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Other urls found in this thread:


Ignore faggot shilling OP, tell me what games you're playing during the quarantine?

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pls dont tell me you are the same autist on a personal crusade to try to destroy a 20 years old game

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Resident Evil Revelations 2 in preparation for RE3make

he is. He even bought hundreds of dollars worth of VPNs to samefag threads because a mod outed him for samefagging months ago

I've been playing Dragon's Crown, the game has amazing art and I quite like how it plays.

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Ironically, played through Black Mesa for the first time two days ago after not touching Half Life for more than a decade.
I had fun with it

yay now its thread is going to be on top of the catalog due samefaging

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that's a good thing because mods have been deleting his threads all the time. More attention leads to faster bans

Stop advertising faggot


hello sai sameeryour writing is easy to spot

DK64. Just got to the factory, might actually play half-life soon.

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reseting you router won't make your samefagging less obvious

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watch the video hl niggers.

finishing doom 2016 since it's in the news, not a massive doom fan but it's pretty fun if a bit repetitive

i did, its obvious its you, the way he responds the coments just confirms it.

you know completely derailed your thread, but you keep posting.

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no quarentine for me, probably just keep playing the gacha hell of fate go and tf2 if i have some will.

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I actually just finished up Black Mesa
easily my GOTY

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op's name is sai sameer


check this

>another faggot review youtuber with an annoyed cartoon avatar

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I've been playing the re3 demo for like 2 days straight now but I really hate the framerate on xbone x, shits running at 40-50fps constantly
Not sure if i'm gonna buy the game if they don't fix the framerate

wreckfest and left 4 dead

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Playing DOOM Eternal right now. It's pretty fucking good

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I love this dude. His reviews are so awful, they're actually entertaining. My favorite is the time he savescummed 30+ times in XCOM 2 to prove the game's rng was rigged without ever realizing it was seeded.

Holy fucking shit, are you kidding me?

21 minutes in in case the time stamp doesn't work. His reviews are pure retard kino.


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hahahahaha my fucking goodness



Made a promise to myself not to buy new games until I clear out some old ones, so Code Vein and Hollow Knight, I also finished Black Mesa a week ago and am waiting for the 1.5 version to start another playthrough.

Yeah this retard definitely posts here.

Doom Eternal, AC New Horizons, Granblue Versus, Morrowind, and Final Fight 3

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So this is the guy calling half life fans retarded? Just fuck my shit up.

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I like how OP suddenly stopped posting

based mr clean keeping raging zoomers at bay

I just completed Umihara Kawase and now I'm trying to get the last few endings in Umihara Kawase Shun

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Address the criticism hlcucks.


address my cock, faggot

What criticism?

Funnily enough I agree with everything he says in this video, but I come to the opposite conclusion. Despite there being many things done wrong with the original HL game, I still find it fun, and not just for nostalgia, because I first played them only a couple years ago(late 2016). While OF is obviously better, I find both campaigns to be enjoyable with the right mindset. I think the worst design flaw in HL is that it's linear storyline tricks the player into doing the same time each run, while if you step back and look at the bigger picture, that's a lot of room to play around with what they give you.
If I played with winning in mind, yeah, I would end up using the same 3 weapons for 90% of the game. If I was playing with pushing the limits of the game as far as I could in mind, they give you a lot of ways to do that. Admittedly, the very first time I played, I quit halfway through because I found it repetitive with only the story as an incentive to keep me going. But I came back and finished the whole series entirely because, for a reason I now forget, I thought to myself, "I wonder how many allies I can get to follow me and how far I can take them if I keep all of them alive". And despite playing with fucking around doing nonsensical shit as a goal, the game still rewards you for it. As stupid as you look stopping every 10 feet making sure none of your Barneys or Kleiners got stuck on debris, it doesn't inhibit you during combat.
OF gives you more tools for your sandbox, and BS gives more of what I think a lot of people had come to expect from HL as a series; That is, focus on story, scripted sequences, physics puzzles, shooting at grunts.
Grenades are shit though.

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Address the fact that you haven't played umihara kawase, THE best platformer ever made

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Address THIS *unzips dick*

I'm finally going to finish Morrowind, now that I have nothing but time to burn


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Hello, schizo.

Half-Life didn't age poorly at all. I have gone back to play many old games and come to that conclusion, but this isn't one of those games. The fact that the default controls are WASD is a testament to this. The game plays out exactly as your intuition expects. The movement and gun mechanics are so simplistic that even a child can get it instantly. Really, PC shooters in general never age poorly. They already hit solid rock during their inception.

Half Life was always for people who weren't smart enough to understand Deus Ex.

Do you retards really believe the original hl holds up?.

Adress your mental illness

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how can gabe even recover!? we got'em bois. Valveshills need to pack it up

op is a consumer whore lol

I didn't bother watching past the first minute, but I had no idea Gearbox was involved in making the expansions so that's neat at least.

what's with these non stop half life hate threads lately?

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it's one guy

A mentally ill tranny is making these.
Yes a single guy.