Double-clicks randomly

>double-clicks randomly
>mouse wheel clicks out of sync

Anyone got an alternative to this over-engineered piece of shit?
Not being able to shoot your fucking guns properly adds a layer of difficulty I don't need in my fucking FPS.

Attached: g502.jpg (1280x720, 111.53K)

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Got the same problem. Logitech G903. But I can’t even go out and get a fucking replacement anyway because of this shitty Coronavirus. Fucking chinese piece of shit garbage

im using a trackpad and it always double clicks, so it isnt the mouse

Maybe it's the logitech application fucking up?

Just buy a crappy eblue mouse. Mine cost $20NZD (about 12USD) and has lasted almost 2 years now.

double clicking on a single press is usually a sign of failure and a good indicator to replace the mouse. At least this is the case for logitech mice.

Nope, the double clicking is a common problem with logitech gaming mice. I have had two do it to me now. Had my cheap eblue for almost two years and zero problems.

stop being a little fag and slamming your mouse when you lose like a girl.

based kiwiposter

The springs inside the mouse have probably bent inside. You can easily replace these.

Use things made for office people, not for GAMURZ.
Gamurz don't sue the fuck out of you if your shit is bad, now large offices do,.

you're just shit mate

just use a normal mouse

In addition, gunk has formed on the inside of the mouse wheel. The fix is as simple as opening it up and cleaning it.

>he would buy a new mouse instead of simply replacing the faulty microswitch
Respect yourself and the planet a little more

Take it apart and clean it. That fixed mine a few years ago and it's been fine since. The screws are under the adhesive pads on the bottom.

Mine has worked fine for years. The coating on the mousewheel has rubbed off, the rubber on the right side has worn down, and the protective coating on the wire has frayed, but those are inevitable and don't affect performance.

Cringe. Individual consumers aren’t doing the most damage. It’s industry. Recycling is useless. And using less does barely anything.

Unfortunately a common problem with Logitech mouses but rather fixable easily. You likely need to disassemble it and find the metallic click actuator. There's either gonna be gunk to clean off it or you'll need to bend it back into place. Reassemble it afterwards and it should be good to go.

>Gets fucked by RNG and buys faulty mouse out of 9999 others
>REEEEEEEEE every logitech is shit
This is how you sound like, use warranty and wait. Shit happens.


2nd one I've had that does it, took about 2 years
>implying I'm going to disassemble this shit

Go and buy lottery ticket.
Or try to spill less on your hardware.

>playing FPS with G703
>nudge the scroll wheel with a millinewton of force
>it makes me switch weapons while shooting and gets me killed
Why can't Logitech make a functioning fucking scroll wheel anymore?

Attached: 1445700464092.png (679x889, 420.77K)

Can you get the corporate cock out of your mouth

>thing doesn't work properly
>buys a different thing all together instead of returning it for a working one

It's really hilarious how dumb Americans are. They have zero future planning. No wonder their country is being destroyed by an easily preventable epidemic.

have had the same mouse for 5 years now. still no problem
take care of your shit faggot


Because they know people will buy it anyway, so why spend extra on proper hardware?

Attached: 1578007985732.png (800x1281, 149.55K)

>makes me switch weapons
Scroll wheels for swapping weapons is the dumbest shit, hard bindings for slots is only way to play.

What are you calling "cringe"? Attempting a cheap, simple repair instead of buying a new product like a mindless drone?

>Individual consumers aren’t doing the most damage. It’s industry.
Who said they are doing most damage? I'm talking to an individual, not the industry.
>Recycling is useless
False. If you are too lazy to do it, at least own it instead of hiding behind bad excuses.


The mouse is spotless, why buy a lotto ticket when logitech is the same odds these days?
>just clean it bro, tear off the adhesive pads and potentially fuck it up more by bending shit
The click is as crisp as the day I bought it, it functionally double clicks or fully does not register at random for a while, then continues working normally once it's done having its fit

Literally all Logitech mice do the same thing, because they all use the same clicky thing below the button.

In fact, most mice nowadays use the exact same clicky thing from the exact same factory, look it up. It's trivial to replace, just get a pack of 100 for $5 from Ebay.

>pack of 100 for 5 dollars
It's true that almost all mice use the same type of microswitch and that logitech uses the same brand all over.
But you're gonna disassemble the thing and replace the microswitch, buy an actual jap factory omron and not the chink factory, or even worse, a cheap brand switch.
They're still piss cheap, like 0.80-1.50 a switch. They'll last a lot longer.

>He bought into the gayming mouse meme
Nigger, just a typical Microsoft optical wheel mouse is all you need. I've heard that the Zowie AM is the best you can have. But anything is better than a clunky, jagged, awkward and cumbersome gayming mouse with dodgy as fuck clicking and a near broken wheel.

I'm not even talking about your mouse. But yes, open it, clean it. Video someone posted above is good. Can't say how maintenance friendly your specific model is, I wouldn't buy a g4m3r mouse like that since I'm not a faggot.

Literally has never happened to me.

any mouse that uses those shit omron switches has a good chance of getting double clicks

why dont we have mechanical switches like keyboards have? whens the last time you got a double input from a keyboard?


Attached: 1566012598739.jpg (2461x1051, 431K)

Those girls are quite horny.

Logitech has another problem and that's that the actual button plastic gets really wonky really fast. If the plastic didn't deform and get wobbly, the switch issue wouldn't actually manifest. Some other mice that also use Omron last for years and years compared to Logitech.

>Deathadder is the perfect shape for my hand
>Bought three of them and they all fuck up within a year
Hello darkness my old friend.

Keyboards don't double click since the debounce timer is fairly high. If you make your own keypad or get one with a programmable debounce timer, you'll see exactly how many double inputs you get. The reason debonce can't be short is that unlike microswitches, that the contacts don't snap together, they touch smoothly, so they'll be in a limbo of somewhat pressed every time you press or release the switch.
The real problem with keyboard mech switches is that the travel distance is fucking huge compared to the travel on a microswitch, even with the low profile switches like the kailh choc. You could definitely design them to have shorter travel, but you'll eventually run into the other problem of no inherent tactility. If you add a click bar or some other mechanism for a click, you make it more complicated to manufacture and increase the potential minimum travel distance.
Microswitches are already mechanical switches in a very compact package.

There are a ton of deathadder shape clones on the market, find whichever one you like and buy that instead.

Actually all the time, when I first bought my eblue mechanical keyboard (again, cheap as, no problems now for two years). Turned out that plugging it into USB 3 was causing it to power cycle and get stuck on keyboard inputs (I assume that's what it was doing). Switched it to USB2 and had no problems since

Left click and right click the wheel.

Fixed it for me.

But which one will break slower?

What are some good mice with a side-clicking, unlockable scroll wheel, 3 thumb buttons, and a dpi throttle or switch that isn't for handlets?

Literally anything that has decent switches and isn't razer.
Use these to compare internals and shapes.

>tfw have the wireless version of this
Wait how is it over-engineered?
Also isn't it like $5?

Better than the RAT that would just stop clicking entirely

>use logitech mice for years on end for several hours every day and encounter no issue
Every mouse replacement I have ever made has been out of pure choice 5 or 6 years down the line. I have no idea what the fuck people do to their mice to manage to cause them to fuck up.

That's what I'd like to know
People can fling shit about GAYMER mice but the 502 is one of the more reasonable ones available that has these features, along with its spastic microswitches

Finally got one of these beauties, doubleclick is gone, fuck logishit.

Attached: msintellimousepropackaging.jpg (1534x1003, 115.99K)

This seems like a newer logitech thing. I'm using a 9 year old g400 that works fine other than the mouse feet being sort of worn out. I am looking for something new though since I've been using the same form factor since the mx500 and I'm in the mood for a change.

>>This seems like a newer logitech thing.
It's been a thing for 20 years dude.

I'm using a CM Storm Devastator mouse that came with the keyboard. still works after 5 years

is the optical switch a meme?

Not really sure. From what I've heard, instead of double-clicking they'll just straight-up stop working.

Is there any good way to clean off all the dead skin/ whatever that builds up on your mouse? I'll use a tooth pick to clean out some of the finder creases in my mouse but it feels like its more work than it should be.

Firm bristle toothbrush and a mixture of white vinegar and rubbing alcohol.

>succubus demon
>nobody seems to do satan type shaped to look like a heart

A real miss opportunity

Guess I'm lucky. Hasn't affected any of my mice.

Had this problem too.
You have crap stuck in your mouse, slightly lift the button and blow into the narrow gap.
Do this everywhere you can get to on the g9 mice, fixes 99% of the problems they have.