Password: 12369
Rules: Team, No Items, No Custom Stages
Get off Animal Crossing and join.
Password: 12369
Rules: Team, No Items, No Custom Stages
Get off Animal Crossing and join.
Is it still going?
The game shut the arena down, but I can make another if enough people are interested.
will join in a bit
Password: 12369
Rules: Team, No Items, No Custom Stages
i hate my life
nobody ever wants to play smash with me
It's just a pretty bad time for a thread like this. There was one yesterday and people are still playing the big releases.
fuck animal crossing
you're welcome joker
>save Joker from getting sleep-killed by Hero
>responds by killing me
>proceeds to just stand there when I'm in the same position
kyomi nai ne
Finishing up some tasks on my AC town and will join
just so you know pokemon trainer, youre not supposed to attack your teammate on purpose. I thought id show you by you know, trying to kill you like you did me
Don't stand in the way and that won't be an issue.
i hate myself
That was an amazing comeback Cloud what are you talking about?
I mean amazing for the other guy, mind you.
Sorry I couldn't save you Cloud, but it all worked out at the end!
shut up :(
That's some unbearable character and I got weebshit garbo so i'm not gonna bother
Meant lag, not character, though its likely my fault
joker why
I stopped watching for a minute what happened
little mac KO punched his teammate
See Cloud, that was all according to plan. Nice forward smash
>ayyy betrays his teammate again
wow what a shocker
I thought he was dead whoops
Aw, that forward smash would've been nice...
That callout tho
Gotcha :)
Aw, should've shot the gun or something
I'm surprised that jump hit me
Wow ayyy what an impressive display
i died at fucking 70
kyomi nai ne
what arena is still up?
Just the team one here
Garrett you always do that backthrow off the edge and it never leads to anything. You should really try down throws or throwing towards your teammate
i'm bad at combos
arena is full, can we get another one going?
is there interest in a 1v1 arena?
>random latency spike
Gotta love that Nintendo Switch OnlineTM!
That was some garbage delay. I'm out
Holy shit that input lag
That taunt dodge was fucking sick though.
>useless Nair that can't combo unless you're at at least 50% to lead you just to a 2 hit combo
>Useless fair, can't combo, takes a million years to me out and recover
>Up air that can't combo
>Dtilt that can't combo because it has more lag
>Utilt has more lag meaning you can't combo
>Can't combo for her life
>Nerfed counter
>No more kill grabs because they were nerfed too
>Keep buffing specials that don't need to be buffed
What the hell? Why is she so bad?
nigga come on it only happened once
I'm more interested in FFA
should i make one? what do you guys wanna do, team, ffa or 1v1?
Make it one stock and I'll join.
I'd host myself but I'm gonna be going to sleep soon.
6 slots FFA, items on low, customs allowed and encouraged. I haven't seen the hot new stuff in a while.
I would like a 1v1, but wait to see what other people want (there's already a team lobby up)
if anything I'd ask to leave custom stages off, they're usually pretty bad
I take it there is lag
Why are we paying for this shitty service again?
because we're cucks
The arena has 8 players max. I'm not waiting through 2 matches just because we had to forfeit a game due to lag. 6 players is acceptable.
are items on?
So much input lag
everybody laugh at this blind nigga
Oops, on now.
Are they really now
I mean it this time!