Unity learn premium is free during isolation, you are going to make a game right?
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there are better and more fun ways to destroy my life than getting myself into game development
solo indie developers are millionaires how sure are you that it's not worth it.
yeah, aside from me being a brainlet and having 0 attention span for this kind of stuff, have you ever took a look at the thousand games rotting in steam or that doesn't get any attention?
>yes goy just spend all your valuable resources on lottery tickets and you could win big like dozens of other people before you!
this or unity? both are free with royalty
kek, you are going to make profit of your indie title if you solo develop it and put it up to market, it's not a gamble.
unity is a free to use engine you only pay for minor features big studios use and to remove the watermark, but your game will make up for the price 1000 times over.
>you are going to make profit of your indie title if you solo develop it and put it up to market, it's not a gamble
Only if you value your time at $0. I can make more in a weekend of selling MMO gold than all of my friends ever made from their indie games combined.
because they have no polish, you need to have Good gameplay and then have Good visuals or music or both but just one will help.
This post is drooling with cope. You don't have the creativity, commitment, or skill to create a game, so you say it will "destroy your life" as if pursuing such a thing is actually a bad idea. Pathetic.
your friends are just probably not Good at indie game dev.
I'm currently one year into the development of my game, I settled for GMS. The game I'm making would translate extremely well to 3D but I'm too invested to switch engines now.
>yes goy just put no effort into anything ever and be miserable your whole life
don't switch just finish the game with Good polish you can make your next project 3d.
even if they were polished, nothing would change
here, have the (you)'re looking from me
this user gets it
if you have that mindset, no video game would ever get made or any other type of media, it's worth spending life trying to make something than just wasting it away doing nothing of value.
you don't need to be original you just need to create a quality product, e.g stardew, and celeste
Sure. Most people aren't, and in all likelihood that includes you and me and everyone else posting in this thread. And I'm not saying don't give it a go. It can be great if you want to develop your artwork, learn to program, try to bring an idea to life, etc. There are lots of good reasons to try your hand at vidyadev if it appeals to you. However, money just isn't one of them.
There's a middleground, user.
money is a big one, you might not get it right straight away but it has big rewards tohou didn't blow up until it's 5th game, but now it has a world record under it's belt.
It's been few years since I last messed around in unity but I absolutely fucking hated mapping in it. Is there any good mapping programs that work with unity? Maybe trenchbroom?
If you can make money doing vidyadev, you can make money doing codemoney work. Which, by the way:
>is fundamentally identical to programming a video game
>pays much better
>actually has benefits
>rarely, if ever, forces crunchtime on anyone
>are unionized
>isn't run by monsters who exploit every young nerd's dream of wanting to become a game designer
Don't plan your future around a few others' successes. Learn what survivorship bias is. Don't believe for a second that your time isn't worth something. Learn what opportunity cost is.
vidyadev work is only worth while when you are a director or a solo dev. otherwise you will never get credit for your work.
The first half of that post up to the crunchtime bit applies to solodevs even harder than codemonkey devs.
How or where I can learn to program Yas Forumsros?
Crunch is one of the most misunderstood things in the world. The vast majority do it because they love their work, and coders aee usually asspies.
I want to make a game:
>rouge like
>space starfighter
>like armored core
>lego style customization
I want the star wars games that has never been made.
I want to become a startfigter for fame and credits. No jedi shit. Just good old fashion bounty hUnting season smuggler.
I want to customize a tie interceptor.
Any recommendations?
Have you played Avarion? It's very close to your description.
>How or where I can learn to program Yas Forumsros?
dunno, I am currently studying game developing(maybe that was a mistake on my part heh) in university and I am about to start learning Unity
There are so many fucking resources out there for you I don't even know where to begin. Have you tried googling how to program? What do you want to accomplish by learning it? Have you tried it before? If so, what made you stop?
i am truley sorry for your lots
I will check it out, thanks user.
Thanks OP even if you are a faggot.
Have a good day.
>Have you tried googling how to program?
>What do you want to accomplish by learning it?
Having another skill seems like a good idea.
>Have you tried it before? If so, what made you stop?
Yes, but I didn't knew how to continue after completing a course.
How easy is it to work on a 2D side-scrolling action platformer, like the Megaman series? I don't want to make a fancy 3D game, but just something that scratches the itch for a simple side scroller. I'd love to do low poly 3D, but I can't into 3D for shit.
i spent 100$ on assets, retextured them, then built my game around that. took about 6 months to learn and make, and i made $12,000 in the first week. all in all, sales slowed down now, but i already made $212,000. imagine if i actually tried though?
>I took money out of my savings, spent them on lottery tickets and ended up winning the jackpot!
>If I can do it, anyone can!
Not OP.
2D platformers are the easiest thing you can make.
You can basically start downloading Unity SDK right now, asset store will provide you with anything you will need for prototyping for free.
It is still good to know how C# scripting works, if you had any experience with C#, C++, Java. Or almost any programing language it will make your life easier.
JewTube has loads videos on how to make your own 2D platformer from scratch.
Was it a horror game?
Anything like this but for the unreal engine? Unity sounds like garbage.
>Unity sounds like garbage.
You don't even know how much vidya runs on unity.
Most of it is trash because devs are trash but you can create great games with this tool.
If I'm starting from nothing, except some base programming knowledge, how long would it take for me to make a simple 2d isometric game? i have an idea that i wanna make.
What genre?
Like what game? All the Unity games I know are trash as you said.
i want to make a game but have no ideas. pitch me a roguelite concept
/gamedev/ is too hard, i'd rather grind a 9 to 5 job than put myself through such misery
don't fall for the meme anons
For me the biggest step in the right direction was to take a course on Object Oriented Programming. It teaches how to structure the logic of what you need your program to do before you actually begin programming by making flowcharts. The subject is fairly understandable for beginners, and turning your flowchart into an actual program is usually just a question of looking at [whatever programming language your using]'s documentation and looking for the right syntax for what your flowchart says to do next (which is what 90% of programming is to begin with, when you're not copy pasting stuff off google). It's even come in handy while playing video games, like messing with redstone circuits in minecraft.
>work is hard
that's the shittiest excuse I've heard from people who are lazy
If even that inept scammer of evaxephon can do it anyone can do it. I mean you don't even need to learn how to program, just do a mock up and scam some zoomers like he did.
See if something fits your taste.
nope, they're all trash
imagine being this salty lmao
roguelite. it's a dinky 10 dollar game, and you can easily find it on steam (i won't confirm i made it though), and was essentially my jumping off point to make a real game. my next game will be in the same genre, but i want to make a bigger, better game. with all the money i made, i can easily have some freelancers make me custom assets, while i work on the programming, characters, animation, and sound.
Is there any decent tutorials on how to learn how to do low poly art? I really want to learn
I don't know what you consider "good" then.
I only wanted to sate my curiosity. Good luck with your next game.
imagine being so defensive that's what passes as salt
thanks user!
drink some water.
Do I get to keep it forever or is it time limited garbage?
>Reading is too hard for me
You are filtered already.
I didn't even read that shit. Just wanted to know.
No crunch exist because of artificial dead lines created by aspies that want their money.
i know, i should chosen literature or history - those are truly the best choices
How do you get good music for your games if you're a poorfag? Royalty free stuff is always so overused, and I can't make music for shit.
To be honest it all seems like so much work and im not even ill be able to release something i'd be proud to have put into this world
im learning unity rn and i already know how to make music but 3d/2d art and everything that goes with it like texturing, shaders, rigging, animating, retopoing, seems like such a gargantuan task...
plagiarize and cash the check before anyone notices
you could always pay someone to make the music for you
Don't use music and just add a bunch of background and atmospheric sounds. Claim it's for immersion.
I pirated FL Studio and I'm trying to learn how to make my own tracks.
Outside of that, best bet would probably be to get something good going first then try to find some musician that will be willing to work for little pay until the actual release.
I don't even enjoy games any more. I only like to shitpost about them on Yas Forums. What about becoming a gaming journo, is there a guide for that?
Learn how to mix.
If you are solo dev you need to be a renaissance man.
You can also find someone who will give you right to use music for free as long as you give them credit, not everyone is bloodsucker.
Legit question, why Unity, If you choose Unity it must be for a 3D game, you wouldn't waste energy and time making a botched 2D game in a pure 3D engine, but if you are making a 3D game, why not Torque3D, if you want ultra realistic graphics, go with Unreal, Unity feels like that middle ground where nothing is fixed, and they want you to waste money on their stupid asset store, because they don't want to fix their own fucking mess.
GMS is a scam
I'll let you use my music for free. these are some old things i have uploaded since i dont have anything on hand. ill even make some new music for your game.
Is this something I can download and reference later? I don't have time RN and I don't care if this is subscription shit.
The 3D capability of Unity can be pretty useful even if you stick to mostly 2D. You're not offering up a particular alternative either if you're just gonna state that GMS is a scam, at that point you only really have Godot to look at and you'd probably spend more time working out bugs in the editor than you would making your game.
These are pretty chill, cheers user
open game art