Is Nintendy cashing out on the vulnerable and/or easily addicted with pic related?

Is Nintendy cashing out on the vulnerable and/or easily addicted with pic related?

It's timegated; uses bright, alluring colors, based around farming for money and the villagers basically beg you to keep returning.

What's their angle? Are they just gearing people up for an mmo at this point or seeing how far they can push the envelope?

They removed the farming aspect of harvest moon and cut content in order to drip it to the players so they keep coming back.

Has Nintendo become Jews?

Attached: H2x1_NSwitch_AnimalCrossingNewHorizons_image1600w.jpg (1600x800, 349.22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Make sure you come back daily to get your bells and furniture!

Attached: Skinner_box_scheme_01.png (505x509, 68.23K)

>Are they just gearing people up for an mmo at this point or seeing how far they can push the envelope?
They're taking what they've learnt with the mobile AC game

>remember to never leave your villagers!

Attached: wimseh7bp8v21.jpg (4032x1960, 1M)

So what are the odds of paid dlc for this game then? Seems quite high

Unlikely, They're probably gonna leave the microtransactions at just the mobile game and encourage people to play both (which is why they're doing the cross-promotion)

>What's their angle?
Making fun games.

And of course, buy the merchandise. Nintendo seems to have an aggressive merchandise campaign with damned near every franchise. So basically biggest Jews of the industry next to Bethesda, Blizzard and EA?

user, being timegated isn't very game like. It's a drip fed, Jewish con. I'm sorry but someone needs to tell you.

>And of course, buy the merchandise
Are Nintendo selling merch of AC?

100%. smashcels have ruined nintendo by encouraging them to milk a select few games with endless dlc all generation instead of releasing a steady stream of new games.

Selling plushies and t-shirts is way less jewish than loot boxes or gacha shit.

Also don't forget they're getting people to buy new switches with a couple of stickers. Console double dipping for the sake of owning a flashier switch. Not a fan of this for any console. It's cheap and just makes consoomers cream their panties.

If by paid DLC, you mean more Amiibo, then quite high.

then just time travel? wow so hard

user T-shirts and plushies are like $30 each now.

What a pathetic Snoy thread.

Your feigned aloofness about this is fucking hilarious. This series has been around for 20 years. We get it. You're a quarantined zoomer who wants to LARP online for fun because you are bored.

This thread sucks.

You damn well know most people won't do that and so does Nintendo.
Does smash have any Jewish moichandise though? I know it has a big tournament scene

I doubt that any store would want to carry more AC amiibo after the original run bombed hard.

Get back to your island. Remember to never leave and come back tomorrow for more buggies and rocks heh heh :^)

>Has Nintendo become Jews?
You are 20 years late to the realization

I don't have animal crossing

Nintendo made the right amount the first time around but people kept pestering to keep making more because the initial stock was bought out by scalpers. Had people been patient and waited for a week, it would have restocked and all people's orders would have been fulfilled. As long as they keep the supply numbers realistic, I'm sure there are more than enough people that want them.

why does this game make people whod don't own it so seething? why can they not stop talking and making threads about it?

pokemon and hello kitty are the biggest franchise just selling toys

Attached: b33cbce6-25-highest-grossing-media-franchises-all-time-4_thumb.png (800x800, 201.52K)

Is this even English?

what do you not understand, retard?

>Why do bideo baem board talk about new bidee bames!?

>why can they not stop talking and making threads about it?
*Why can't they stop talking and making threads about it?


Nope. Games have gameplay. Animal Crapping is the definition of a cinematic experience but it's okay when Nintendo does it..

>cinematic experience
You don't know what this means.

shoo shoo ACfag

can you please explain why my sentence is grammatically incorrect?

this should be good.

Have people just developed a loose sense of gameplay? I mean it's just collecting and farming everyday. It's the same thing as doing Mmo daily quests.

I just did, your sentence used more words and came more sloppy than it should

has dunkey released his piece on this game yet? I need to hear his take before I can decide which side I'm on with this.

>he can't differ between a life sim and a literal movie with button sequences
sonytards are this desperate

>why does this game make people whod don't own it so seething? why can they not stop talking and making threads about it?

Why does this game make people who/whom don't own it so seething? Why can't they stop talking and making threads about it?

Fixed it for you retard

so it's not grammatically correct?

literally every video game is a skinner box you throw your finite time into, and this includes whatever retarded shit you're into

this but unironically

It was worded in a weird way

Playing video games is admitting you have nothing better to do which means you either refuse to face challenges life face or you just give zero fucks for anything society has to offer. Either is valid really

This place has demonized Facebook or mobile games which gameplay was like that for years. So I could see where the hatred comes from.

No. A Skinner box or video game version of one ties your pleasure centers to ordinarily unappealing or mundane tasks. Walking around collecting bells in conjunction with a timegate is arguably more of a skinnerbox than something that establishes a story or some other form of gameplay and ends when it ends or does not coax you into returning on a subconscious level besides desiring more fun.

no it wasn't. it was worded and structured in a grammatically legitimate manner.

Rightfully so. They're not games. They're Jewish wizard tricks meant to funnel money into the coffers of all powerful rabbis.

society doesn't give a shit about you people do.

>Why can they not stop

That's just a mouthful. While grammatically correct, it doesn't follow that people actually speak like that so it seems off.

Dunkey will shill this game hard because he wants those nintendie likes on his videos

Sorry to be grammar nazi but it is is either mistyped or worded badly
>why does this game make people whod don't own it so seething?
Could've been
>Why does this game make people who don't own seethe?

>why can they not =/= why can't they
Please pass high school before posting on Yas

Attached: 1.jpg (971x565, 63.26K)

Care to show why it is grammatically incorrect?

>ordinarily unappealing or mundane tasks
like almost everything you do in every video game, yes
>establishes a story
the narrative elements of video games are so impoverished next to all other cultural forms they may as well be the skinner box's blinking lights

>They're Jewish wizard tricks meant to funnel money into the coffers of all powerful rabbis.
But that is every game

user, didn't you get the memo? That is every product, every service, all of post-industrial society.

>no no no, see, moving the joysticks and occasionally pushing some buttons in response to a visual/audio cue in THIS game is a skinnerbox, whereas moving the joysticks and occasionally pushing some buttons in a response to a visual/audio cue in THIS one isn't.
cool thread

Yes, but we are talking within the context of this board

honestly if i had a kid i wouldn't get this game for them.
animal crossing is designed to be played DAILY. time in it doesn't just stop while you don't play it and if you miss a day you get punished for it, like you have to water shit every day and what not.
it's easy to raise your child in a way that they'll be okay with studying or doing chores and maybe miss out on a day or two of playing a video game because it's not like they're missing anything, but in animal crossing you DO miss stuff by not booting it up every day. if you were to discipline your kid by taking away their switch with animal crossing they'd probably go fucking apeshit

>none of the AC fags have refuted OP, just bitched

Attached: 6faf9d758d16aa0b965b98d3ccab3f56.jpg (468x460, 43.91K)

thats how every single AC worked, come in for thirty minutes everyday, pick weeds, check the shop, water the flowers, do whatever. they let you actually do stuff after your routine in this game because of nook miles+.

Animal Crossing has always been a more prettier and in-depth phone game but there's nothing wrong with that if that's your liking.

So are zoom zooms just now learning about AC despite the franchise being older than they are?

Get a clue, get a gun, take the gun and end your life.

they're still playing the game