Why do gacha games attract the most degenerate people?

Why do gacha games attract the most degenerate people?

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are you really too stupid to know the answer to that question?

I love ryona

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Why don't they have their own board already?
Gachashit has fucked /vg/ with Discord trannies forever and forces all slower generals that are actually fucking games down to page 9 in like 5 seconds

you tell me

I've never played a gacha game before

sorey i have unironic brain damage

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I'll keep this in mind next time someone disagrees with me on this board

>forces all slower generals that are actually fucking games down to page 9 in like 5 seconds
It sucks. The new /kspg/ died because there wasn't a new post every ten minutes. The discussions there were pretty nice.

This just makes me sad.

>wasting bandwidth


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would you stop fucking spamming this

why do gachafags edit ither people's images to insert their gross fetishes?

Gacha > All video games

Deal with it and pick up a phone

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Gib sauce, iqdb n saucenao aren't working


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the only superior gacha game is puzzles and dragons. and anything by nitrome is better than gacha.

Retards that unironically think that pulling their waifu means their waifu loves them. It's a sad existence.

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Is playing gacha the ultimate cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than playing a gacha. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are supporting, potentially paying, wasting time and shilling a mobile "game" for the entire game's lifespan so artists can go and draw your waifu getting ravaged by men. All the time grinding you put into your beautiful little waifu - rolling her equipment, maxing her levels out, calling her your waifu on Yas Forums, interacting with her, shilling her game. All of it has one simple result: her game is noticed by artists and anons that will draw and fap to her getting fucked in every hole.
Got everything related to her? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random dude who had nothing to do with the game's success rips her files. He gets to look at everything you paid or grinded for without any care. He gets the benefits of her porn that came from your shilling.
As a man who plays gacha, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least time or money from your life simply to shill a girl for other men to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

I was looking through my little sister's gmail account and along with a bunch of Roblox videos I found her watching a bunch of shit about LGBTQ+ and demisexual shit along with in-game Gacha Life porn that she searched up on YouTube

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because it falls in that weird category called "shit for retards".

Preach it, mate
by the by, do you have any tips for clearing this month's Lv9 Challenge floor and Izanami's dumb challenge?

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fuck... I'm legitimately sorry for you.

>Retards that unironically think that pulling their waifu means their waifu loves them. It's a sad existence
exactly here's a better example

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>be a faggot that doesn't respect privacy and boundaries of others
>feel the need to air their fetishistic viewing on an Eritrean spelunking forum

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I got her account disabled so she can't look at shit like this anymore, but it feels pretty bad that she's only 9 years old and is looking into weird Demisexual/genderflui shit.

I'm not going to respect the privacy of my 9 year old sister if respecting her privacy means letting her go on the internet 24/7 and just watch thousands of hours of the most disgusting degenerate shit without supervision

I don't even play the games, I just fap to the girls

basically what the other user said: you're a faggot.
Nobody is looking thru your dickgirl on shota collection so you shouldn't look thru other people stuff.

post more please, I love seeing gacha regret

Cringe. Gacha trash is for brain damaged retards / lowest common denominator / children

I wasn't intentionally going out of my way looking through her stuff, I was on her gmail account so I could set her up a skype account or something so she can speak with her family. But even then, I'm not going to respect the privacy of a kid if what they view influences them massively to the point they start speaking about shit in real life.

I need a loli gacha, Azur lane needs not aply.

What would you expect from a JP gacha general whose silent majority leeches off of on-the-fly English translations of story/events that go live 2 weeks after the happening
What's more though, is thatthe event that user mentioned there didn't even start at the time of that post

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Fucking cringe. Imagine being this retarded. Gacha games are objectively bad compared to regular games. Gacha is aimed at coombrains, lowest common denominator troglodytes, and children.

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If that's your fetish, it's your loss
Almost literally 1/3 of the units there are lolis

why not?

I'd say talk to her instead. I doubt you were monitored by your parents when you were her age and you turned out just fine (even tho you're here). A fetish/interest doesn't go away in time so it's pointless to lock her out . Time to redpill her or what you do now is redundant.

Because I already have that one.

I could have sworn there was another user who also spent $1000+

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How do I explain to a 9 year old that all the stuff about gender/sexuality is retarded bullshit and that if she starts spouting that stuff at school she'll get bullied? I don't live with her, but she's already told our mom that she's a lesbian and if I had to guess it's probably from all the shit she watches

Any game that sells on waifu bait is almost guaranteed to be trash to begin with, even if it isn't gacha.

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PAD is the only one with a gameplay element to it, but it too has many game design flaws thanks to accelerated power creep. It's pretty boring once you finish all the content, which isn't that hard to do thanks to how broken the collabs are nowadays.

Women are not men

here's your options
1. do nothing. She won't be bullied at school because kids her age don't/shouldn't care. However if she does get bullied then you have an opportunity to talk to her immediately and she'll be prone to understand you better.
2. ask her playfully why she thinks she's a lesbian. Maybe it's just a funny word for her if she doesn't actually know the meaning of it.
also if her mom is not surprised by what she said then...good luck lol.

groom her into your perfect waifu by slowly introducing her the pleasures of mutual masturbation

it's fucked up because she's going to grow up to be extremely accepting of other people and basically the exact opposite of you as you continue to clutch your pearls and shriek about how evil gays are. i hope she kills you.

At least you can kind of understand why they would play them. And they do have a bit of gameplay and a good story.
But normalfags play gacha trash games with no waifu and no good gameplay and still whale for them.
What the fuck?

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This isn't apple pie...

Kill yourself nin toddler normie SJW

I mostly play fps games tho

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It is

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Educate her on that identity is something she can determine herself and that random labels have no meaning because you're you and not a checklist. After all girls aren't girls because of pink frilly shit. But at the same time people have a different view of you and that's something you cannot just forcefully change by creating labels and pushing them on others. Labels just reinforce stereotypes which I assume genderfluidity/nonbinary is trying to avoid, ironically. She can >just be herself and explore whatever interests her instead of grabbing a bunch of words and calling it a day.

All in all you'll also need to understand why she's interested in the topic. I mean, it's probably interest in identity like most kids and teens but still.

As for sexuality, she should know it's not important to set that in stone immediately. I've known people that declared themselves pansexual only to change their mind and say they're just lesbian at a later date. These things are something you have to discover and understand over time instead of declaring out of the blue.

Gambling is universal. At some point down the line the act loses its meaning and becomes a game and/or addiction in of itself.

sounds like she understands how the world works and you are a angry incel

They don't, it's just way more noticeable with those games. Most games don't have lottery systems where you use real money, and the degens play those too. It's only an issue when they're given an easy outlet for their vices, like putting drugs in front of an addict.

>She won't be bullied at school because kids her age don't/shouldn't care
Kids do get bullied for being total fucking weirdos, or at the very least they get ostracised and laughed at.
>Maybe it's just a funny word for her
Nope, I've asked her why she's a lesbian and she basically gave me a definition of it. Which is fine, I don't care about that since it's plausible that she actually is one. It's her just chain watching what is basically just porn at 9 years along with weird videos that influence how she acts at such an early age that I'm worried that it'll fuck up her life.
I could live with her not being accepting of fucking weirdo internet demisexuals or people who identify as genderless or other such people who literally don't exist in reality aside from niche tumblr blogs if the caveat is she doesn't have to spend every hour of every day just watching YouTube videos and she's not laughed at by her entire family when she says fucking stupid shit.

>Kids do get bullied for being total fucking weirdos, or at the very least they get ostracised and laughed at.
not anymore.
get with the times gramps

>All in all you'll also need to understand why she's interested in the topic. I mean, it's probably interest in identity like most kids and teens but still
How do I go about doing this? If I had to guess I don't think it was her being interested in the topic of identity and searching it up to find herself or whatever but more her just watching YouTube videos about Roblox and Gacha Life where they come up and falling down the rabbit hole of recommended videos.

The world isn't some awful SJW hell where everyone speaks about gender and sexuality like Yas Forums would have you believe. People absolutely do get bullied for saying weird internet shit.

>what is basically just porn at 9 years
I've heard girls start masturbating a little earlier so if she already knows you know, just make sure her consumption habits don't exceed the levels of a horny teen.
>Kids do get bullied for being total fucking weirdos, or at the very least they get ostracised and laughed at.
They'll probably get weird looks nowadays but unless she's that quiet autist in the corner she should be fine. Of course it might vary between countries but there's been a push of bullying = bad.
>I could live with her not being accepting of fucking weirdo internet [...]
There's nothing wrong with being tolerant. All she needs is a healthy amount of skepticism so she doesn't immediately latch onto the nearest subculture.
Honestly I've no fucking clue and I'm half talking out of my ass because I'm socially retarded. I hope you're close enough that you can actually reach that sort of conversation where you can share those kinds of things. Not to push your own views but because you're worried about her being ostracized for sperging out. Or well, because you're an ebin 4channeler and know the ugly side of LGBTBBQ and that they're an unnecessary if not bad influence for a growing kid. Be a good brother and protect her but don't become overbearing.