>it's okay when japan does it

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yeah cause the japs can make actually attractive women

yes because westerns make shitty games with their own propaganda

Any girl can be a protagonist of a video-game if she's cute.


Trust me op, if it was within my power it would be ok everywhere.

Yes based japan giving us all femdom fetishes.

Oh Lord, grace us with the days gone by!

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does jp ever do anything political for the sake of politics in their games?? are they really so based as to just make and sell games for fun and good feels?

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yes.yes it is

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It’s it video games
It’s porn

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>so based as to just make and sell games for fun and good feels?
Isn’t it normal
I fail to see how it’s something special

N-no mommy, don't lay down!
P-please step on me!


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No need to click to know it's furshit
Or is it?

Don't click it it's absolutely disgusting.

There’s actually a camel toe in the game or is it modded?

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no american studios like naughty dog litterally don't do fun anymore.

Gross, why would you post this?

No it isn't. They censored and dialed down the sex in the sequel.

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me on the left

yeah they do, your just too much of an idiot to realize it. It's usually related to anti-american sentiment or criticism of the modern japanese political system

Old hags are never okay.

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>mfw no giant Ivy

built for 9S dick to NTR 2B

Constantly since forever, you're just a moron who creates arbitrary lines to make yourself feel special for fighting against a perceived enemy.

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Flat tits are never okay.

I'm not gonna lie, I REALLY miss her alt from SC1 on dreamcast.

Am I the only man who's a fan of under ass.

mk11 isn't sjw. It's would be sjw if the fatalities were censored like the fatal blows were in doa6

found the pedo

This image makes me cling my fist every fucking time goddamn it

ugly girls = sjw shit

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upskirt videos in a nutshell.

Why do people post this like it's a big own when everything on the left is at least decent and everything on the right fucking sucked. The writers being childish "protest everyday" types is obviously going to be part of that.

Based as fuck, ain't he?

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>racially and sexually diverse cast
>black guy ends slavery
>women are completely covered up, practically in burkas
>the straight white guys are all assholes
How is this not sjw?

metal gear solid

Setsuka W H E N

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It used to be okay for the West to do it, but then they got all prudish so here we are.

When was the last time you had a lucid moment?

Games were always political, it's just doesn't bother you when you agree with it

It's pozzed, you're just taking the bait or responding to a literal retard.
When was the last time you went more than a few hours without cnn?

Politics in general can be fine, but when they're being way too obvious about it things can get pretty damn cringe

Nah, I'm left-wing (mainly economically, I'm not white enough to be down with all the faggot shit) and most of the political stuff in modern western games is cringeworthy shit that I would have written in high school.

>not political
Dude what

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Metal Gear Solid is very explicitly political, yet nobody complains about it because they either mostly agree with the takes or are indifferent to it. But write a single, barely political, line about the LGBT community being cool or whatever and you have threads complaining about le sjw menace. It's pretty obvious that it's not just politics that are controversial, but politics of a certain kind.

Defend Burger King ;DDDD

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>>it's okay when japan does it
It isn't. They just don't have backlash in their own country because women there are busy with more important stuff than to complain about video games. Stuff like not having equal rights lol.

But really ,I really don't get it how people get upset about this sort of shit, nor HOW much it really impacts anything. I mean, one of GTA V's main artwork is a hot lady in a bikini. It doesn't even has anything to do with the game it's just...there (at least the one with the hot girl being arrested by the female police officer has something to do with the game, I guess...), and I don't need to say how much that game sold, right?

I honestly have no idea about why MK is making such a huge deal out of this; anyone playing MK wouldn't have cared about it anyway. Is this just an attempt of publicity stunt? Is this how far-gone we've got? That Mortal fucking Kombat, who once used the gore and sexuality as a publicity stunt, is using the lack of sexual clothes on their characters to sell the game? WTF?

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>i'm not white enough to be down with all the faggot shit
That's exactly my point, it's only cringe when you disagree with it

>When was the last time you went more than a few hours without cnn?
I asked first

Fuck you, I knew some leftists shithead was gonna get offended at the fact that video games never were and never should be political.
Video games are not political. First, it is inherently wrong because existence is not "political" and you are mistaken higher cultural values with mere politics. This is proven by the fact that the less interesting aspects of "politics" are ignored and made irrelevant, despite supposedly being part of life. That is an evil and demonic view of things. George Orwell, who knew communists too well, wrote 2 books that dealt with how demonic and evil this mentality is. In the 1930s, leftists weren't saying "all games are political", they were saying "all language is political". The most evil and horrifying character in 1984 was Syme, a man who was delighted at how he was destroying the English language so that it can 100% serve the political purposes of Oceania. Language is political. So political is the language. One of the big revelation was when Winston was able to construct a sentence that had nothing to do with politics, and was in itself was just an expression of beauty. In the USSR, the scientific method was debased into being "inherently" political to push Lysenkoism. A bunch of geneticists and sane people were killed for the crime of believing in genes.
Right wingers think leftists are stupid. This is wrong. They are not "stupid", they are not misguided, they are people who hate logic, hate reason and feel joy at the idea of destroying people's mind and having control over them forever.
Fuck you. Fucking die, along with anyone who thinks in this demented matter.

>color hair grey
>call it an old lady

We don't want the rightist bible thumper puritans or the leftist sjw crowd. That's pretty much it.


Nah, it's cringe when it's presented in a cringeworthy way. Only white westerners are dumb enough to think being gay is a fucking political statement.

>this shit again
Tons of writing has had political themes since the beginning of time. People tend to get pissed off when it happens to be either intellectually dishonest or completely disconnected from the minimal logic required to make it passable. Western Left propaganda has neither, and to add salt to the wound, used social media moderation to limit discussion and critical assembly over the game. They are not trying to seek truth, they're trying to tell the common man to shut up and accept reality as they define it. Don't ever think partisan mob tactics is even in the same category as something like MGS2's take on the internet.

is this copy pasta?

In 5 years, after Haohmaru release in 4 years

What really went wrong with us desu? At some point we were better at it than the japs, making actually good characters out of really appealing looking ones (Lara Croft, omg)...how did the japs won this battle?

Really, someone that has been keeping tabs on this; when did this shit started shifting for real?

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Then how did bioshock and fallout make it?


no u

That's a sexy lizard ngl

>What really went wrong with us desu?
Western devs started hiring a bunch of white women, then shit went downhill.
The difference is that Jap women actually like designing cute (or even sexy) girls, whereas white women get super triggered even when a fictional girl is cuter than them.
Just compare the female characters in something like Kimetsu no Yaiba or Fullmetal Alchemist or Beastars to the female characters in literally any modern comic made by a white woman outside of maybe Unsounded.

But you posted an old hag?

White and hot like my Spanish mom.

Even the Dalai Lama knows what’s up.

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