The demo made its flaws glaringly apparent. Okay let's get to work:-

>Jill has lost her femininity and wears manly clothes instead of her iconic miniskirt outfit
>Severe framerate drops on consoles
>Zombie gore system has been significantly downgraded from REmake 2
>Knife lacks the punch and feel from REmake 2
>Animations aren't as polished as they were in REmake 2
>Confirmed to be half as long as REmake 2 with only one campaign
>Atmosphere isn't as excellent as REmake 2
>Writing is cringey at times and could be reworked
>Can't use sub-weapons to break away from zombie grabs
>Dodge mechanic with slow-mo trivializes the game
>Overabundance of ammo negates any sense of tension
>Red-barrel explosions everywhere allow for easy wins
>Nemesis is just a poor man's version of Mr. X
>Cut content from the original Resident Evil 3 (1999)
>Music lacks the soul of the original Resident Evil 3 (1999)
>Tacked on multiplayer game called Resident Evil Resistance that nobody asked for

Remind me again why we're hyped about this? The game needed more time in the oven. It was obviously rushed and made by Capcom's B-team...

Attached: REmake 3.jpg (1280x720, 166.67K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩.webm (640x360, 2.59M)

show me your preorder face user

How long until the shills arrive?

>Pre-ordering an obvious cashgrab

LMAO @ ur lyf rn.

Try harder shill

Michael, REmake 3 is going to be a critical and financial success; just like REmake 2.
Nothing you say is going to change that.

im surprised capcom made the demo and gameplay this shitty. did they not want another hit like remake 2?

Attached: claire_dirty_023.jpg (1059x1080, 175.72K)


They're turning nemesis as a joke.

Thread theme:

>Jill is as hot as ever, and only autists will be bothered by the skirt
>who gives a shit about consoles
>who gives a shit about zombie gore (it will probably come back in the full game anyway)
>the stab is arguably better than the swipe, and you can no longer finish enemies off on the ground because your dumb bitch ass will get grabbed
>you're full of shit
>atmosphere is equal if not just as good
>writing is fine unless you're a little baby boy filtered by swear words
>get good
>nice lie faggot
>nemesis is your sense of tension, smoothbrain
>they aren't everywhere and you have to lead zombies into it to get the maximum effect
>nemesis is bigger, stronger, can kill you quicker, has more moves, a flamethrower in the full game, and can turn zombies into stronger enemies, can surprise you way more, and we're not even mentioning everything
>full of shit again
>you don't have to play it tardboy
There, Michael, I've debunked each and every single one of your epilepsy-filled garbage points. You may make another video abot RE3 now and showcase what a waste of sperm you are. You can thank me later.

Attached: 9jathmlh6u121.jpg (256x186, 20.08K)

seriously though why make her uglier and less sexy, is it really so they can sell dlc outfits for half of the price of the base game?

>reused zombie models
>removed ragdoll physics
>dismemberment has been downgraded
>body parts no longer slide off limbs
>zombies dont collide with eachother anymore
>limbs now vanish into midair
>cant chop up downed zombies, they dont react to knife
>Zombies can't be cut in half with shotgun anymore
>zombies are much easier to kill
>spidernemisis can teleport in and out of the sky

Attached: jill_face_unimpressed.jpg (482x501, 38.42K)

I honestly believe it'll do worse for the fact that it's just Remake 2-2. Plus I'm not paying £50 for this, get fucked with that price Capcom.

Fuck off baby dick. Already pre ordered. Day one baby! Lmaoooo

>directed by a guy who worked in the first four games
Also, did someone at capcom diddle you or something? Slow down with all these threads, or at least save some for when the game gets a 90 metascore

Based, Call Of Duty Will be Game Of The Year Because of It's Sell Numbers

Consoom Yes, Consoom. Me No Think, Me Use Penis Joke Cuz That's What Funny Yotuber and TV Show use, Based Sneed Cope Seethe Cringe Dilate

>buying it at all
Based braindead retard.

>Le Yas Forums boogeyman

Listen to me. I fucking loved REmake 2. It's one of my favorite games of all time. Which is why I'm holding REmake 3 up to a certain standard. Unless you're a Resident Evil fanboy, then you would be able to see that there are some infuriating issues with the game that are ultimately going to prevent it from achieving the same status as REmake 2 last year. I love the Resident Evil series to death. But the fact remains that REmake 2 is not going to fully realize its potential with the way its shaping up.

Attached: hi v.jpg (4032x3024, 2.25M)

>muh sales

Absolutely shitter shattered. I’ll remember your impotent rage while I’m having a blast. Cheers!

Okay michael.

>>Severe framerate drops on consoles
>playing on console

Demo was good, dunno what you guys are on about.

Fuck off Michael

>>Severe framerate drops on consoles
this happened with RE2make too.
The moral of the story: don't buy anything on consoles.

who is this faggot in the vid??

is this the end of comfy RE threads?

This game needs RE6 controls, I can't evade nemesis.

Nah just wait until the game releases. Michael usually disappears as soon as sales and reviews arrive. Already happened with Doom Eternal

It seems to only be the one X. My base ps4 has no framedrops in all the runs I did.

Ok retard, just pretend that you are a huge fan of RE2 and weren't shitposting just as hard a year ago.

The only thing I want is to be able to remove the vignette. Who actually like this garbage effect?

Imma buy it to see Jill's butt in jeans

>(it will probably come back in the full game anyway)
Seriously what is it with the shills for this game? It's like they can't see logic.

Attached: mysides.jpg (251x242, 10.29K)

Question. What is up with Michael?

Is it just an act? Guy comes off as unhinged and like creepy obsessive about the REmakes. Not like shitposting because he loves it, but more like shitposting because he can't do anything else.

>half as long

yikes, was hoping for at least 6-7 hours.

what a shitty "cover art"
literal soulless

that's just the breed of autist that Yas Forums apparently creates and/or attracts

>Jill has lost her femininity and wears manly clothes instead of her iconic miniskirt outfit
Stopped reading right fucking there
I am not a fan of the new outfit either but its nowhere near as much of a change compared to the new Claire outfit and her original outfit is in the game anyway.

>for some reason the Xbone X has Xbone S tier performance
>the ps4pro is the only one that manages to hit 60 and over around 55-60 semi consistently
What the fuck are they doing i don't remember RE2make being this bad

Dios Mio...

Attached: crapcom employee.png (1376x1078, 88.84K)

how did this fucker got like 20k subs on jewtube?

just preordered it thanks to this thread. cheers!

Attached: ewwbok.png (210x210, 71.51K)

You can still blow their limbs off with the shotgun retard.

clairebear won!

Attached: claire_face_happy resident evil 2.jpg (629x683, 64.75K)

Are you sure? Because most people here are just being ironic, even those Yas Forums e-celebs. But Michael is putting out like the same opinion, three videos a day, and acting like Jim Carey after a psychotic break in half his videos.

The only one I ever sat through had him completely losing his mind next to this one dude who was like just sitting there completely silent.

>haha u = le mutt xd
Nice riposte, user.

Attached: 1584376924659.png (321x302, 219.28K)

game runs so fucking bad on my xbone x I am considering not buying it unless they fix it

Let me repeat this for you, since your dumb bitch ass clearly didn't understand.
You can still blow their limbs off with the shotgun, retard.

HOLY SHIT Crapcom kikes wtf is this? Explain

nah, XV-kun, ACfag, and DCSfag are way too dedicated to be doing it ironicallly. I can't imagine what they do is fun for them at all.

Michael is pretty next-level, though.


It was obviously rushed and made by Capcom's B-team...

Attached: 1452556413_preview_StoppedReading.jpg (250x272, 13.57K)

I just played it and it was pretty great, like a faster paced RE2.

user, you're not supposed to bite this hard


Their A-team are probably hard at work on Dino Crisis or Veronica.

cant tell if satire user?

I remeber you posting those same webms with shit emojies for REMAKE2 and hating on it and now you are saying REMAKE2 is good and complainng about tREMAKE3.

lol It obvious they simply reused the same AI for Mr X for nemesis.
Should just have him crash thru shit in his way like how he burst thru a brick wall during the first gameplay revela, but this is MODERN CAPCOM!

Capcom are just finding ways to add new coats of paint to theri old classic and preying on our nostalgia just like DMC5!

I admit DMC5 is a good game gameplay wise, but the store is basically a rewritten verison of 3 except both dante and vergil go to hell at the end.

Attached: finegan.jpg (576x700, 57.67K)

So it's basically a worse version of this?

Attached: 81JFLsPdccL._AC_SL1500_.jpg (1203x1500, 180.94K)

Where is he going?

Attached: re3make Nemesis 2 .webm (1280x720, 3M)

Miss me?

Attached: Dead by daylight.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

>nemesis instant transmission teleports and lacks persistence
>nemesis hauls absolute ungodly amounts of ass
>tentacle grab through cars, walls, buildings, ect.
>tentacle powerslides through walls
>le epic nemesis superhero landing

>I masturbated to it, therefore, it's iconic

Well, it makes sense, since she is a pro agent, but I dislike the fact they made the og outfit DLC.
What I would do is make her start the game in the og outfit, doing everyday chores, then shit hits the fan and she changes her outfit because it's better suited for action.

>mfw opening the double taped amazon package

Attached: 87546120_218185652658421_1950742070681897110_n.jpg (640x640, 86.12K)


>gets frustrated and punches ground.
I know that feel

>i want more nuclaire

im be honest. It does not look as fun as original resident evil 3. Nemesis this time around seems like a bad gimmick then a fun feature.

I'm not the one who posted or even made that webm. I always had nothing but praise for REmake 2. Even made a number of threads complementing it that reached bump limit. But I cannot in good conscience say the same about REmake 3. It's unfortunate really. But I always bring the truth and nothing but the truth.

>>Confirmed to be half as long as REmake 2 with only one campaign
Has this actually been confirmed?

These threads as of late are a new low.

Wasn't planning on it but now I'm definitely not going to. Looks like daddy's gonna pre-order that Ghosts of Tsushima Collectors Edition early.

Attached: 20200320_220516.jpg (938x1350, 393.42K)

>nemesis can now pass through walls and ceilings

whoa. didn't know they'd make it THIS scary. bravo, capcom.

Attached: rferewrewrewr.png (444x440, 116.98K)

idk how thats possible that would mean the game is a hour something long if you run through it and know what you doing lol

>Overabundance of ammo negates any sense of tension
this is the only one you got wrong since it was the same in the original

>>Jill has lost her femininity and wears manly clothes instead of her iconic miniskirt outfit
Irrelevant, datamining also confirmed costumes.
>>Severe framerate drops on consoles
Works on my vanilla PS4.
>>Zombie gore system has been significantly downgraded from REmake 2
One point.
>>Knife lacks the punch and feel from REmake 2
Because it's now a real weapon and not a side attack.
>>Animations aren't as polished as they were in REmake 2
As the out of bounds footage showed, this, much like REmake 2's demo, is built off an earlier version of the game.
>>Confirmed to be half as long as REmake 2 with only one campaign
CVX was also one campaign and longer than all of RE2.
>>Atmosphere isn't as excellent as REmake 2
We got one 10 minute section.
>>Writing is cringey at times and could be reworked
Like RE
>>Can't use sub-weapons to break away from zombie grabs
Because they're real weapons now.
>>Dodge mechanic with slow-mo trivializes the game
It barely fucking works and there's more zombies here than REmake 2.
>>Overabundance of ammo negates any sense of tension
See above.
>>Red-barrel explosions everywhere allow for easy wins
See above.
>>Nemesis is just a poor man's version of Mr. X
He's faster, has more range, and has more abilities.
>>Cut content from the original Resident Evil 3 (1999)
No proof.
>>Music lacks the soul of the original Resident Evil 3 (1999)
Subjective and soul isn't an argument.
>>Tacked on multiplayer game called Resident Evil Resistance that nobody asked for
Could make the same claim for every extra mode in the series.
Also, why are we shilling REmake 2 now?

So this is supposedly the "improved Nemesis AI" that they were going on about? YIKES.

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