Sword Art Online is almost real

>10:40 to 14:04
>13:40 "BCI is an extinction level event for any entertainment form not thinking about it... if entertainment companies aren't thinking about it now, they will a lot more in the future"
>talks about how we can map motor functions to it and the next big challenge is actually stimulations and feelings like coldness

>year old interview with VNN and GabeN's son
>literally talking about BCI for an hour and a half

Where were you when Valve creates the real world equivalent of SAO?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Lets shove some tech inside my brain
You can fuck off with that shit.

Id rather fuck a real girl than a fake one

Yeah I think I'll let some NPC brainlets beta-test that shit for me.

If anything, and I mean anything allows me to live in a fantasy world where I can fight dragons and have a harem
I'd be ready to die for it

Save us Uncle Ted, we were wrong.

You'll be left behind, ludite

>You'll be left behind, ludite
Better than having shit shoved inside my body.
You be wishing it doesn't break and leaves you immobile.

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Surely having a computer manipulate your brain will only be used for beneficial purposes and absolutely not be used to control anyone.

Transhumanism is the future

No fucking way, unless it's open source and there are blueprints for the device itself, even then i'd still probably not do it.

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Isekai Ojisan

It's probably going to be more like SOMA for the first few decades.

>“On the other hand it is possible that human control over the machines may be retained. In that case the average man may have control over certain private machines of his own, such as his car of his personal computer, but control over large systems of machines will be in the hands of a tiny elite -- just as it is today, but with two difference. Due to improved techniques the elite will have greater control over the masses; and because human work will no longer be necessary the masses will be superfluous, a useless burden on the system. If the elite is ruthless the may simply decide to exterminate the mass of humanity. If they are humane they may use propaganda or other psychological or biological techniques to reduce the birth rate until the mass of humanity becomes extinct, leaving the world to the elite. Or, if the elite consist of soft-hearted liberals, they may decide to play the role of good shepherds to the rest of the human race. They will see to it that everyone's physical needs are satisfied, that all children are raised under psychologically hygienic conditions, that everyone has a wholesome hobby to keep him busy, and that anyone who may become dissatisfied undergoes "treatment" to cure his "problem." Of course, life will be so purposeless that people will have to be biologically or psychologically engineered either to remove their need for the power process or to make them "sublimate" their drive for power into some harmless hobby. These engineered human beings may be happy in such a society, but they most certainly will not be free. They will have been reduced to the status of domestic animals.”

I never asked for this.

Tldr fag. Keyboards and touch screens are old and dated. I need better and more optimized ways to interface with computers

>Game has 1:10000000000 timescale

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>all that effort when you can just teach yourself to lucid dream


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Just don't be the first adapter.

based ADHD retard

Nigga, I had this put in as a kid. I wasn't given much of a choice. They've been doing this for decades.

how I wanna fuck my wife Power someday.

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>Lol your retarded for wanting half life alyx or valve to fail.
Is shit like this is the main reason I want them to fail, I want a real world of sao more than anybody, but this isn't the way to do it.
Fuck valve!

>one billion years gulag will no longer be just a meme

Real SAO was already in production though

Read a bit of your post. It's just some hyperbolic rhetoric of some retard. Have fun being left behind. No one will remember you in 60 or so years and I will have forgotten you in minutes

People will NEVER EVER let some surgeon cut a part of themselves for some sci-fi improvement.
Nobody will willingly get a robo-arm, nobody will put a chip in their brain. Faggots teenagers don't understand the risk involved in those kind of operations, even with modern medicine.

People rarely even do the whole laser surgery shit for their eyes, what makes you retards subhumans think things will be different for this trash?

>It's just some hyperbolic rhetoric of some retard
>he thinks Ted Kaczynski is some retard

pretty much.

say what you want about SAO, but the book does have a point. Technology that interfaces with your brain in such an intrincate way is nothing short of dangerous, also, whos to say there wont be actually some madman like Kayaba who actually wants to kill people thru his game for some never explained motive other than 'ehh... i dunno'?

i am all for progress and all, but BCI is where the line should be drawn and should NEVER be made.

Guaranteed plenty of people will, they'd just be bitter and resentful when it turns out they'd just be a husk of their former self and Adam Jensen-tier "I didn't ask for this" whenever questioned on it

>talks about how we can map motor functions to it and the next big challenge is actually stimulations and feelings like coldness
and eventually we create torture devices that use these very techniques
maybe the real Hell was the one we made along the way

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If we had the ability to create immersive virtual reality like this, we'd probably have the ability to just manipulate our emotions directly.

In which case, 'true' VR would become obsolete almost as soon as it becomes possible. The only point to making a fake experience using VR is to make ourselves feel good, even if the experience is not real. In which case, why not just trick your brain directly into being happy without bothering with the VR?

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Not only is he a retard, he was a fucking lunatic. You are so gay it hurts.

user,you do know you'll suffer the same exact fate right? Probably worse in fact given the likelihood you'll immediately throw away any human connection to sequester yourself from reality.

>implying you cant engineer your genes right now

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I'm already a huge escapist and already feel as if I'm just some formless entity in a meat mech. If I can upgrade or tap into neurons so I can enjoy video games and other media more, then I'm down

jesus christ that fucks me up
its like that shit in Black Mirror where a guy ends up being looked in a room with a dead girls body for 6 billion years

They really won't, at best you'll get a few thousands worldwide.

And this technology would exclusively be in the hands of our sociopathic global elite, sounds great.

>TL;DR wearable BCIs are already here

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It's not that particular setting, but full-immersion VR that excites me, and other people though.
Though to be honest, I didn't think the anime was as bad as Yas Forums claims.

Mark of the beast anybody?

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If we were in the 2000's and gabe talked about BCI's he would have been laughed at.
How close are we to actual BCIs now that we're in the 2020? Has technology advanced far enough for computers to read and transmit data to neurons? How would that shit even work?

Nah is an image of the beast, is not going to happen in this life time but probably a few more down the road this shit is some fucking tech.

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if were lucky this virus could evolve into a extinction level event

I feel like it might be bad for your sanity to feel random unwarranted feelings of good. Like people already get stressed out about feeling something is undeserved.

Mix this with the upcoming technology of fucking with peoples perception of time, and you've got literal heaven and hell at our access

Things that can be worn are a different matter and could work. But I do have some serious doubt to the ability of this stuff to being able to actually "read" the brain, and especially to "write" on it.

If this kind of things worked the whole thing that Valve and Elon are doing (which require a surgical operation) wouldn't be a thing.

BCI's and EEG machines have been around for awhile now. "Reading" mode is essentially almost perfected, they've just had break throughs with prosthetics and Facebook has been working on thought-to-text BCI for awhile now until it can reach literal instantaneous speeds, expecting a commercial output for it by 2030.

How close are we to "writing" information to the brain? Who knows, but essentially it sounds like we are close to receiving information and feeling feelings but it's the next big challenge.

>and you've got literal heaven and hell at our access
technology can always fail, then you're just a brain in a jar. I should've figured technological innovation would continue until people decided they want to one-up gods.

>Lol we can beat omnipotent gods!
>Do you know what an omnipotent i-
>Lol no


Transhumanism will lead to the downfall of humanity.

The Great Filter is coming to pleb filter us out of existence

You mean filter the retards that fell for it?

>people want to rush to be the Gunther Hermann instead of the JC Denton
What are you going to do when you have a shitty mark I chip in your brain and the late adopters have the mark II chips?

>implying you have a choice

as you run through the glittering post-human metropolis of cyborg demigods on your crude fleshpillars,I will be right behind you, beaming the smile of a hundred hits of virtual heroin as I lope along on legs of titanium honeycomb and glistening polymer muscle, in my 4 perfectly articulated hands the skull-piercing brain augmentation machine, ready to to rape you into the future. in the end, you will thank me user :D

Good, nothing good came out of it anyway.

I agree with this guy, its better to have other retards beta test this thing

No lol, you're waiting 5 generations at MINIMUM user. It's not feasible within our lifetime. Just think about it. Brain to computer interfacing is no joke. Assuming there are people out there actively funding research for this kind of technology, AND assuming that they are solely pushing the full immersion VR angle instead of the literally countless of other better applications of being able to directly interface with a computer, you have the realize that it's first going to be developed solely for people with disabilities

Implying he wouldn't live outside of cities.

>delusions of grandeur from the Googlereich's technoserf