Tfw been reading current warcraft lore

>tfw been reading current warcraft lore
So The Light is just as bad as the fel now?

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I really wouldn't bother if i were you

Itll just be a sad experience



:dramatic WOOOOOO soundtrack:

>reading warcraft lore
>in the current year

Isn't that exactly what FFXIV has been doing?


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Not worth it. The game lore is taking the smoothbrain atheist route now.

What did the light do this time?

Yrel did nothing wrong

The light isn't at odds with Fel, it's at odds with void. They both operate in absolutes, but the light is more manageable for more races.

The Light is only good for creating cock-hungry zealots.

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God what the hell is with the power level in this game now
Demon hunters are going to be OP as fuck

>Ben Brode leaves Blizzard
>Suddenly HS gets a bunch of crazy shit and changes
So he was the one behind it uh

Demon Hunters were a mistake

From my understanding of lore none of the greater forces are really "good" or "evil" they just do shit that furthers their own interest. Sometimes that's beneficial or detrimental to the lesser beings

She has the rare look of a whore who can really suck a human cock

What I don't get is how fel energy is different from literally all of existence if all it is is a fusion of light and void energy. Like, that's what the material world is, right? Also why are non-eredar draenei made of flesh if they're aliens and the only reason flesh exists is because the old gods corrupted azeroth with the curse of flesh?

sort of but in WoW it's light people acting zealously for no reason under Yrel, but this was seen even as far back as the scarlet crusade
in XIV it's the darkness not being as bad as what they originally let on, but at the fault of the writers giving them literally no backstory until a year ago

>ywn have a 7ft Draenei gf
Why live

But that just seems pointless when the final confrontation is most likely going to be light triumphing over void anyway.

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>another mainstream narrative pushing the whole 'good is bad and bad is good'
It's all so tiresome...

Nope I bet it's going to go full grimdark with the void entities cracking azeroth open like an egg but then some outside circumstance will occur that allow for further conflict and uncertainty
It's really a shame that there seems to be no opening in the plot for a peaceful resolution between the two forces

the light-blighted world is something created by the dark mystery niggas because resurrecting their god requires a giant conflux of every element
It isn't explicitly evil as much as it is just dying and cannibalizing itself because of how it's entirely imbalanced from the other 7 elements

We live in a world where WoW is now copying FFXIV

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>warcraft lore
>after BC
Even BC is pushing it but at least it's still decent

Why's she looking at us like that?

You have no fucking clue

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Look at me. Disregard the Light.
She's just trying to convert you.
You are your scars.

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>Finally something that lets me shit on nofun taunt druids
Fuck Brode.

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brode let the dumbest card in card game history get through under his watch

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>ywn have a 7ft Draenei gf
Trust me you wouldn't a Draenei GF, imagine a 200lb muscular woman who can easily over power you and would most likely be more aggressive than you because of her higher level of testosterone. legs strong enough to human bones and 200+ pounds of pussy and ass smashing on your hips would crush it.

and it got nerfed
but now it's back to full power

Dumb fun is fine and it fucked you over most of the time anyway.

She was right.

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>"There must always be a Lich King"
>Sylvanas breaks the the Crown
Blizzard doesn't give a damn about their lore anymore. They're gonna pull a Sylvanas did do nothing wrong and that she was a hero all along.

Kinda lawful evil?
They had ulterior motives from the get go but now that the Legion is gone, they can start showing it.
They’re also probably forming an order to fight against the Void. Doesn’t make it right though.

Lorefag here by the way. Played since Vanilla launch, read all Chronicles, books, and games. I’ll give you an honest take and admit if it’s BS including new race/class stuff.

And yes. I hate BfA sans the lore novels

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Don't bother, they're just pulling shit out of their ass to justify new expansions at this point.

it was a meta defining staple and gave you a positive outcome over 70% of the time. The "pro" hearthstone scene and high ladder was in shambles because games were decided by who got better yoggs. I can't even think of another card in any other game that essentially flipped the table over like yogg did

How did they fuck up so badly with BFA that it pretty much killed retail? People were liking the idea of an Alliance vs Horde expansion. Even WoD didn't do this much damage to WoW.

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Can undead paladins really never be a thing?

I see nothing wrong with this.

Get back in your cage and stop tempting the humans, illidan

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Lads, how do I get a qt shy-in-public but nympho-in-private Draenei gf?

Same guy.

Probably, however, even Blizzard cannot make up their mind.

One dev or lore guy said Paladins are "Infused" in Light rather than "Channeling" it. It's like being able to cast fire rather than quite literally setting yourself on fire.

They also went back on that and said they don't know.

You also have Lightforged Undead now with Calia so again, they went back on that.

If the original lore statement is correct then no. Undead casting Light magic already hurts them but they can do it if good enough. To be quite literally infused in light.

If the original lore is correct, holy infused Undead basically self destruct.

But with Lightforged Undead like Alonsu and Calia? Who fucking knows.

The voice acting in the scene where he btfo of the naru was really good I thought. I still hate Illidan though.

>Lightforged Undead

Wish I knew user. Would say just arrogance but they've been the undisputed mmo kings for years and still managed to put out decent enough stuff. Just check it up to all the actual talent moving on, and Activision pressuring them to keep the money flowing, no matter the retcon or time sink it'll take.

>>tfw been reading current warcraft lore
why would you do that to yourself, user? are you a glutton for punishment?

haha that'd be awful haha
haha she'd just push me down and force me to service her haha

Let's wind back.
Lightforged is a concept brought by the Lightforged Draenei, a new race brought in Legion.

Basically it was retconned that there was TWO ships that left Argus 1. The civilians and some guards + Velen and co-council 2. A bunch of hardened warriors.

Those hardened warriors left to continue to fight the Legion whereas Velen and friends fled for refuge.

The Lightforged had a Naaru on board named Xe'ra and only the really super special and devoted get personally blessed by them and get stronger light powers + immortality.

Turalyon as leader of them became Lightforged.

So aside all that, Arthas when he went on a reanimating spree resurrected Alonsus Faol, the founded of Paladins of Humans the number 1 Priest during First War. Cool dude.

He broke out of control and eventually found Calia (Arthas' sister) and hung out with her answering a long awaited question on where the fuck she was

Calia in the recent book and basically tried to make peace with Undead + Humans. It worked honestly, until Sylvanas found out and reee'd
Sylvanas killed Calia.

Anduin and Alonsus pick up her corpse and throw her in the Priest Order Hall and the Naaru there basically resurrected her as a Lightforged Undead.

So yeah Lightforged Undead = Undead + Naaru blessing

I like Lightforged Draenei but even I can't defend Lightforged Undead.

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Why Are these genocidal mongoloids still allowed to draw breath?

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People were able to accurately call out the entire plot of the expansion incredibly early on and the only thing that should be a surprise is how they still fucked up despite lifting nearly the entire thing from MoP, and yet the expansion that people memed to death about Kung Fu Pandas still handled the faction war plot better in nearly every way.

I'll take more lore questions by the way.

I think I care more about WoW lore than half the writers do.

Apparently Christie Golden had no involvement in the main BfA story, she only wrote the cinematics.
She said this on Twitter probably to throw others to the curb.

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The light is just as bad as Void. Fel is sort of, not important.

Northrend lore was alright, hell even pandas.


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Isn't the new expansion beginning with a scourge invasion caused by the lack of Lich King?

I feel like I should hate you for making me aware of this, but I appreciate the reply.

Why was she raised with light-based necromancy and not just revived?

Those two statements aren't contracting.

Yes, the line "There must always be a Lich King" was retarded as fuck HOWEVER, they never said there was an actual consequence until now.

While there was a time where a Lich King didn't exist, it cannot be undone (for some reason) and there needs to be a gatekeeper or else the Shadowlands can enter your land and your can enter theirs

They tried making fel into pure chaos magic or some shit, even though the difference between it and Arcane doesn't really exist. I unironically miss that period of lore between WC III and WoW where "arcane" and "fel" were the same exact shit and mages were basically micro-dosing crack cocaine which actually made night elves justified in their magic hate rather than now where they come off as backwards hippies.

>tfw you get hatemail from killing a Horde as a level 90 panda

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>play HS
>opponent plays a lengendary on every turn.
there should be a limit on how many legendaries you can have on your deck.

There must always be a lich king was due to there needs to be someone controlling the undead or else they would just go feral and berserk and cause too much damage.

Dunno. They never explained.

Anduin + Alonsus brought her to Saa'ra and the Naaru said revive her with the Light and they did.

Pic related

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Was Varian based?

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Almost. He should have finished the horde off when he had the chance.

The LK needing to exist was all about centralizing control over the undead masses. Without the LK, the scourge still exists and is still threatening, hence Bolvar taking the mantel.

Blizzard just semantically worded it wrong and implied the scourge was more powerful without the LK which doesn't make any sense. If you had the tool to keep an incredibly powerful bio-weapon at bay why would you destroy it?

Ever since ever, i remember till this day that a fucking paladin said to Rhonin he would not go to heaven just because he used magic

>Get back in your cage and stop tempting the humans, illidan
Only if you join me, Maiev.

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More scary than a normal undead

thats wierd too me she seems like she wants to suck my dick

Yes but I was pissed he didnt get the Garrosh kill. Had to go to Metzens other self insert.

He had very few moments, but is still ultimately a dumbass.

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Does being a lorefag gnaw at the edges of your soul when it's clear Blizzard has no respect for the material? I haven't played WoW in years but hearing this dims the light inside me a little.

>but now it's back to full power
Heartstone is redeemed

>It worked honestly, until Sylvanas found out and reee'd
Ay yo hol up, the scene where Sylvanas killed Calia clearly had half of the Desolate Council trying to defect and rally under her.
Even if she didn't want it, she looked very much like like a usurper in that moment.