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Based as fuck, i hope they downgrade his ai more and turn him into a generic mr.x clone. i also hope they cover jill in a garbage bag and make you pay 20 dollars to add intelligent ai, the make you pay 50 dollars to add gore back into the game

lmao BASED OP RE3 DEmake confirmed

i remember in the original when nemesis was a REAL threat that got stuck on corners and shit, not this MEME le EPIC STREAMER REACTION BAIT AHHAHA

>the ceiling fan motor housing spins with the blades

this looks so fucking a huge fan of the original RE3, I'm so mad at this shit. They make everyone look like a fucking mongoloid and make Nemesis a brainlet. Jesus fucking christ

What would you do IRL? It's literally an unbeatable tactic.

What the fuck do you want him to do? Jump over the table? Go full sprint mode on you without giving you a chance? Stand still until you stup fucking with him? Sit down and cry on the floor?

yeah the team saw you and got inspired


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As long as I get a shout out in the credits, sure.


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People really pay $60 for a 2 hour game??

Not this fucking shit again, it's even the same fucking filename, holy fuck do you ever get bored you autistic little shit? Even worse is everyone is clearly way too fucking new to notice this is the exact same spamming shit from before RE2. Fuck I hate this disgusting cesspit.

See: and shut the fuck up

Get help, Michael

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>The same guy who tortanic posted REmake2 is doing his same shtick for REmake3
Some people never learn

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>the EXACT same threads 1 year later
i hate this board.

Yes, his planet needed him, ho ho ho. If Yas Forums actually had mods anymore you would have been banned for spamming the same tired fucking shit constantly ages ago. Just fucking kill yourself. You don't have to post the same motherfucking webm four million fucking times. Fuck OFF. You are CANCER. Why don't you get some fucking redshit upboats instead? That leaves a fucking record of your retarded autism, which you're so clearly begging for. Just LEAVE. "Sink, tortanic!" Oh ho ho, hilarious. Fuck OFF.

he's spiderman now? what's next, he's gonna start spouting witty taunts to jill?

>"yeesh, and they call ME monster. that face is a BOW."

i don't really mind this, but would it have really been that hard to make him actually tentacle up to a building instead of the open fucking sky?

Continuously walk until the player falls asleep or gets tired. I'm an AI, I have the advantage of not needing to rest


t. Capcom

sorry, capcom employee, game's gonna bomb, HARD, especially with this virus.

Does Nemesis keep spawning after the diner even if you beat him a few times.


why does he need to do that? he can punch his way through walls.

i dunno, it's probably an easier way to traverse a city than punching straight through everything

not scary though.

that's subjective

how do you get the rifle?

looks like dead by daylight desu

t. Clueless Millennial Capcom Dev

play on assisted

oh so it's just like easy mode like before huh

>add gore back to the game

yeah, it also gives you 4 more inventory slots


It's really noticeable that you're samefagging in a lot of these threads, so maybe you should coordinate with your discord friends a little bit better

Wow he's acting the same way in remake as in original who would've thought.

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what hell do you expect, there has never been impressive ai in any game ever. also bet you can’t perfect dodge him in a knife fight.

>posted in one RE3 thread
>see this
Based paranoid brainlet

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>actually believing a new RE game releasing off the back of one the greatest releases in the franchise is going to bomb
This level of delusion, holy shit

>Go full sprint mode on you without giving you a chance?
actually this one, after 15 seconds of circling around he should go berserk and run up to her and smashing her into the ground

Make the AI realize it's walking in circles and order it to destroy the prop the player is using as shield so they stop messing around.

>noooo you cant just dislike something i like

>Fuck I hate this disgusting cesspit.
then why do you come back here every day?

Make him run faster after like repeating the action 3~4 times. Wow, they should hire me as dev

I warned all of you that RE2 Demake was fucking garbage and the start of the shitty remakes. We will never get another RE game with the same quality as the first remake.

I actually hate first remake original was so much better. Crimson heads are stupid idea and capcom never explained why zombies outside of Spencer mansion never turn into crimson heads.

I don't know anything else.

can't run around the table the entire time,bucko

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they turn into crimson heads in the chronicles games, actually.

>Nemesis died on the way back to his home planet

>Not this fucking shit again, it's even the same fucking filename
I literally created the OP webm yesterday and JUST got home today. Eat my shit, anons out there realize my webms are based

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glad they stayed faithful to the original

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Take your meds, Michael

is this the new DMC? looks fun

It's toned down heavily from 2R, most likely a result of the physic engine being gone.

Stupid Amerishart go eat a mcdonalds and post your 23 and me to Yas Forums fat ass
Dumb Lard Mutt

you are mentally ill, take your meds


Stop spamming this shit Michael

Don't tell me what to do, faggot.

Take your meds and go to sleep bro