>PC gaming is cheaper than con-
>PC gaming is cheaper than con-
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PC gaming also has a 25-years backlog of native Win32 games, 10 years of native Win64 games and emulation of pretty much all mainstream pre-PlayStation 3 consoles.
>Paid online play
The money that would otherwise go to buying games are used to buy parts since pirating is free.
and constant sales that put console digital sales to shame.
>MuSt BuY GaEm
Post CPU graph.
Steam data shows that most common gfx cards are (user %)
>1060 13%
>1050ti 9%
>1050 6%
keep in mind that the X1x is better than a 1060
Nobody has ever said pc gaming was cheaper.
you have to use a literal strawman because being cheap pieces of shit and paying for exclusivity are like the only advantage of consoles
Jesus... so this is the master race huh? Playing on shitboxes with 1050tis
Every day
Every single sucking day you post price to performance bullshit like any of us care
Why don't people realize that this is going to drive down hardware costs to actually reasonable levels? Why would anyone build a PC for twice as much money for the same performance.
Isn't this what happens every new console generation? Everyone hypes up their performance like the second coming of christ spouting 'hurrrr pc gaming is finished'
Then they come out and everyone realizes they're shit?
Because a PC has more than a single use?
I gotta say, PC is better for shooters, MOBAs, simulation and strategy games.
Playstation is all round a more cozy, convenient gaming experience and should be for third person action games, fighting games, racing games, platformers etc.
Basically if you pic only one, you're missing out,.
>paying for games
I played platformers and third person action shooters with keyboard and mouse just fine.
Shill it with me
New game coming out? Yeah but can it run TERAFLOPS
PC gaming is automatically cheaper because of piracy.
You think huemonkeys and vodkaniggers are buying consoles? Every third worlder plays on PC.
I save so much money by piracy because I don't pay for anything outside of hardware. I don't pay for games, I don't pay for online. Emulation saves even more money since you can pirate console exclusives.
It's cheaper in the long run and the games are cheaper (or free, and I don't mean f2p shit). I haven't upgraded my PC in years, so long that I don't even remember when I did. Still don't need an upgrade and I buy all the games I want to play.
TPS are fine on PC, I just prefer playing on the couch.
Platformers are legitimately enchanced with a controller though.
HaHa 120 TERAFLOPS on PC? But did you know that MY console has TERAFLOPS
Do you realize you can plug any controller you want on PC, and play on your couch too with steam link to your TV
I tried Cuphead and Rayman Origins with a controller. I didn't liked it.
shill it until it becomes a religion
>people actually expecting a 499 Series X
They are just delusional, if that was the case Lockhart wouldn't even be a thing
>PC gaming also has a 25-years backlog of native Win32 games
If you count emulators, it can go all the way back to 1952.
Can I use that dial to call the based department?
has it even been confirmed that the xsx and ps5 are gonna be 500$?
You do know that there are a new generation of video cards coming out this summer before the consoles roll out right?
>rtx scam cards
I know it's a flame post but I mean the amount of people who buy a good pc, it will last minimum of 10 years supporting games at better quality than consoles.
>next gen RTX
Nice meme
Someone actually went to the trouble and made a price per teraflops. I can't believe it.
Looks aight to me.
Problem is that a GT 1030 offers a better expierence than an xbox one, because Games run like 20 fps 1080p (talking from expierince)
You can get the base 5700 for $270 and flash the XT drivers on it, which makes its performance per $ much better than the sexbox
who's claiming that pc gaming is cheaper than console gaming? thats not the point, if money's tight or you just dont give a shit buy a console, if you got money to spare but want better graphics/performance build a PC. this isn't rocket appliances
Consoles aren't out. You can't buy this technology. Make another graph when RDNA2 and 3000 series hit the PC market.
It doesn't make any sense. I posted it yesterday and I'll post it today.
>better card than 5700XT ($400)
>better cpu than 3700X ($200)
>fastest ssd ($170)
It's in total almost $800 without RAM, Motherboard, Gamepad and the manufacturing cost. The whole thing would cost $1000+ the way you describe it but sony and microsoft somehow magically will sell it for $500? The most ridiculous thing is we're not even talking about low end system. Apparently it's mid-high end which blows any PC hardware. For $500.
From today till the day they release, new tech will also release and prices will fall down. This happens literally every GPU generation (not so much on CPU side because of AMD's past incompetence)
From a technological point of view I don't think consoles have any real purpose anymore, the only reason they still exist is companies securing exclusive titles so people keep buying them.
If you think console manufacturers pay MSRP, you're staggeringly retarded. This is even with consideration of them selling the consoles at a loss.
In today's age they only exist for casual gamers, which in turn rapes what games could be if they didn't have to coddle consumers
If i was stuck in the past and didnt play those games decades ago I would care. Problem is I look to the future and enjoy great vidya from this year.
When current gen released, their GPUs were on par with top of the line HD7000s and GTX700s and they still cost 400€. The 770 went on to become obselete as the Kepler architecture was shit. The 780 was still lasted for a good while but it cost around 600€ back then.
Surely everyone shares your opinion. This is why no one's talking about PS5's lack of backwards compatibility
imagine being poor
People bitch about tons of stuff then go right ahead and ignore it and move on. If you are one of those people who cares about backwards compatibility, you will stop caring once the exclusives start rolling in. This whole cycle of outrage and protest falls faster than an incel for an e thot once a big game is announced.
Sure they pay less per component but not fucking half the price. Also I doubt they will sell it at loss.
Nah I don't agree, there are still plenty of killer games that are console exclusive. I just think that consoes don't have much of a point to them by themselves since PCs have technologically surpassed them, they are really kept alive from companies being smart and securing exclusives for them. But the idea that PC has all the hardcore games and consoles are for casuals is just bullshit.
I mean the majority of posters are children with no income and college kids with shit jobs. Its funny seeing poor people attempt to act elitist.
It's no surprise at this point, what with GFX card manufacturers price gouging and pretty much every piece of software becoming a bloated piece of shit. For example why the fuck does Steam ever need to use over a gigabyte of RAM? Yet it occasionally does for me. Not to mention Windows has become so unbelievable shit and bloated. It really doesn't surprise me that consoles now run better.
While this is an old example, it shows the discrepancy between the cost needed to make a GPU and the MSRP.
Then there's also the fact that retailers that buy at wholesale don't pay MSRP either - MSRP is only for consumers to get as much profit as possible.
It'll likely sell at a loss because even with the PS4, both MS and Sony have sold their consoles at losses all the time. Even if the loss is meager, it's still a loss - and with the Gamepass/XBL/PS+, they can still recuperate losses made on the hardware. Losses were always made up via software/accessories.
There's also the fact that they are waiting for MS to show the price to try to undercut them - yet MS has hinted at not pricing their system at 500 again.
>X1x is better than a 1060
No it's not.
time to post it again.
read it and weep, consonybro.
anyway, the 5700xt has the same perf/dollar as your console, and the RTX3000 is coming out this year as is navi2x
PC is a fucking joke. Never ending stream of meme tech that costs a fortune and overpriced graphics cards that are not even 2x better than the last one you got to keep shit playable at 1080p!
>all this spec dickwaving for the third gen in a row
>games will inevitably end up with frame drops and/or shit rendering distances
Why is nvidia's dick so small?
How's that CPU and SATA 2 bottleneck treating you? A 1060 mops the floor with the X.
>Pushing 4k
>Pushing raytracing
Can't wait for 30fps for another gen.
>I need to buy the latest cards
>I don't know anything about hardware
>I don't know when to upgrade or how to look up benchmarks
Get used to it. Since the arrival of 3D is has always been 30fps and it will always be 30fps until you reach graphical perfection and can only go up with raw power.
Why are so many people comparing 2018 RTX GPU's to future 2020/21 Consoles?
You might as well wait for Ampere/RDNA2 to compare
I wonder how many retards are going to needlessly stress their hardware using 4k on 1080 TVs
The CPU is not better than a 3700x my retarded friend, it's more like a 1700 due to lower clocks & 1 core being reserved
>Problem is I look to the future and enjoy great vidya from this year.
99% of which are on or will be on PC.
Most people don''t have a very high IQ, that's why.
Play Dark Forces 2.
The architecture matters the most. It's ZEN2 and that alone beats even any Zen+ chip
>free online play
>basically every game (that matters) is free or will be free
You actually like new shitty games?
I played that decades ago. Should have been born in the 80s instead of being a zoomer
Consoles are sold at loss so that Sony/Microsoft can milk game sales and monthly live/plus
Jesus Christ.
Just when I thought consoleniggers couldn't get any worse, this image appears. See ya in 7 months.
if it doesnt get fucked by corona-chan
I still don't understand what a flop even is, much less why it is apparently the only number that matters.
I'm still on a 970 and I still haven't found a game I can't play at max settings, 60 FPS. Is there a monitor past 4k that I missed that people use, or are they gaming across two different monitors?