Your GOTY, sir

Your GOTY, sir.

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It's fun. I've played through the last few hours in a alcohol fueled haze of demon murder.

This doesnt look like Nioh 2

downloading torrent as we speak.

Platforming is gay. That is my only complaint.

too much bing bing wahoo. dispose of it, Jeeves.

The only FPS game that won GOTY this century was Metroid Prime & Half-Life 2 in the early 2000s

We all know its going to be TLOU2. By hook or by crook.

It's a pretty decent contender already. It's becoming very, very easy to tell who's actually played it and who hasn't on Yas Forums. Hell, any post that tries comparing it to Doom 4/2016 in gameplay can immediately be thrown into the garbage, it only plays like Doom 2016 at an extremely base level.

That's not Yakuza 7

>tfw deciding to play on Hurt Me Plenty.
I was making progress on UV but got tired of the occasional ten minutes of insta-rape, especially during the Doom Hunter gangbang.

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>reach end of BFG level
>Slayer key didn't spawn and won't on re-loads
>don't know if it will by going through on mission select either
Help bros
If I try to open a slayer gate with cheats on, will it kick me out of trying the gate or just disable my cheats?

1. Zero enemies on the screen. Whole situation looks like doom slayer is picking up remaining of demon invasion and main heroes took most of demons down
2. Too cartoony
3. Too bright
4. Even on nightmare it's still too easy
5. Story is not taking itself seriously and always has some quirky joke in it
6. Shit UI
7. Too much tutorials and handholding
8. Main dev disliked Mick Gordons music and called it trash noise
9. Endgame level too easy

5/10 game at most because those minor things can be easily

Ori 2 is indeed phenomenal

Attached: She's huge.jpg (1920x1080, 370.36K)

>Even on nightmare it's still too easy
exposed yourself before you even got halfway through

You really gonna make an acc for this ?

ok noob

>mfw I find the game a lil too easy on nightmare at times

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U mad kid ?

The doom hunter gangbang isn't that bad. What you really want to watch out for is literally anytime the marauder shows up.

Just killed marauder for the first time
fuck him


Download complete, first time I've brought a game at launch in more than half a decade, 90% I'm going to love it.

Anyone who says nightmare is too easy is a troll.

>8. Main dev disliked Mick Gordons music and called it trash noise
Is this real?

Exclusives are excluded from GOTY rewards unless they're Nintendo. Sorry bud

I can see Nightmare being doable or even easy out the gate if you are on PC. But at least on the default health/armor/ammo stats, that shit must suck for consoles.


isn't a Phenom II and gtx970 enough?

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ahaha executions!!! haha loot pinatas like fortnite!!! gives me big poopy like when open lootbox! xddd

bros im scared.... the first one took 20mins

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Don't worry you'll fight him 1-2 times per level from now on.

>I can see Nightmare being doable or even easy out the gate if you are on PC
Yeah no shit it's going to be easier on pc, but it's not made to be easy. Anyone who says it is has really fucking high standards of what hard is or are lying.

Wait til you see a Slayer Gate.

Tbh, this game have a lot of sexy gals on adjusted outfits (both ARC and UAC), and the Khan Maykr revealing her semi destroyed chest armor makes me a huge boner, like any I ever seen.
In resume, this demi-suggestive-sexiness-of-a-game makes my shotgun into the super shotgun!!

I literally just marathoned Doom 2016 then jumped into Eternal and it feels too different.
I don't like it.

yeah I messed up the 2 purple things, I thought that was a slayer gate

Doom Eternal more like
Fortnite Eternal

The difficulty on slayer gates are fucking retarded. I get that they're supposed to be hard but why is the hardest one in the super gore nest and not the last one you do?

Haha imagine if the Khan Maykr had a huge ass and tried to sit on you, that'd be terrible

Holy cope.

It took you 20 mins to do the cacodemon one?


I highly recommend nightmare, it is so fun once you get into the groove and become a lightning fast torrent of death, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't difficult as fuck at some parts where a single mistake is a restart but that's also part of the fun.

Actually she has, is wonderful to see her work (or had, because you know, rip).

>tried this shit
>stuck on an "unable to contact online services" screen
god DAMN IT i'm not patient enough for amazon to take 2 weeks to ship this shit

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>chaingun has no windup

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You joke but this is the sort of thing some people here would do for real

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Reminder that this is canon.

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Apparently Joe Rogan is the main dev of Doom Eternal

Is there a list for what songs play on what levels yet?

I'm kinda alright with that, people only hate it now because they're hipsters and the very moment any kind of official acknowledgment is made of it it's not cool anymore.

Got a magnet?

No, but contrarians like to lie a lot.

Should I buy Doom Eternal Yas Forums?

I think it's worth the money, its campaign is about 20 hours and that is fuckin' looooooooong for this kind of game.

Did you like DOOM 2016? If so yes

is the 2016 version still worth playing?

Two questions. Do I have to find all the disks to start using cheats? And how the hell do I do go back to older levels?

The arc complex/Marauder boss has The Only Thing They Fear

That one is literally bump the cueballs into the big guys.

Midway in the game.
I'm genuinely surprised how Doomy is a-okay with working with Hayden again, though I guess it makes sense both in context and personality since Doomguy just wants to stop the invasion ASAP before anyone else gets hurt and knows that fighting Hayden will just waste time.

Does trying to do a slayer gate with cheatcodes make it so you can't do it, or does it just disable the cheats?

It's a tiny nitpick, but I don't like how there's a button to toggle between the ice bomb and grenades instead of just having a button to launch grenades and another to launch the ice bomb. I keep forgetting which I have equipped.

There's a mission select to the right of the central area/portal. Opposite/mirror side to the Master Levels.

Sure, but it’s not 1:1 with Eternal in how the gameplay works. Eternal is great but it needs to be eased into which tons of retards failed at and got filtered.

>cant even get it to launch

nah. not even a little

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It's still worth a run-through but if you're used to Eternal it'll seem god-damned slow in comparison.

>Upgrade System in my Doom game.

The fuck were they thinking? This is made for zoomers. Also the focus on chainsaw and glory kills is autistic.

game is great, but now everyone's trying to get a refund but for obvious reasons the jews at steam have that pesky 2 hour limit.
pirates win again

I found one of these on the second mission but I couldn;t figure out how to open it. Am I retarded or is there some trick to it?

Learn to hotswap one-two combo. I was having trouble beating Marauders too since they seem to soak up a billion SSG shots to the face with no problems, but as it turns out shooting them with an SSG and then an Arbalest somehow takes them out with no problems whatsoever.

Attached: it's not that hard once you know what to do.webm (640x354, 2.93M)

Agree on this. I also don't like how blood punch, glory kill and grab ledge are all tied to one button. Id make this whole talk about the controls being highly customizable but the key bindings reek of console

Does anyone else get a crash every time that you deplete the first healthbar of the gladiator boss?

Did you time-travel from four years ago?

Constantly out of ammo, even with ammo upgrades.

Yes, it fixed many of the issues NuDoom had. I thought NuDoom was a very good shooter but not super amazing as some believe it to be.

Eternal in comparison might genuinely be in the top 10 shooters I've played.

Everyone forgets that this is doomguy hooped up on berserker

I recall 2016 had some bullshit but not the specifics. It was okay but forgettable. This one feels like they scaled up the bs.

My let down for the year desu. Hopefully re3 will turn out good.

Use more than one weapon.

You have to find the key.

>it only plays like Doom 2016 at an extremely base leve
What do you mean by this?

Im installing new drivers to play right now, Im just curious.

Stay mad, faggot

>Keep running out of ammo
Yas Forumsros...

is it better than Doom 2016?

>use more than one weapon

Then its not a doom game. In doom you pick what you like and roll with it.

It's to compensate for the new Chainsaw system.
Now instead of Chainsaw being a "get out of jail free card" in NuDoom you're expected to use it more consistently but in turn you're going to just use it on the fodder.


Yeh you sure mained shotgun against the Bruiser Brothers I bet.

>Replaying a mission with infinite ammo cheat
Feels gooood.

I think he means they're both shooters where you kill a bunch of demons but there's a substantial difference between the ways in which you play the games at a deeper level.

>mfw buy DOOM Eternal
>mfw so excited, so happy
>mfw boot it up
>mfw this is the first game in over 4 years my computer can't run
>Like, even Low is choppy
>mfw getting the refund now
I just wanted to Rip and Tear.

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Yes. Dumbasses say otherwise.

the chainsaw system is my biggest complaint to be honest.

Main criticism is only only 3 of the runes are any good.
Use the chainsaw fag.

Put that money into upgrading user

Eternal = Doom II 2.0 It plays like Doom 2016 at higher difficulties (keeping on your feet/bunny hopping, glory kills and chainsaw combos)

This is nice when you can solely focus on him, but its not doable unless you clear the whole fucking map. I love/hate the marauder, love it cause its difficult and intimidating but hate it cause it breaks the pacing with waiting on counters + no other way to deal with him unless you want to waste BFG ammo.

It takes a while to get used to but I liked it once I realized you're supposed to be using it a lot more often.

So do you have to complete those first week challenges in order? I've technically completed 3 of them but only the first one is ticked off. The other two are now well beyond the necessary amount to complete them.

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Eternal is holy-shit fast in comparison and you need to keep a fairly good eye on everything going on in the arena all at once. You're given new tools with cooldowns (ice-grenade alternative to the frag grenade, a flamethrower that causes enemies to drop armor shards when you shoot them, punch is nerfed to allow for Blood Punch which is an insta-glory kill recharged by performing glory kills) and you're expected to use them almost as soon as they're available. Enemies have explicit weaknesses to certain weapons now and some have contextual weaknesses like cacodemons being able to be one-shotted by lobbing a grenade (or shotgun sticky-grenade) into their mouths and glorykilling them. Enemies are extremely strong in comparison to 2016, faster, lead their fireballs and other energy attacks, and even trash-fodder like imps can kill you very very quickly.

Comparatively to 2016 you'll be glory-killing quite often as a brief reprieve from everything going on, combat chews through your armor and health almost as quickly as it's replaced.

bosses are not regular enemies.

Planning it, in the meantime I think I'm going to use the Wallet money on something else - Rimworld maybe, I've been hankering to try something like that.

that's the exact issue I was having

>Hayden may have been a former Mayker.
Honestly it wouldn’t surprise me. Nigga seemed too advanced on a technological level even among the rest of the UAC.

I had to skip the first Slayer Gate on Nightmare.
The boners chasing you around relentlessly are incredibly difficult to avoid without the dash.

In general the difficulty seems quite uneven, one room in particular (the one with the berserk powerup and a kitchen where a pinky busts through the wall in the level where you face the Marauder for the first time) was pure hell for me. That shit took like 15 tries but the rest hasn't been bad aside from the Doom Hunter boss and the Slayer Gates.

Chainsaw system in Eternal is just glory killing for ammo.

It makes engagements more tactical as you don't want to wipe out all of the small fry so quickly.

No you fucking don't

It works well with the speed of things, some may complain that it breaks flow but with how hectic things are it really works for a breather and a tool for movement/protection

I must say I'm surprised how badly it runs. It's not terrible, but the 2016 game ran at almost 160fps average for me at the highest possible settings and in Eternal I get less than half that on medium settings. I guess I naively expected the same level of optimization. idTech 7 is a big change from idTech 6

They're not bosses in later levels.

How do you enable cheats?

>didn't play 2016
>never beat original Doom because it genuinely hurt my eyes
>based ID worker puts a crack in the game files

>stupid bright neon loot
>awful main menu catered for fortnite audiences
>obnoxious HUD that will literally say "reload" two times at once on-screen

>mfw by the time I was on the third mission on Nightmare
Good fucking shit

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I'm trying to do the one in the super gore nest mission, nightmare difficulty, this is fucking crazy difficult, FUCK PINKIES

Frankly, he needs more openings. He shouldn't be able to instantly pull out the shield if he's throwing his axe or shooting his shotgun. You can only stagger him if he swings at you, but then it wouldn't be the one and only way of dealing with him if you don't fuck around with remote det rockets.

The Special Weekly Event shit is all fuckey because Bethesda's servers are getting fucking hammered. It will take a while (as in possibly a few hours) but the challenges with go through and everything you earned will show up

You have to find them, they're secrets. As it should be

Tweak the menus, you can tone down the loot brightness. Check the colorblindness settings also, they give color-schemes that aren't available in the normal menu styles.

What exactly is your "Doom level" for? What do you get when you level up?

I mean you can play it like that, but it severely reduces the amount of fun you could be having.

Nioh 1 was mediocre as fuck, what makes 2 better?

Wait, let me rephrase the question.
How do you enable cheats!

Ah, okay, thanks. I'm not too worried about them since they seem to be MP related but it was hurting my autism.

It's fun

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Yes. Lots of quality of life improvements like a fast travel that unlocks at the end of each level so you can hunt for collectibles and stuff easier. Plus the map is way better. I don’t like how much weaker the melee option is now, but I guess that’s because of new features like Blood Punch and Flame Belch

fun is subjective, and no you cant play like that because i cant carry 100 shotgun rounds.

>my Doom game.

Your doom game? Yours? What does this mean? When was the last time a Doom game came out you were happy with? Doom 2? Sorry, Doom isnt yours anymore.

>mfw first Marauder

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You can enable them in the menu on the hub after you beat a level. That’s the best part about them, you have to beat the whole game if you wanna play through it again with the cheats. Makes you play it like it’s intended the first time round.

Is this the BFG Division of Doom Eternal?

It's just an expression autist. And yes the last doom game i liked was doom 2, although brutal doom was better.

They're only available when replaying levels. While selecting the level, there's a button prompt to look at the cheats. It's R on PC.

Just chainsaw a zombie every once in a while
Or if you hate ammo management so much then use the infinite ammo cheat.

Titanfall 2 did FPS platforming perfectly 4 years ago, what’s Id software’s excuse?

Okay thank you. I couldn't find the level select so....