Shield that instantly blocks all weapons and never breaks

>Shield that instantly blocks all weapons and never breaks
>Only stunned by the super shotgun, and only for one second
>Takes 50 hits from the super shotgun to kill, while you can only hold 10 bullets
>Endlessly spawns enemies behind you
>Uses unparriable attacks even when you're standing the correct distance away
>Jumps around like a faggot so you can't focus on him and get swarmed by the endless sea of demons he spawns
>Takes out your armor instantly while you're trying to get rid of his fucking panthers
>Immune to grenades
>Immune to blood punches
>Immune to the chainsaw
>Immune to the BFG
>Immune to the god killing super sword
Has there ever been a worse enemy in a video game? I struggle to think of how this could be any less fun to play
This one fucking faggot OC donut steel legitimately brings the game down from an 8/10 to a 3/10. It's not fucking fun to play when you know the games just gonna start jerking off and make you watch

Attached: DOOM_Eternal_marauder.png (1920x1080, 3.12M)

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kill yourself

No u

I don't care about his mobility and stuff, but the green eye parry stuff kinda kills the fast pace.

just git gud you loser

now i feel slightly less bad for myself after lowering difficulty for this fight.
fuck this guy, seriously

just killed him. does he return as an enemy later or what? the fight was very chaotic and unsatisfying with all the respawning adds and running out of ammo.

The game spawns one in almost every fight towards the end

Get good.

talk about filler. Ive been holding out to see the reviews and this enemy alone is keeping me from buying the game

man thats sad. the fights are already extremely chaotic. i feel like i have extremely little control over the fights and only survive because they keep spawning glory kill fodder to keep me up. if those things become the norm later on im not finishing the game on ultra violence thats for sure.

>Immune to the god killing super sword
Oh god, please tell me this isn't true. The possibility of just oneshotting these fucks with the Crucible and never dealing with them ever again was the only thing keeping me going. I was really hype for fighting these things before release but they really are just zero fucking fun to actually fight. He's way too ridiculously tanky for an enemy that's invincible 90% of the time and in a game with such a low ammo count to boot.

Sounds like the tartarus fight on higher difficulties in halo 2 with more adds

They straight up didn't finish programming this dude
He doesn't interact with anything in the game beyond getting shot by normal weapons

Isnt there a thing that stops glory kill drops called famine or something?
How the hell would you even manage then

That's only in multiplayer.

Did you just describe blitz from dmc 4

wait really?
whats else is only multiplayer?
I thought wed be able to use all these things all over

Casuals are FUMING at this game

Oh no wait shit I was thinking about something else, sorry. You're talking about the cheat floppy you can unlock yeah?

Yeah that's a thing.

have you tried getting good?

I don't have Eternal yet but wasn't the Marauder supposed to be Doom guy's rival or something?

Well I do not want to fight this guy with the no enemy drops thing on

Well the good news is that he doesn't seem to interact with remote detonation rockets either. Detonate one behind him even with his shield up and he seems to take full damage from it.

Of course he still takes a billion of them because he has a fucking stupid amount of HP, but it's something at least.

git gud

git gud

lmao scrub

>Has there ever been a worse enemy in a video game?
These fuckers.
>So what kind of enemies do you want in this zombie game?
>How about these robots that stun you for a few seconds and unlike everyone else their weakpoints are in their chests.

Attached: latest[1].jpg (3767x1984, 2.23M)

Well that's good. Wish I knew that before I beat the game. I never thought to try that because he instablocks everything else


Nightmare Eternal is the biggest casual filter of 2020.

>default shotgun max is 16
>no pistol/holdout weapon
>punching does absolutely 0 damage unless it's blood fist

What the fuck happened?
Add to this that somehow this doesn't feel like DOOM 2016 at all.

Attached: 1565458004940.jpg (1029x1029, 173.48K)

>Basic punch is weak as shit despite the fact that Slayer's arm is the size of a fucking ham
>Lives system is absolutely shit and felt like a piss poor way to "balance" how fucking easily you lose health rather than an actual mechanic
>Slayer Gates are fucking stupid in that they will fucking eat through resources without compensating anything for completion
>New fucking enemies are absolutely trash
>Same fucking horrendous design of levels being full of cut off points of no return despite having collectible secrets
>Pathetically low ammo count forcing you to use the unsatisfying chainsaw way more often
>You can get insta killed coming out of a fucking glory kill animation you were trying to heal from
Nu-Doom is shit

Attached: EKpDoUOW4AAYDMo.png (228x206, 119.76K)

yeah nightmare is kicking my ass more than fucking dark souls

literally 2 hell knights a cacodemon and a arachnotron are tougher than 90% of dark souls

>Takes 50 hits from the super shotgun to kill, while you can only hold 10 bullets
>Endlessly spawns enemies behind you
just us the chainsaw then, retard.

>Same fucking horrendous design of levels being full of cut off points of no return despite having collectible secrets
You can’t seriously be this stupid.

>default shotgun max is 16
With the best ammo to damage efficiency in the game. Use sticky bombs, you retard.
>no pistol/holdout weapon
The chainsaw and crucible are supposed to fill that gap. Use them more
>punching does absolutely 0 damage unless it's blood fist
I find this annoying too, but it's clear they wanted you to have less downtime where you're punching or plainly shooting an enemy with a pistol, and more where you're using your big dick guns. It's honestly a desing decision for the better, the only thing that ruins flow is the chainsaw needing 3 fuel to kill any enemy that isn't a grunt. more than half of the demons should be 2 fuel and aren't.

Learn to read nigger

he was designed to make you seethe

Are you just pretending to be retarded?

Are you?

Do you really not know that mook + chainsaw = ammo?
Talk about pathetic.

>Hugo let the success of 2016 go to his head to he radically redesigned everything so that it didnt even resemble 2016 anymore and is just an unfun clusterfuck

what did he mean by this

Do you really not know how to read?
Talk about pathetic.

Inability to think through game mechanics on the fly might be your problem, champ.
About 17 minutes into this you can see a Doom 2016 speedrunner taking out the Marauder in only a few shots. It seems the trick is to hit him with the super shotgun then immediately swap to the arbalest to get in a quick second shot.

Sorry buddy but your third grade level writing has no bearing on reality.
You seem to be a part of the select few that have problems with this enemy. May I suggest you try and git gud?

>game is poorly conceived
>kill yourself
>not the devs

>Skip around to find him fight one
Yeah looks easy

>Shield that instantly blocks all weapons and never breaks
You can manipulate this mechanic to give yourself breathing room. Also just don’t fucking shoot at it if you’re not gonna exploit it
>Only stunned by the super shotgun, and only for one second
He can be stunned by the ballista as well. Markiplier did it in the demo he played before release
>Takes 50 hits from the super shotgun to kill, while you can only hold 10 bullets
Refer to my previous comment. You can combo other weapons (like the ballista) by tapping q while he’s stunned
>Endlessly spawns enemies behind you
Those are supposed to be used for ammo dumbass
>Uses unparriable attacks even when you're standing the correct distance away
This is why dash exists. They can be avoided by using dash appropriately
>Jumps around like a faggot so you can't focus on him and get swarmed by the endless sea of demons he spawns
Then use that time to thin the heard. He can’t damage you when you’re performing glory kills or chainsaw kills, another exploitable mechanic
>Takes out your armor instantly while you're trying to get rid of his fucking panthers
Then you were doing something wrong. You can replenish your ammo with the fodder ads around you. Also, it’s a wolf, not a panther. This line was the icing on the shit cake of your retardation
>Immune to grenades
Then don’t waste them on him. Simple as
>Immune to blood punches
You’re not supposed to be that close unless he’s ready to glory kill otherwise you’re in his shotgun range
>Immune to the chainsaw
Chainsaw is For replenishing resources, not a get-out-of-jail-free card like the crucible
>Immune to the BFG
Markiplier killed him with the bfg
>Immune to the god killing super sword
The marauder is supposed to be a challenge. If you’re bring the crucible into the fight, you should be clearing out other superheavies like the cyber demons and archviles. He’s supposed to be dealt with 1-1

Sorry buddy but your third grade level reading has no bearing on reality.
You seem to be a part of the select few that have problems with reading. May I suggest you try and git gud?

These things were such an awful addition, holy shit. Game is supposed to be a ultra-violent mutant horror blasting fest, so lets add goreless robots that aren't satisfying to kill at all!

I’m the one who has reading comprehension here, so what are you talking about?

A shotgun doesn't fire bullets. It fires shells or slugs.

>He’s supposed to be dealt with 1-1
Which is why he spawns panthers and enemies that shoot at you right?

1-1 aside from fodder demons. That’s how you sustain yourself during the fight with him. And the wolf is weak anyway

>1-1 aside from all the other guys attacking you

Seethe, dilate

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If you’re having trouble with imps and soldiers in the background, then you’re either bad or playing on nightmare

I am playing on nightmare
Are you guys playing on fucking easy mode and telling me to git good?

Guaranteed patch.


Post difficulty selection

If you’re trying to bloodpunch and grenade the marauder, then you probably need to git gud...

>unparriable attacks
>implying that you can parry

Attached: 1507623085338.png (146x244, 72.49K)

>I'll just repeat the insult
>t-t-that'll show 'em!
I'm replying to a poorly designed shill bot, apparently.


You fucking babies

Attached: 20200320175442_1.jpg (1920x1080, 249.16K)

>whining that a game is hard

quite pathetic of you

Still doesn’t explain why you’re making retarded approaches to the marauder fights

Doesn't take anywhere near 50 shots. Playing on nightmare.

The proximity explosion rocket launcher staggers him and works really well

The only retarded thing I did was buy this shit game

And you still played through the whole campaign. What a good sport

Well duh. I payed $60 for it

I can't get over the fact that they really spoiled the fucking final boss in a trailer

Are we watching the same video? Because this is him fighting the Marauder. I tried this out myself against one on Ultra-Violence and it was a really quick fight, a hell of a lot more painless than all the other fights with it.

Attached: 2020-03-21 08-54-10.webm (640x354, 2.93M)

Oh well, your funeral

Fuck are you talking about

To be fair, it never really implied he was the final boss, just that he was a really big late-game enemy

If everything you're saying is true than thats pretty bad enemy design

dude it's the fucking icon of sin of course it's gonna be the final boss

Literally git gud