let's talk about the games
Touhou thread
I can't fucking beat her aaaaAAAAAAA
she's not even hard compared to yumeko but i just shit the bed every time
speaking of games, due to isaacfag's autism I picked up 16 and 17 on hard mode after a year of not playing and I had a great fucking time, made me remember what I love about touhou, the series has so much soul and even 17 feels nostalgic to me
I tried to pick up the series with PCB but I pushed it back onto the backburner without meaning to a while back. How long does it take to git gud enough to do stuff like the no continue clears if I'm not a complete casual?
starting on normal, btw
>not a complete casual
I'd say a couple of weeks or less and you'll get a 1cc in PCB
When is eratohoK getting updated
The actual games suck. You're just here for the porn.
For my first 2hu (Mystic Square), I went from barely making it to stage 5, to beating the game with continues, to getting to the final boss on 1 credit in the span of 4 or 5 days
Then I wasn't able to finish and got distracted by life shit
Touhou but you are the bullet and you have to dodge 2hus
>17 feels nostalgic to me
17 is really good, it's what got me to go back and play the older games. I never got into the games during their highest peak.
First 1cc took around 2 weeks for me, it's not that hard. Just take a hour out of your day to practice and you'll get therer eventually.
Which Karaagetarou doujin is that?
Depends on your investment, I take a few weeks practicing like one run or a few stages a day. Then again I also jump games instead of sticking to one so it could be faster
Took me a few months just to "1cc" Easy mode
In the beginning my main goal was just to explore Gensokyo and getting to at least see the stage 5 bosses
sanae miracle
Thanks dude
Is Sanae a miracle?
She performs miracles, it's a different thing
Like a couple weeks if you're completely new to shmups, practice during that time, and actually use your resources instead of dying with bombs in stock.
post your fav stage theme, for me it's:
You posted it bros
Is it bad I like this version more than the original?
I forgot the fucking link.
stage 6, extra lolk
stage 4 hsifs
the second half of the wbawc stage themes, from stage 4 to extra
zun's music got progressively better except ddc is pure shit
Congrats to Doom Eternal!
more like Aya
somebody post Reimu killing some doom demon while doomguy shoots hecatia
>Touhou x Warhammer crossover
We need more of these, specially for the rat
This one, right?
So, does anyone know how pic related was done?
I know almost nothing about TH17 scoring, but I guess this is it? Is there some bug?
Yes, there's a glitch with activating a hyper with the special midboss spirit that people abuse. Did you watch the replays associated with both scorecap runs?
Sex with the Japanese Bake-Danuki?
baka score
No, I just saw the screencap. I don't even know where to find scoring replays. Royalflare? I'm not really that ambitious a player, so I don't watch replays often.
I just played DDC for the first time and I'm starting to fall in love with this wolf girl. Is this normal?
>tfw making my way through the games in release order instead of starting with 6 or any of the later entries
wish me luck fellas, I want to see what this /jp/ autism is all about
pndsng should have both of them.
Let me guess, its the homing lasers
how's that touhou anime? last time I watched they were at touhou 8
don't give up early
who made this pic and where can i found more of their stuff?
they're annoying, but i can get through them
none of her patterns are specifically hard, i just need to get better at preserving resources
Cutest girl in the series
I need to play the older ones, the beep boop music is nice.
The early ones can be a little rough but 4 and 5 are pure touhou kino
So is 1 but in its own special way
DDC's ost has some really grating instruments, but I like it precisely for that
For me, it's the fishe. For some, it's teh Seija.
I totally ship Wakasagihime and Kagerou, though. Mayumi has no chance.
No, she's a terrible stage 3 boss
Fuck arrow projectiles and fuck knives. Their hitboxes are stupidly large.
how long are any of these games usually? there's like what, 17 of these? holy shit
35min each
shmups arent very long
25-30 minutes each, add 10-15 more for Extra stages.
thanks fren, i searched high and low and couldn't find it
there's around ~25 but the shmups are like 40 minutes of gameplay for each shottype and then like 20 minutes for extra stage
Favorite new character from WBAWC?
Judging by your post you definitely don't belong to this website
is iku cool?
Keiki, no contest
Followed by Ebisu and Mayumi
iku is dead