>lol bro just build your own pc it’s so easy I did it when I was 10
>spend over 1k on parts
>nothing fucking works
Wow, I will NEVER take advice from any of you assholes ever again. I wanted Sri buy a prebuilt but everyone told me to buy my own parts mad BYO, and now that I have everything IT WONT FUCKING BOOT LMFAO I gotta admit you guys got me. I’m going to dismantle this piece of fucking shit and get every penny back mark my Fucking words. I have never been so pissed in my life. How could anyone think this shit is fucking easy?
Building PCs is a fucking meme don’t fall for it
Other urls found in this thread:
>can’t do something a 10 year old boy can do
Your just asking to be a failure
I don't remember asking lol
Someone will probably bite.
>he forgot the thermal paste
Take advice from internet, advice from stores, and your own research. Did you just went in blind?
That's why you go prebuilt like a real Chad.
I’ve spent the last 3 fucking days trying to get this stupid piece of shit to work and it can’t. It won’t even turn the fuck on anymore, and when it DID turn on it would only do so for a quick second then shut off instantly LMFAO you have to be a massive fucking dweeb to know how to put this shit together
bet you forgot the standoffs
I watched a TON of YouTube videos, asked for help on /g/ and even talked to two different people from there on discord and it STILL WONT FUCKING BOOT. I’m seriously really fucking agitated because everything is connected but it literally won’t turn on it’s infuriating
>pay-gated online (riddled with ads)
>expensive proprietary peripherals
>games rarely discounted
>inevitable double dip for S version
>no backward compatibility
>CONFIRMED! Backward compatibility gets abandoned
>only ever ahead of PC by 6-12months of initial launch
>experience limited to how they decide
>mods repackaged as pay to play DLC or "micro-transactions"
>censored games
>plays newest games on limited settings
>library limited to current games and whatever they permit from older systems
>limited to whatever controller they release
>free online
>upgrade at your price/pace
>game sales so frequent you backlog for a decade
>can buy/trade parts instead of replacing whole system
>backward compatible
>outpaces most consoles for years until next gen
>totally customized experience
>free mods
>censored games can be uncensored
>plays games on whatever settings you can manage
>plus higher res/draw distance with mods
>library literally goes back to the beginning of PC
>can emulate arcades and consoles
>play with any controller you want
Nice try, op.
Nope, have them. I even took the MB out of the case to see if I could jump it with a screw driver and NOTHING FUCKING WORKS. How the fuck is that even possible? And before you ask no I didn’t fuck up the cpu the pins are Completely fine
If this is a poorly veiled attempt at getting tech support, you need to explain what's wrong and what troubleshooting you've done so far.
you didn't wear your cute knee socks like they told you
I know pc is better but why the fuck isn’t my fucking shot working dude? I literally spent over 1k on everything and it won’t even fucking turn on? Fucking bullshit
lol i bet youre american
Describe the issue. Do the fans power on but you're getting no signal? Can you enter the BIOS? Does simply nothing happen when you press the power button`?
best would be to take it to a any local pc store, and have them do diag. It could be anything minor or missing.
Her tits are massive
Follow some basic trouble shooting. It won't boot, alright so either something isn't happening that should, or something that shouldn't be happening is. These are the core factors in pretty much every complication in complex systems.
Ensure power is being delivered, ensure power is being received by securing all connections. Work out from there.
is it plugged in?
Ok. 1 question. How do i install another FAN? I already got 1 FAN CPU install but i don't see another 3 PIN or 4 PIN
>OP literally too dumb to build a computer
Whenever I turn the pc on the cpu fan will start for like a second then completely stop (pic related) so I undid everything and tested the motherboard out of the case with a screwdriver and now it won’t even turn on at all
people with an IQ over 60 think it's easy user
you cant forget that, ryzen stock coolers have it pre applied
Most motherboards these days have built in standoffs.
if you can't plug into square pegs into square holes you have bigger problems.
How the fuck do you fuck up lego for adults
Are you sure your 24-pin is well-connected?
So I turn it on and the fan will light up and spin for a millisecond, them completely stop. So I dismantled everything out of the case and resembled it (out of the case) to see if the motherboard would turn on by jumping it and surprise surprise it obviously didn’t fucking work
Wgwwn you say wont boot do you mean no power or do you mean wont boot into windows but turns on?
I had that problem. It was a bad motherboard. I found out by taking it to Best Buy and having them run a few tests on it.
who are you quoting?
So your motherboard is fucked. Return that and get a new one
Yes it is. Like I said I even rebuilt the whole damn thing and I’ve made sure MANY times all the cables are connected correctly into the MB
Is the computer making beeping noises? Assuming you plugged in speaker. Do you have LED on the board?
Have you tried different ram slots?
>resembled it (out of the case) to see if the motherboard would turn on by jumping it and surprise surprise it obviously didn’t fucking work
You’re one dumb motherfucker
What do you mean you tested the case with a screwdriver, where does that come into play other than removing screws?
>doesn't know how to shop
>doesn't know how to use benchmarks
>doesn't know how to lookup required specs of games you want
Console plebs BTFO again.
No power. Like I said the fan will start but then stop instantly
>tested the motherboard out of the case with a screwdriver and now it won’t even turn on at all
What do you mean by this? Explain what you did because I am forming no coherent mental image here.
Go ask /pcbg/ for some help, those fuckers always seem like they have too much free time anyway.
You can always add more bro
Dude, the fags who sell parts will usually build them for you. Just tell them to instal windows 10 ltsc and give them your pirated copy to get it over with.
Touching the blue ones with a screwdriver is supposed to jump it
God you must be fucking braindead. Imagine being dumber than a fucking 10 year old.
>not wiping off dried-off thermal paste that came with products and using fresh paste so it makes contact
even assuming thermal paste was forgotten, the computer still would've stayed booted for considerably longer than he said.
read the manual for your board. there are three fuck me lights in the top right corner, they tell you exactly what the problem is. the lights are labeled VGA, DRAM, CPU.
Thermal paste is essential to the inner workings of a modern PC. Do not doubt its power.
Not memeing, Take it to a Fry's Electronics near you. They could help you out for free or a low price.
Oh shit, he actually fell for it.
oh nonono
I noticed, when it actually was turning on for a second I think the lights said CPU and DRAM
I´m guessing your power source is smaller than your shit. That happened to me when my old pw started to get old and stopped outputing the correct amount.
do you have that 3 second animation of the paste being applied before the cpu?
Back in the day it was a bit challenging. Nowadays it's basically like adult lego. Good job being an idiot.
essential, but not required to troubleshoot. processor doesn't have enough time to get hot enough to crash/shutdown.
? What?
the one with the thermal paste being heinz mayo?
Did you just leave it alone for a few seconds after trying to power it on? A lot of motherboards will do a quick power cycle when you turn them on for the first time and you have to give them a few seconds turn on and off once or twice.
your mobo is donezo kid
This one?
Check your RAM sticks, that’s usually the problem when you add all the shit at once
Their coolers have a thermal pad. Paste or pad. Pick one.
Is the preapplied bad? Was gonna get a ryzen cpu for my next build
Let me fucking guess.
You bought a 3rd gen Ryzen CPU like an R5 3600 and paired it with 2nd gen Ryzen mobo like a B450M without checking if it was pre-flashed for 3rd gen CPUs?
I'm not going to get into a discussion about thermodynamic physics because this is Yas Forums, but "pads" are shit.
I have a RyzenCPU they are great. Never had issues with the preapplied stuff on mine.
What do you mean? Why do you say that?
It literally just shuts off as soon as i turn it on
Already did, tried them one at a time or in different slots and it’s the same exact problem
I will be honest, that sounds sketchy as fuck and I wouldn't be terribly surprised if that straight up fried a connection on the mobo. I can't really see any reason you'd want to do this, but hey i have only put two pcs together.
>It literally just shuts off as soon as i turn it on
Yeah, and did you wait for it to turn back on after it shut itself off or did you panic and hit the power switch on the PSU or some shit?
I tried to replace my motherboard recently, and when I turned it on, I got a spark from the USB plugin on the motherboard, and no output to the monitor. What the fuck did I do wrong and is the motherboard fucked? Was it my fault or did I get a bad board?
Nice copypasta
>experience limited to how they decide
the fuck does that even mean
there's 1000000000 help videos on youtube man
Are you dudes legit retarded or am i the one being a retard for not seeing you are merely pretending? Thats literally just the thing you connect your power button to, by "shorting" it with something its equal to pressing the power button
I waited and nothing happened. It just completely stops
aw dude i feel bad for you
where do you live, i'll heelp you get it working, i have spare parts you can use to try figure out what went wrong
2 more questions -
How big is your PSU and have you tried starting up the PC without the GPU connected?
Orlando Florida
user, this guy can't even put lego together.. And you TRUST him with a screwdriver and electricity?
A lot of retards on this thread.
Lack of thermal paste would not cause a computer to not boot. It would run fine 100% of the time until you attempted to run a game for a long period of time, which it would do until thermal throttling kicked in. Lack of thermal compound is not lack of a cooler. It has an impact, but is nowhere as serious as these retards imagine.
It can be a CPU issue, it can be a PSU issue, it can be a lot of stuff. One of your parts is defective assuming you didn't fuck the assembly up (protip: it's HARD to). Assuming you're using a dedicated VGA, is your monitor cable connected to it? Even if it is, attempt to remove the VGA and boot through the iGPU.
If I were to blindly guess, I'd say either CPU or motherboard, but doesn't hurt to try.
That's fair
Good, gonna use that then when i have the shekels for my next build in a few months
The psu is kinda big, but it fines inside the case fine so I can’t imagine that being the problem. And Yes I tried that it was still the same problem
well shit, im not a burger
all i can recommend is remove everything from the motherboard including gpu and ram and see if it starts then
I'm wondering what the wattage of the PSU is, not the physical size.
from the PCPartpicker he posted apparently its 550
550 W
comparing it to the PC list its counter is
>totally customized experience
so it's worded horribly and they're just saying that console players have no freedom in customizing their console outside of what games they purchase.
Okay then. Possible problems are mobo, CPU, and RAM.
RAM is easiest to check. Remove one of the sticks, try to boot with the other one in all 4 slots. Try in one slot, move it, try another slot, move it again, etc. If none of the 4 slots work try that with the other stick.
If none of this helps it most likely ISN'T a RAM issue. 4 defective slots and both sticks dead is rather unlikely.
Try at least this for now, report back when you're done.