How is your game coming along? You are making a game aren't you?

How is your game coming along? You are making a game aren't you?

Attached: game_logos.png (1600x830, 266.71K)

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Yeah. Wish I could quit may day job to work more hours on my games. Mostly have time on weekends. Gonna work on it tomorrow and maybe an hour or two before I go to bed today.

I've been trying to learn to draw for years but I'm still shit i just want to make a game
How do i learn to draw?
>Just draw a lot
proven to not work
proven to not work
>B-but pic related!
loomis teaches you how to construct the head but not any of that other shit like where to place the facial features and hair
>Study your favorite artists
proven to not work

Attached: 1563229033855.gif (896x776, 288.3K)

Same, but I've messing around in RPGmaker MV.

Where is your art, user?

You sound like someone that asks for computer help who then proceeds to make things more difficult by saying they dont have a mouse or keyboard, then dont have electricity and calls people helping them idiots.

Like you're intentionally making things hard for people helping you so you can get attention.

don't just use loomis you retard

Attached: 1.jpg (918x1078, 123.73K)

on my computer and papers

No, I'm genuinely trying to be helped but no one is giving me proper help, I've tried everything everyone has told me to do for years to the best of my ability and I'm still shit

I don't, Ive studied hampton matessi bridgman drawabox proko moderndayjames krenz and vilppu and im still shit

>on my computer and papers
Well, show them so we can gauge your level and give you the appropriate advice, then.

going well but I am worried about coronas impact

maybe your problem is that you put more effort into being a whiny little bitch instead of actually improving

Just working from home during this quarantine. How's everyone holding up?

Attached: 2020-03-20_13-46-36.gif (428x120, 2.29M)

anyone got good examples of games with that pseudo top-down zelda kind of style perspective? just looking for some inspiration when constructing a tileset

Attached: beyond oasis.jpg (640x480, 44.54K)

Enough food for a while. Hope the soon to be countrywide quarantines here in Germany will make this go away. If it is even real and not just the re branded flu to cause panic for the benefits of the elite..


No i spend much more time drawing than i do complaining about not being able to draw though i do spend a lot of time doing both

I can do that myself without showing it
level: 9 year old
advice: perspective is wrong, foreshortening is wrong, arms and legs are connected to wrong part of body, art is lopsided when flipped, finger anatomy is wrong, fingers lack form and structure, pose is boring, pose isn't balanced, facial expressions are boring and repetitive, faces are lopsided, color light and shadow are wrong

fuck off, you just want more excuses to tell yourself at night
>i-it's not my fault that i can't draw, people just don't help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I knew a person like that irl. That cunt fucked with a project I invited her in by doing shitty work and blamed me for not giving her good "directions" and enough money. She got a whole selection off nearly production ready prototype art for reference from us to work with. Never heard from that person again, probably a barista now.

>ask friends for feedback on something
>they say theyre busy and will give feedback later
>its been weeks
>meanwhile theyve been reading and talking about doujins several days every week
just say you're not interested ffs

Attached: sonic_dontchuckle.png (213x168, 99.34K)

pyw and how long you've been drawing

Secret Of Mana
Legend of Mana

It's going strong, actually, haven't developed this much this quick in so many years. I have all enemy and player abilities done (just need some balancing on numbers alone), all maps done (with maybe one or two connections) and all I truly need to do right now is playtest the whole thing and do minor fixes on NPCs, quests, and mostly balance numbers until it feels good.

Any tips for balancing a turn-based RPG?

I don't draw much, I am mostly a programmer, that's why I hired that awful woman. She faked her portfolio though, must have been fake.

work is so bad due to corona that I just work and sleep lately. but I have today off and I made a few critters for my game

here's what I figured and this really unironically works

draw 3D boxes and then draw things inside these boxes, constantly thinking about where in the box what is

This, learning to draw has all to do with adding more "polygons" to your baseline boxes.

The typical problems. Can really only get work done on the weekends and I have no idea how to make assets and models. I've been using stock models and animations to test code but it's becoming a big issue. Level building is a nightmare.

how does this help with drawing hair, facial features, fabric, and textures

I guess it doesn't I just assumed you have issues drawing the underlying forms, as you might know, no matter how much texturing you try to do or whatever, if the underlying forms are wonky the image will look wonky no matter what but if you are able to get the bigger forms right already then you should already know how to learn drawing in more detail

I know the time constrain issue, I just bought high quality assets and edited them. I only do 2D right now though. Maybe you have to tone down your visual quality and make it look good. Not "low poly" though, that shit looks disgusting and lame.

Real textures are just perspective mini shapes. Like wood for example, the parts that appear carved on it, if you think of them as tiny valleys you can use light/shadow to make your texture appear more 3d.
Hair too, where the light will be brighter on the hair depends on it being a 3d shape in your head.
There's lots of bad shit but some truly good stuff if you look hard enough.

I already figured on that. Not going for high fidelity. That's not really possible for me. I'm doing 3D. I'm staying away from low poly/low quality "retro" sprites. That shit looks lazy and has a stigma attached to it now.

Is it all 2D? If so. it's unusable to me.

Do people still care about linear FPS?

I want to do something simple (like Modern Warfare 1/2/3), but is there a market for Michael "Everything Explodes" Bay style games with no open world or RPG elements that take 3-6 hours to complete?

What programming language do I need to know to use Godot?

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I started an open source project. The goal is to turn it into MUGEN for third person shooters. It already has one character and working multiplayer.

Sorry bro, I know shit of 3d.

Godot uses its own GDScript language, but it also supports C#

Any, once you understand the basics, you can easily get at least good with most languages. I had to start with Java in school and hated it, then C# wich was comfy, PHP and JS.

GoDot uses GDscript and visual script for it's scripting. I think you can use C# and C++ in a seperate IDE, but I am not too sure on that. Never used GoDot. Just hear about it from time to time.

Haven't had much time to dev, and really only working on backgrounds at the moment.
Kinda hoping the virus closes my school so I have more time to get shit done.

Attached: sketch-1584329220512.png (1920x943, 595.75K)

If by that you mean a TACTICOOL cover based shooter, than I don't think so. I think those are finally going the way of the dodo. But you can make a linear FPS and have it be successful if it's fun. Just look at nu-Doom. You need fun mechanics.

Motherfuckin blood omen - legacy of kain.

It's not much progress but I made some animations for the player

Attached: animations.webm (1024x576, 721.28K)

finally in-game

Attached: 2020-03-20_15-36-38.webm (1600x900, 2.86M)

Looks cool but some of the seemingly unproportional boxes trigger me. But that should be an easy fix.

Still under 3k. Hoping for max 4.5k

Attached: topo3.jpg (1143x844, 176.33K)

What do you mean? The player and enemy's size in relation to the tiles?

Some gaps/borders between the boxes/tiles are wider.

burger king?

>You will never own a skinsuit this nice

I think I know what makes it look like that. Take a look at this picture, the tiles on the left are as they are in the game - they do not intrude upon each other's space. As a result, two tiles next to each other create this illusion of a "wider border" because both of their borders meet.
The ones on the right DO intrude upon each other's space, aligning their borders. But doing this in the game would require me fucking with the tiling system and offsetting a bunch of positions. I think I'll try later when I make an actual stage's tiles and if they still look weird I'll figure out how to tweak the tiling.

Attached: tiles.png (803x438, 2.62K)

Anyone know how to do 3D stuff in Unity HDRP PostProcessing ?
Mostly shit like getting the actual depth in unity instead of the weird exponential raw value.
I'm trying to add a raymarching renderer so my characters can walk in the middle of fractals and stuff like that, mixed with regular meshes.
Fullscreen shader apparently use different library than normal ass one, so shit that usually work give me compilation errors now.

Attached: 2Deep4Me.jpg (550x384, 21.29K)

Just place a screen-sized plane oriented towards camera lmao.

Yeah, just make some with and without borders

lel. I will now put this in game. I already have immigrant orc cannibals so why not skin wearing serial killer giants?

Attached: hg3.jpg (1351x754, 115.39K)

Like ... a transparent one glued to the camera and rendering last ?
That *would* probably be a lot simpler.

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Unity or Unreal, which one should I choose lads? Kind of wanna do something more on the 3D side

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Unreal. Stay far away from Unity.

They are mostly the same nowaday.
Unity is C#, which is much less of an headache.
Unreal is C++, which is much more requested for dev jobs.