This is probably the cutest game I have ever played, but fucking hell it was difficult

This is probably the cutest game I have ever played, but fucking hell it was difficult

Attached: file.png (300x300, 276.22K)

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It was fucking easy m8

Recently finished the first game and had a blast. Is this worth picking up yet or should I wait for bugfixes?

Moki are very cute

There's gonna be a patch soon, allegedly. I'd probably wait, and I didn't even really have any issues beyond some framerate drops during a couple of spots.

Attached: really makes me think.jpg (1920x1080, 282.85K)

The moki are adorable. Especially the way they speak.

I had audio stuttering issues but installing it on my SSD fixed that. After that I had 0 issues for the rest of the game.

you mean it was easy as fuck
to anyone planning to play this game, put it on hard, or it's a joke

Switch version fucking when?

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Shriek did nothing wrong and didn't deserve that ending

I found it far easier than the original. The escape sequences so far leave more room for error, and you can get some totally not Hollow Knight charms that give you more leeway.
Auto-checkpoints also help.
I had the game freeze twice in the same place in the ice world, but otherwise it seems fine.

Have you done the worm yet?

Moki are very cute. This is true.

Attached: hmmm.jpg (1920x1080, 325.07K)

*follows you*

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Not him but I honestly finished the worm on the first try, I just spammed dash, maybe it's because I played it on normal

Yeah idk about the other guy but that one didn't leave room for error and was the one sequence I really struggled with, but I think that's at least partially because the burrowing controls on PC are a bit clunky. Every other escape sequence was easy.

That thing is right behind your ass constantly on hard

Yeah she deserved it

I liked it a lot but it didn't need bosses.

Yeah but we got this out of it so it's okay

The bosses were kino incarnate, there should've been one more

Fuck no

Almost all of them had attacks that were bullshit you couldn't predict

i started playing the first one, watched naru die then noped the fuck out


i don't play games to feel sad

She gets better

Shriek is by far the hardest boss in this series.

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Get back in the game you absolute pussy

It's the final boss, no shit

She was the easiest for me for some reason, it only took me two tries

I had a retarded amount of health and energy by then though

I really wanted Shriek to have a retribution arc and not for her to just fucking die never having known love

Should I play the 1st or 2nd game first

I say you should play the first one first. Because the second is a direct continuation of the story.


i didn't sign up to watch some fuzzy animal starve to death

so how come she can spew lasers

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Specially designed to fuck your shit

It's a videogame
What perplexes me the most is what the fuck is going on with her body, is she armoured, covered in bones or what?

Eeh, only shriek and its offscreen divebombs, the rest were pretty fine and the game really isn't that punishing when you get hit.

Something something decay darkness etc

Overcalcified bones that turned to stone because of the decay

this game barely runs on xbox one, they would have to heavily optimize it if it were to run on switch

bro this game is barely different than the first one. It can run on the Switch.

it runs like shit on xone as i said

The game is an unstable mess (thanks Unity), the first one didin't have some kind of glitch every couple minutes

so did the first. They can fix it.

Bloodstained was a buggy mess on the Switch and they eventually fixed it. I take anything just let me play it on the fucking Switch.

>bro this game is barely different than the first one

It is actually. The first game was pre rendered and in 2D, this one is in 3D

so compare to HK hows it?

yes. i think it will come to switch after a year or two. no reason not to when it‘s already on pc

Well hollow knight sucks so...

bigger focus on platforming/puzzles than combat. way more beautiful graphically

> but fucking hell it was difficult
What? I read that it's quite easy so I chose the hard difficulty, but still, after you get bash it's piss easy. You just spam R1 and you're invincible to both enemies and projectiles (with a very few exceptions)
The only part you could call hard is the sandworm escape sequence, but I'd rather call that broken as the sand boost controls are broken as hell, and the worm is literally rubberbanding into you while you're going full speed.
But as of my biggest surprise, when today I wanted to do Immortal with the backup save trick, I literally didn't even die once. This was my third playthrough... although I think I managed to do it because I wasn't under pressure, knowing I could just load a backup save whenever

the sidequests added almost nothing to the game for me and i haven‘t seen anybody talk about them

Even the dive bombs had a dark shadow from the direction and position for more than a second, you had plenty of time to launch

Do they actually give anything useful at all?

The previous game didn't have bosses, so yeah.

HK is more focused on pure exploration, getting lost, and building yourself up for boss fights
Ori is servicing a consistent ever-present narrative (one which, in WOTW's case, is very good) and focused on styling your way through areas
Both are completely different but accomplish what they set out to do

if you finish all of the side quests, you get an item that when taken to a place will reveal every collectible on the map, even in undiscovered areas.

Yes but it's very hard to see

oh yeah you're right. You only run away from them in the first game.

No wonder it's easy.

The part where she destroys all the platforms was really the only difficult bit, and even then it wasn't too bad

>narrative (one which, in WOTW's case, is very good)

based and redpilled

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Almost done with the first one. It was alright? Extremely linear for a metroidvania game and kinda too easy. lots of backtracking for not much rewards and sucks not knowing if the enviroment changed in the zone you cant get an upgrade

You guys really oversold me this game.