Mega Man Battle Network

Why couldn't they just make do with a simple equipment system?

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The navicust has yet to be surpassed

Starforce just use brother points, but then you going need ton of hp or anti status to not get memed.

Shut the fuck up, faggot. Navi Cust was kino.

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>the absolute state of bniggers
No wonder why the lot of you hate Star Force.

SF3 gives you like 900 brotherbonds in game, shit like sprarmor or floatshoes are in 400-600 range. Proper noise can give you something like taurus super armor, but to get full equip you need friends.

>fucked up pvp
>fucked up worldbuilding
>fucked up aesthetics
If you can stand any of this, you must have pitifully low standards.

Can't we just have a peaceful conversation here?

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I feel that you never played SF pvp.

I bet he hasn't actually played any of the star force games.

Battle Network has some awesome texts.

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Play Shanghai Genso Network

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Bitch are you shitting on the navi customizer?

I love the navicust. Fucking excellent.

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Haha, the joke is gay rape!

Have a way to put it on mobile and I will.

>but to get full equip you need friends.
But to get the best Noise you have to have no friends.

Reminder one step from eden a mmbn clone + slay the spire game comes out in 6 days on March 26th!
Look into it and support mmbn clones you like!

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Yes, gays are a joke.

Already did. Waiting for the postgame scenarios right now.

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For sp,sure, but even then wolf have advantage.

MP Wolf and Gemini are kings.

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Cute knees

You got any ideas for battle chips/cards?

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Not before you post 'em yourself, dollface.

Because the NaviCust is fucking awesome.

>using Bustermax without Bugstop

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>using buster.

cute boy

They did in BN1 and it sucked. Navi Cust was fucking great. Part of the reason 3 was so good along with styles and the mod tools. God I fucking hope capcom does a collection for BN with working online. I want more people to be able to enjoy these amazing games.

I bought most of them again on Wii U and I would absolutely buy a full collection of all the games on PS4.

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>triple dipping

>He doesnt do buster meme builds with transformations

I've never played Battle network or a game that played like it but One step from eden has gotten me interested in trying it. I feel like I'm going to be super shit at it though, so many things happen on screen.

>Doesn't use grassguts style with buster max, undershirt and bugstop on a grass field for maximum UNGA BUNGA NO NEED CHIP

The hard stuff doesnt happen until basically the endgame/superbosses anyways. If you havnt learned how to play by then well you just suck at video games.

Just be aware that while One Step from Eden cops MMBN's battle system, it also makes considerable changes to it so it'll be a familiar but overall very different experience.

BN/SF aren't hard at all long as you build your folder properly. Post game and extra bosses is what delete you fast.

I still have all my carts for GBA, but I want a collection on Switch just for possible online features like chip trading and battlan. And the slim slim hope that it restores the content in 6 that they cut for non-JP versions.

yes yes use those dark chips...come hither...

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4 did Dark chips best by only offering them when you were near death
Adding them to your deck manually in 5 is gay even if dark soul is neat it's no where near as cool as literally being offered the devil's power at your lowest

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Why yes I use dark chips. How could you tell?

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I could tell from your HP being 732 after collecting all HP memories in the game.

I feel that they are nearly worthless outside of navi transform purposes. X cards on SF3 worth more since they are more splashable at cost of no GAs.

Which isn't a real downside.

Wish there was a way to recover lost HP during endgame.

They did that in Starforce, it was fucking boring.

Im going to try to make a bn-like game. Do you think a 6x6 grid on each side is good or too big?

That would ruin the point of the downside. Granted MMBN5 already did that spectacularly by giving the ChaosSoul option.

>Granted MMBN5 already did that spectacularly by giving the ChaosSoul option.
Yeah that was greatly appreciated. It made soul unison more fun.

For me, it's BeastMan.EXE.

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His dungeon sucked ass.

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Some characters already popped on gacha.

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Implying everyone didn't use action replay to get all the low cost programs and illegal data to fill their entire folders with swordfighterX and other brainless shit.

BN4 navicust was nigger tier though
>no compression codes
>every NCP was shaped in a retarded way
>need to play game 3 times to get spinblue

Wow, a feature in Battle Network 4 was not well thought out or fun? That's a shock.

4 also made it nearly impossible to complete the mega chip library without fucking yourself in the ass with dark chips.

BN4 itself is nigger tier.

I'll be honest and say that I don't like the idea of compression codes. Parts should have just been inherently smaller from the beginning. Obviously 4 doesn't fix this due to the second point you mentioned but 4 is a game made entirely out of bad decisions.

Swordfghters are overrated, and on PVP you don't want be locked on one attack for much time, even if megaboost exists.

At least they had decency of getting ride of Foxyx-fu and stinkyrain.

Shame they implemented it in the worst game.

Why did they fuck up BN4 so bad?
Worst viruses
Worst scenarios
Worst bosses
Worst Navicust
Worst battle chips if you're playing red sun
Worst chip library
Worst giga chips
Worst mega chips