Defend this

Defend this.

Attached: dykes.png (685x377, 458.08K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I can't- I'm never buying it now.

Why is Megumin in Animal Crossing?

What's the problem here?



>Princess of Explosions
Princess Pitch?



>He doesn't want to read a 90's cartoon-esque romance about two cute girls doing cool shit
What are you, a fag?

Don't talk to me, I might catch the gay.

I sure could use a nice big dick in my mouth right about now, how about you user?

there is nothing wrong with yuri

sounds extremely based

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I will now buy your game.

What are you, fucking gay?

>90s cartoon-esque

>Princess of Explosions
Hold the fuck up, is that a Daniel Remar reference?


>anons first animal crossing game

is it me or is the dialogue way too try-hard
i don't know or even care if this particular shot is real but reading shit like k.k.'s over-the-top hippie lingo felt more grating than usual, was he always some rambling retard? i thought his character was just chill guitar guy not some zoned-out dumbass that spouts outdated hipster slang every sentence

>carpet munchers in my vidya
WTF im never playing a nintendu again

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i couldn't read when i was little, i'd just mash thru text

Dialogue was always grating. I only played the DS version and I can't stand any villager besides a few.

play the japanese version
burgs always shit up the dialogue

I don't speak war crime denial language.

Stop trying to suppress cute yuri!

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And yet you play a war crime denial game



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Does Yuu's sister ever get the clam smashing she desperately needs in the manga?

Oh well, glad i got Doom Eternal instead.

It's a sisterly love. No homo.

>you can change it whenever you want
can't wait for the genderbending art.

I mean even Runescape let you change genders anytime in the early 2000s and nobody complained about it.

and, you know, all of these other devs

>moving the goalposts
We're not talking about what other devs do, we're talking about what Nintendo is doing and how literal fucking faggots like you blindly defend them.
the absolute fucking

Yes. The author did some post-serialization doujins with the main couples. Mitsuki actually calls Haruka and interrupts her and Yuu fucking. Not sure if there are more of them at the moment, there are only 2 translated ones.

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What goalpost was moved? Saying "it's okay when nintendo does it" implies that it's not okay when others do it, so where are the complaints to those games?

stay mad closet homo

Why can't yurichads stop winning bros?

holy shit, merry is now my wife for having played super princess pitch

>having an animal as a wife
what's wrong with you?

Delusional yuri trannies still delusional, I see.


Don't give a shit, they can walk and talk. I'd marry it.

wtf rude

>We're not talking about what other devs do
Actually, you are. When you say "IT'S OKAY WHEN NINTENDO DOES IT" you are actively trying to say that it's only alright when Nintendo does it, and people have shown you other examples. Get fucked you retard.

NIDF has arrived I see.

what is it about this image that makes spergs on Yas Forums flip the fuck out?
Feeling threatened? Worried you might like it?

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I don't think that poster is complaining about the same thing as the person who made the image, but the point of the image is that NoA removed the text saying "boy" and "girl" under the pictures

I just post it because I know it'll get guaranteed replies
expect a lot more threads to come

If anything they made it safer by not explictly stating you can change your gender but rather your style.

We already knew Nintendo was SJW decades ago when they put a tranny in their game.

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oh no not the text!
now how will i be able to tell if i chose boy or girl?

no m8, it's NoA being more "inclusive" because there are more than two genders

i want to watch yuri with that cat

>there are more than two genders

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Hitler was right, there should be another war, other internet tough guy shit, blah blah blah

hetfags lose again

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What am I supposed to be seeing here?

then why didn't they add other genders then? completely misses the point and only worsens things by implying that genders can't be changed and instead claiming trans people just have a change of "style".

Maybe it's a princess(male)

Here's Aeroplane Over the Sea for all my Yas Forums frens

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What's the problem? No ones forcing you to play as a girl

I hope those nice girls help the guy find his missing eyes before he bumps into something, poor dude can't even walk without someone having to hold his hand.

and in both versions you can change it anyway? The japanese even says "which are you choosing? you can change this". You can also wear whatever clothes no matter what you pick, so it matters very little in the long run.
Stop pretending to be mad


Which one's the peter panning tomboy and which one's the docile loyal housewife?

Lesbians can happen in good shows without ill effect, it is all about context, like with Symphogear where Hibiki basically ends up being is manly (when she isn't angsting) and Miku gets brainwashed and tries to destroy the world twice because she is THAT thirsty and the PLOT is more or less a excuse to have neat songs and cool attack moments.

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Too hard for NoA they can't code for shit
I'm just explaining the intent behind the image

I guarantee this is one of those dialogue bits where the animal literally just says a template like, “I just combined X with Y for a new drink!” and the X/Y choices are always just randomly selected to give the illusion of variety.

So in other words, OP is sperging because two random variables just happened to both pick a “princess” keyword and the devs didn’t code in something that accounts for this.

You aren't allowed to play as your gender either. Villagers won't address you with any pronouns.

Enjoy playing as a non binary fag because Nintendo felt the need to cater to less than 1% of the population.

Rocketboarding is tomboy, Explosions is demure dojikko

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that smoothing filter the game uses on textures fucking mulches this design

Well you're wrong.