
What the fuck went so wrong, first party bros?

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Notice that all the first-party characters are dogshit.

It's a celebration of gaming.

two shills and a pick that was clearly cut out of the base game, what a great streak
nintendo clearly just doesn't give a shit about its first party ip's outside of FE and mainline mario

Based FE

It's a celebration of everything.

Attached: Best Roster Ever.png (720x935, 1.39M)

great another fucking family guy pick, where the hell is the american dad rep?

no, fuck off with your deviantart-tier bullshit

Nearly every major Nintendo character is already in the game.

And yet Plant is more iconic, more unique & more fun than all these """"iconic""""" refugees


>worst third party is front and center in this image

i fucking love plant, but hate the faggots on here who like him.

Soulless Soul

I fucking love it when these rosters with a gorillion characters continue to add more gen 1 pomemon

PP isn’t shit.

Exactly we need more "literally who" first party characters. We need Mike Jones or a character from Eternal Darkness in smash. It would be nice for Nintendo to dust of some their ancient IPs and maybe even give them the kid icarus uprising treatment.

Nintendo want what sells, not random literally who characters


>Flavor-of-the-month shit

I can't believe they cut Roosevelt for this horseshit.

Andy or Sami from Advance Wars would honestly be perfect for this sort of role. AW brought FE to the west and got given secondhand treatment as conpensation. Why doesn't Nintendo give back a slot in smash to these "literal whos"?

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>Majority of 1st party characters were added in as part of the base game
>Majority of base game is first party
>i.e., majority of 1st party characters are not behind a dlc paywall
What are you complaining about, exactly?

Startropics didn't even get a single spirit, whereas Eternal Darkness did. If Startropics wasn't showing up in eshops or as part of the NES service, I'd think Nintendo forgot it even existed.

Terry and Banjo are anything but Soulless ya fag

You think that's bad? Danny's the only Danny Phantom rep, and we all know Skulker and Technus would have fun movesets, and yet neither of them are in yet.
It's bullshit man.

This takes me back

>Hackurai grants Faggot Emblem a bunch of reps with semi identical movesets for four fucking games straight
>Can't even be bothered to give Advance Wars a single character.
What the hell is his problem?

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>Startropics didn't even get a single spirit
That still kinda shocks me. I mean, Startropics was on the NES mini not too long ago, yet somehow Sakurai remembered Eternal Darkness first.

IS doesn't care about Advance Wars anymore, ask them.

What would an Advance Wars character moveset even look like? I'd always imagined they'd summon individual little units that perform one action then vanish, sort like Duck Hunt's down special but expanded upon for several specials.
Final Smash could be a COP, or it could just be a missile strike

fpbp, OP listen to this man

He;s a Jrpg weeb that does not give a shit about the fans.

Before Ultimate, i saw a couple people suggest that Snake's moveset be given to Sami.

Her or Goemon need some love

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Considering how creatively bankrupt Sakurai is, I could actually see that happening.

I know she was planned for PM as a Snake clone (with a really decent model and VA at that) but unfortunately Nintendo cucked the devs and shut that down.
Leagues better than most other fanmade Sami models

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Goemon is a Mii Costume

Actually, if i recall correctly, Nintendo didn't shut them down, they themselves stopped production because Nintendo MIGHT slap them with a C&D.

StarTropics was never released in Japan and only has a fan translation for that language as far as I'm aware. Who knows how much of Nintendo's staff has a actually played it. the voice clips, for the curious
Really? That's even worse, they cucked themselves because one or two games got too ambitious for Nintendy's likin.

No. They made the C&D up so they could sell their own original piece or garbage instead.

But didn't he had the freedom to add them regardless?

Even in this roster, there's only Xeno rep.

>and maybe even give them the kid icarus uprising treatment.

As in, get one new game and then go right back into limbo forever?

They picked a fucking Goomba like enemy in a game full of main characters and villians. It should have been a fucking assist trophy instead.

Not really, i'm pretty sure IS is a second party to Nintendo like GameFreak/TPC, so he still has to have their permission to use the AW characters.

Well, yes, that was the main reason it was included.

>Rather, I believe it’s important to have a good balance as a game. In the past titles in the series, Mr. Game & Watch, R.O.B. and Duck Hunt Dog were some of the examples we offered outside of people’s typical expectations. However, if we don’t have these types of fighters, and we only had typical “hero/heroine” type fighters in the lineup, there’s not much difference. It’s probably not very interesting. Correct?

I wish you had less. I wish there was only PP

Also Sakurai

>Host: I see. But we did get a lot of questions like, “Why wasn’t Krystal a playable character?”

>Sakurai: It’s not that I don’t understand how that feels, but if you start saying that, it becomes “Why isn’t Waddle Dee playable?” or Dry Bones, or Baby Peach. There’d be no end to it.

Fucking idiot just opened the floodgates for shitty mooks.

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>Nintendo cucked the devs
Nintendo had nothing to do with it. It was devs backstabbing each other so they‘d have a pretense to kill PM and work on something that could presumably make them money.
It‘s a blessing that Icons was never even alive for a nanosecond.

well shit, Now i need a Marina skin.

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>they had to demote saki from an assist to a spirit for no fucking reason
>wario land content is almost inexistant in smash

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So what's the issue then? Does IS despise the idea of seeing an AW rep in the same game together with FE or something? If they no longer care about it, then why the fuck should it matter to them at all?

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Does Bayonetta still count as third party?

Because ultimately Wars is like the third most important IP from a second party developer and isn't that important in general

She's owned by SEGA still, so yes.

She's basically the modern equivalent of Banjo & Kazooie as they both have had games published by Nintendo worldwide but ultimately belong to another company.

Turd Farty fucking scum fuck you in the ass bitch cunt

Nintendo is down to C-listers and weebshit. Of course bringing in some crazy third-parties is a step-above in marketing.

What Nintendo characters should they add?

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Seethe some more Yas Forums
This is your fighters pass
Banjo Sora Doomguy Dante and Lloydfags are fucking faggots and every person here that wants these fags should kill themselves
Geno is in
Steve is in
Reimu is in
Alphonse is in
Ashley is in
Shantae is in
Drink bleach and die you delusional faggots
Banjo is a waste of a slot
Sora is owned by disney so he is automatically disqualified and he is cringe
Dante is cringe and disqualified
Doomguy is too violent and cringe and disqualified
Lloyd is another fucking anime swordsman and a literal who and disqualified
KOS-MOS is cringe and coomerbait and disqualified
Eggman is garbage and disqualified
Literally all of these characters would be an amazing roster
Steve has an unique and interesting moveset and his model would look fucking sick.
Reimu would be amazing because of her moveset potential and the fact that she would bring Touhou into smash.
Geno would be amazing because of his stage and his moveset he has laser guns and can morph into a cannon which is much better than Sora.
Ashley would be amazing because they could base her assist trophy into a fighter and make her OP
Shantae would be great because we need a genie character in smash and her moveset potential destroys everyone’s.
We need another FE lord.

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They're in.

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There's nothing wrong with the roster you imbecile, minus bad Fire Emblem representation. The issue with Ultimate, as with 4 is the shitty gameplay. Input buffer is garbage, so is the lack of momentum jumping and hitstun. You can really tell who's shit at the game when you turds complain about the roster in a game with 70 characters when it's the gameplay in smash that has gotten worse. It's already a dream crossover

The first-party newcomers save for Piranha Plant are just uninteresting.

this phoneposter is not worth the numbers

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>no tio gilipollas

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>real shit
Nah, get that wack Super Star shit outta here. We need diversity.

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