ITT: bosses that filtered you

ITT: bosses that filtered you

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He's not that bad.

you can't get filtered by optional bosses, retard

Yes you can?


Use Dohry's Gnawing
Optional content cannot be a filter due to it not being mandatory.

Casual filter is not the same as being filtered

If half retarded youtube girls can beat him in a few tries surely you can too, user.

Took me forever but I did manage to solo his ass. Once.
Never again. I just gank his ass on subsequent playthroughs.

I been trying for days now.

DSP beat Sekiro, there's no excuse for not being able to finish these games

Honestly, at that point in the game I have no idea how people struggled with him. DS3 was my first souls game and probably took about 10 tries or so. Given all the crying at the time I was surprised.
Nothing in DS3 was particularly difficult.

You realize they all look up strategies and stuff for every boss

if you don't mind changing your playstyle, get dragonslayer armour's greatshield. It makes the fight trivial, since it blocks all lightning damage and has so much stability you won't ever get guardbroken.

I have unironically been stuck on this boss for the last 4 years. Worst part is I beat him by helping someone else. Fck

the ones I've watched just spam r1 of whatever weapon they had and panic rolled the whole fight and still did it. No guide needed.

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this would have been one of the best bosses in the series if his phase 1 didn't exist

>the ones I watched
So they took 500 tries or got someone else to do it for them, then edited into their video? lol

Duma in Fire Emblem Echoes. Seriously he's the last boss I need to beat

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It basically doesn't. King of the Storm ain't real.

or maybe the game is not as hardcore and unbruteforceable as you want to believe.

Say it ain't so bro, souls vets are the most hardcore gamers out there. Doesn't matter if they can't beat the tutorial boss in Nioh 2, that game is unfair and bad because Miyazaki didn't make it.

it's not bad if you don't insist on locking on. all big bosses in ds make the camera go apeshit when you get close.

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It's not about locking on, it's about the fight lasting so long

>bait attacks and poke
>block when she throws daggers

I somehow got to the end game with shit junctions and probably overleveled then that fight happened and I just gave up.
Couldn't beat her didn't feel like trying to figure shit out.
Looked up a guide on level 1 game, proceeded to follow it and found out the card game was actually fun. Rekt her when I finally got back with 300 Ultima junctions.
Too bad Tetra Master was a literal waste of time.

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No picture, but lady butterfly filtered me so hard, my game stopped working.

she has 3 attacks u shit.
People are so fucking bad

I couldn't do it. I'm a complete rythm retard in general but no room for error and that fucking unskippable cutscene at each fucking try made me give up.

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Here you go, puppy.

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I always get bored with the game after Nameless King. The Twin Princes, Lord of Cinder and all the DLC shit just feels so samey and dull afterwards.

Fuck this dude and fuck the platform mechanics.

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The Prisoner of Torment variation

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For me it was those ice levels.

Don't panic, there's a pattern to this madness and you can use it in your favor.

Shit boss desu. In the first phase, the fact that you can't elevate the camera above 45 degrees can royally fuck you up, as sometimes you can't see what he's doing. Even after 4 playthroughs I still have much more issue with the shitty camera abuse he's doing than I have with his 2nd phase.

For me it was this cunt. You could say she filtered me, because I dropped the game afterwards... But that's mainly because I was bored as fuck to begin with. I finished harder games because I had the motivation to do so. In nioh's case this bitch was the last straw in a pile of reasons to stop playing.

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That's the only boss in the Dark Souls 3 base game that I didn't beat first try. Becomes a joke once you realize he can be staggered.

Literally imposible

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I struggled more with Juzou The Drunkard than with her

Imagine coping this hard

This fucker took me 4 hours to beat
I did not have the shield

Nobody believes you.

understandable, you should know there are timing videos on youtube so all you have to do is sync the video to your game and press the button when the video tells you without even looking at the screen.
Though I assume you've already watched the ending on youtube and never want to play the game again.

this guy had me on the ropes for a solid hour until i figured out how to stance swap effectively to hit his horns with high stance and dodge away with low stance.
i still maintain that the move where he throws the balls at you has absolutely horsehit tracking

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i got so pissed at the old bag i uninstalled the game. came back the next day and beat her, but was still pissed.

Why not? It's the easiest Souls game by far and I had previously beaten every other game in the series several times.
Not to mention Gwyn in the first game is a joke because he can be parried and most bosses in DaS 3 can be parried AND staggered. And of course, who could forget about the gimmick bosses like the dragon you one shot with a plunge attack?

how? the drunk was a chump if you played your cards right

Literally the only Nioh boss I got in one attempt, and I was stuck on Onryoki for nearly five hours.

Wait, really? All C;V bosses have the same weakness - stacking buffs until you can literally or figuratively onehit them during punish windows, and Mido has 2 biiig windows.

My nigga, dude will straight up throw balls between his legs.
It didn't help that I was thrown through a loop by the pace of Nioh's boss fights, I was waay to greedy.

As soon as I fought this guy I realized that I was done with souls games for good. My time is too valuable to waste on pixels. I'd rather waste it on Taiwanese Orange Picking Collectives.

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Imagine not understanding the concept of coming back when you're stonger

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same. I ended up summoning someone to help, although the nigger died halway through the battle.
a few years ago I would have gotten him but nowadays my patience and bullshit tolerance is at zero.

I specifically mean the guy in the Towers. Too much health and defense to one shot, and he does a fuck load of damage with every single attack he does.

on hard

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I got to Lothric Castle and I felt a serious difficulty spike.
Just checked a list of DS3 bosses ranked from easiest to hardest and I haven't done any of the top seven yet. Not sure I'll be able to finish this game.

I remember using a guide in ff8 but it wasn't for ultimecia, it was for one of those tough, secret bosses that every ff game has. it looked like a ff7 weapon.
this was in 2007. damn...

Good bait. Have a (you).