satan (not even a lie I was edgy was fuck) so I beat the shit out of my bully in front of the whole school at homecoming. Then made friends with all of his friends. Damn I was cool back then.

This guy fucking gets it.

>young children, s boys, faggots and trannys
No real grown man is playing this

It's nostalgia.

Thats not how nostalgia works brainlet. Just admit your faggotry.


>what in the sandwich fuck is wrong with you?
>Die ps4 user
>You'll finish high school some day OP.
>This guy fucking gets it.
>Thats not how nostalgia works brainlet. Just admit your faggotry.

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literally me

They have low testosterone so I guess real men like you and me wouldn't understand

is that even possible without time travel?

Why do you third worlders hate Nintendo so much?

Animal Crossing

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Yes, people are becoming more and more childish. You can see this trend both in video games and cinema. Even 10 years ago, you'd be hard pressed to find an adult that would have played this game.

did resetera have its fingers in the localization of this game too?

and then everyone clapped

based user Nintendkiddies are all manchildren you should know this by now

Bullies are cowards who look for easy targets, if you fight back they pussy out and leave you alone. I was the stereotypical autistic nerd into anime and MtG back in high school and this tryhard didn't miss an opportunity to fuck with me and dare me to fight him. When I finally accepted I landed a good hit in his ribs and the faggot pussied out. Never bothered me after that.

You're right, this is way worse than dying in wars and slaving away for your feudal lord.

Just by looking at this site a repulsive vibe passes through my brain. Doesn't stop anyone.

Adults playing this give me pedo vibes, like adults visiting Disneyland without kids. It's fucked.

It's their childhood

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I'm a 30 year old neet and I love animal crossing. I also love cunny though and have the mind of a child.

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