Wtf is happening?

Seriously why are certain players in a frenzy over next gen all of a sudden. What about exclusives?

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we have minecraft so it's ok

>Even Sonygaf is losing its shit

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lmao stay butthurt the PS5's SSD is an entire generation ahead of the gaybox

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we're all gonna be stuck inside and there won't be any sports

There was no PS5 gameplay and not enough Series X (what a retarded name) gameplay.

I think the exact details are pretty unimportant.

Nobody is going to read that you worthless autist.

All you need to know is that the PS5 is more balanced than the XSX. Sony won.

Of course the P5 fivetuple is going to come on top. What do you mean the xbox gay shit has more flops? It ain't got flops to handle those super ps fifhtuple games

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Ok Mr. MiyazakiHatesKojima.

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>The only thing it's balancing is my bank account by making me not buy one

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Gerard's right though

>Using fucking Minecraft to shill your lighting gimmick

May as well just admit your beast can't do it with anything more graphically intensive.

>What is pathtracing

lmao so much for no compromises.

>No compromises
lmao show me the PS5 running path traced minecraft. Only high end PCs and XSX have shown to able to handle pathtracing.

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Path tracing is legit

ok phone poster?

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>Spotted the shills
lmao fucking Minecraft
Move on to another FUD.

Here's more down to your size and attention span

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Minecraft is multiplatform...

What's the point without the price? For all we know PS5 can be 150$ cheaper and suddenly the marginal lost in power means nothing.

He's not wrong.

If you’re buying a brand new console at launch, are you really concerned about price?

Because that’s all that’s been revealed so far, dipshit. We have no confirmed exclusives besides the fucking obvious ones, so of course people are going to latch onto console specs.

Phil has been saying they will not be caught off guard in both power and price this gen unlike Xbox One launch.

Yes, when we get to the 500+ range, I am.

That cuck DrymouthX is still around? I remember fucking his asshole when he was damage controlling the Xbone. Some things never change.

>twitter polls and reddit discussions
If it meant a thing, bernie sanders would be winning.

>What about exclusives?
Nobody outside of Yas Forums and fanboys have EVER cared about exclusives if the highest selling games are any indication. People like their ass creeds, their multiplates, their Fifa, etc etc. It's all about what your friends also bought into.

>tflops matter
>only argument is muh backward compatibility
But hey enjoy all those multiplats and the next trannies of war in 3 years


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nothing is coming out, this is corona year

i wonder how much are they gonna charge for it
because i bought it for like 10 bucks the full edition with dlc and shit, and it has been that low with sales on and off quite often
maybe 20-30?

>xbox has no games

Attached: Road to PS5.jpg (956x4743, 1.06M)

should sneak in pics of titles like Horizon Dawn going to pc as well

>The only thing it's balancing is my bank account by making me not buy one
God damn!

lmao should replace Road to PS5 Cerny image with

And here's an article soundly BTFOing the Sony cope you've seen here over the last few days

honestly unless they bat out some incredible exclusive (which at we now know is mostly those cinematic like games), sony might be losing next gen
everything has been quite meh so far, and xbox didn't even do anything amazin either, sony just seem to get back to their cocky pre release ps3 day

>The only thing it's balancing is my bank account by making me not want to buy one
CuckEra has its moments I'll give it that

why do you care what a bugman has to say?

exclusives mean less every gen, all of the best and most popular games are multiplat

Nah that's Neogaf. These days they're super lax compared to pre-Resetera neogaf & of course modern resetera.


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>browsing NeoFag in 2020


>Sega Mega Drive is better
Unironically based.

As some who's had Minecraft with RT it's cool for about an hour

Do they even know what "teraflop" means? Because I don't.

This. Ultra SJWneogaf in 2015 was way better than 2020 GAMERgaf.

Honestky xbox is looking better than ps5 this time around and sony exclusives this past gen really werent very good at all. they are lucky xbox 1 didnt have a better library.

>People like their ass creeds, their multiplates, their Fifa, etc etc. It's all about what your friends also bought into.
So Xbox will do just fine in the US while the rest of the world will buy PS5. Nothing has changed it.

What the fuck is up with sonyfags and ssd's. I feel like I'm in 2015. Are they really banking on a fucking ssd saving ps5?

>maybe 20-30?
40-60, otherwise they wouldn't have port it.

Reminder that these people post here.

what exactly is raytracing? i google around and saw that video of amd but desu it wasn't very helpful

Sonyfags already backtracking lmao.
>idc if it's a shittier console if its cheaper

Mirrors and lights, reflections, that kind of shit. Instead of improving resolution, textures, framerate, etc, we will have realistic windows! AREN'T YOU EXCITED?!

at more accurately emulates how light behaves in our world, in regards to reflecting, refracting, casting shadows, etc.
But with this higher accuracy comes a lot more computation, thus why turning on ray-tracing tanks FPS, which is why the AAA do it sparingly.

It's free on pc

Exce9t xbox is running the newest gears of war at 4k 60 fps while having RT.

>super lax
It's nothing but autist pretending to be 4channers complete with shitty wojaks. brap if you're reading this you're a fucking faggot kys

nobody cares loser

oh i see, no wonder that video is pretty much just shiny robots walking around near shiny or glossy/glass like surface
i mean it is kinda nice small addition to details i guess, but who the hell making it as some central selling point

Y u mad sonyfag

literally neo/v/

I've been an Xbox fag for nearly 20 years.
Sony will win again or it will be a tie (at best).
The average consumer doesn't give a shit about muh specs, they want what their friends have, what their current online account is on, what has the games they want (god of war sequal etc).
Nobody cares about Gears and Halo anymore, unless xbox pulls some crazy exclusive out of their ass AND sony flubs their launch bad it's fucking done.
Feels bad man.

Graphics have peaked so shit like raytracing is what they are going to market, same with resolutions and even frames per second.

How is NeoGAF now these days? I stopped visiting about 5 years ago after the sjw culture there became unbearable. After I received a 2 week ban for expressing interest in a game that the group had decided was evil and sexist I never went back. Out of the blue a few days ago I received an email from the website talking about the coronavirus.outbreak and how the forums were still active.

>I've been an Xbox fag for nearly 20 years.
At least learn math before you try to lie online.

>but who the hell making it as some central selling point
it opens up a lot of room for new design, and games looking much better by default.
Plus old lighting techniques are 30 years old at this point, with gradual and niche advancements here and there. Pretty much like OpenGL, which is why it should mostly get replaced this gen too.

Its shit, most people just visit neogaf to look on in disgust like they are visiting a freak show.

I had an xbox in 2002 so nearly 20 years...

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hueg came out in '01 user.

Xbox came out in 2001, that's nearly 20 years.

Xbox will win the anglo countries now and do a little better in other yurop countries. snoy will still beat it flatly in those non-anglo yuro countries, but more of them will probably go back to PC over PS5 this time.

It's nowhere near as bad. They have a "chill" culture compare to the SJW days and a roaring hate for resetera so naturally they try to not act like them. I think its way better than /r/games, /r/gaming and resetera honestly. Im loving all the console shitflinging right now it almost feels like Yas Forums. I still prefer Yas Forumss say what you want attitude tho.

Fuuuck, megadorabros, it's over... We lost.

The lockhart is honestly either gonna flop or do amazing fir xbox cant see it really be inbetween it's the thing I'm most excited about to see how much it sells

>buy timed exclusives because your hardware and your company are trash
i really hope no one rewards sony for this scumbaggery

Sonyfags in this thread spouting so much cope, ps5 is going to be the ps3 all over again but worse.