Why can't video game writers handle depression maturely?

Why can't video game writers handle depression maturely?

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Because in their eyes depression was in high school when they get an 80 on a test because now they have to go to Columbia instead of Harvard so their life is ruined or when something happens with their bf/gf even though they have dozens of people lining up waiting to replace them.

Because video games are for children yet they're being consumed by mentally stunted twenty-something year olds who can't let go of the past. It's why so many indie games try to recapture the "old school" vibe. It's literal, actual degeneracy.

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here's your depression themed game bro

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has anyone here ever even seen a "scene" kid? I never saw one at any point during my time at school.

most writers don't drink enough lemonade.

because "depression" is a fucking joke and they understand that.

Yikes is the least accurate representation of the 90s imaginable.


Most games have better writing than YIIK by quite a bit.

Because over 95% of the people who claimed to be depressed aren't clinically diagnosed as such, but they think pretending to have a debilitating mental illness is a substitute for a personality and might get them attention and maybe some friends.

Exactly the same thing with trannies.

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because "le depression" meme is not real and is just used for "quirky personality traits" and insufferable faggots

Because both the "dude I'm like so depressed xd I have social anxiety loool so quirky" and the "dude depression isn't real just just stop being sad bro" crowds have no idea what clinical depression is

because its highly unlikely that you will ever find a game made by someone who was actually legitimately depressed

>He isn't in the YIIK combat update closed beta

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If only it were that simple. While this is true for many attention whoring losers, unfortunately there is a real epidemic of depression thanks to the fact that younger generations are forced into a world that screws them over at every opportunity to feed the old and the rich. The information age has only made this more obvious to people at an earlier age.

Holy fuck yes they were everywhere here

More like a 2000s thing

How are they changing the combat?

Because the cure is literally "just stop being sad bro", what a boring disease.

>boomers still recoil when you use the 'J' word due to their 'right side of history' programming

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Tbh Alex is a better written depressed character than Rory.

The basic attack is a shitload faster, just a rotating square that you have to stop in a certain zone, the "original" attacks are now a skill. Some new enemy attacks, according to dev a new voiced party member and bosses but not for the beta except one new boss.

nah, same bullshit different approach
it's still reaching for victim status but trying to use "arguments" for why you're a victim and should be given free attention

it'd be like quoting divorce statistics when someone asks you why you're still a virgin

Of course. There's an entire band around that idea, made well after the scene trend ended.


I'm saying video games are for degenerates and trying to tackle serious issues like mental illness will not go well. Again, because video games are for kids.


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Yeah, I was friends with 5 or 6 of them.

YIIK handled nothing maturely.

Because depression does not exist, it's just a fancy word for teenage laziness. Ergo, maturity does not apply.

"Teenage laziness" is a concept invented by boomer parents who never talked to their kids about their problems.

Yes, they're kind of a relic of the 2000s but they're not even completely gone. I transfered twice and there were at least 2 at all three schools, they usually stick together
t. class of 2019

That's right. Kids don't have serious problems.

i have no idea how you could have someone depressed in a video game since video games are based around doing things instead of laying in bed for 16 hours


you are the scene kid

Because it would be too boring.

Writers in general can't handle mental illness or most serious themes maturely.

yep. just gotta pull yourself up by your bootstraps buckaroo

depression is a joke.
it's so easy to handle depression.
I pushed my inner void back like it was some sort of object that I put back into my drawer.
to many people depression means being sad but why don't they see that the sadness us a symptom?
the depression is a state of nothingness. nothing works. your mind is clouded, you stay at one place without moving onwards. you're just there.

I mean, a minority of people handle depression well. Most grown adults are pretty bad at it.

Wanna know how I know you're an election tourist?

>clinically diagnosed with depression
>never share it because a hundred million fags claim to be "depressed" and I don't want to be associated with them
>people trying to be (((open))) about (((mental health))) actually shove people with actual conditions further into isolation
every fucking time

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Because mature people don't get depressed

I hate this so much. Fucking retards make it hard to be taken seriously. Like at this point I have to offer evidence of suicide attempts for people to acknowledge it.

Mental Illness is one of the thing in the medical field that has no meaningful advancements besides taking pills for the rest of your life. It's even better when you get treated with general apathy and ignorance from the general public. Men with a mental illness are the most fucked since every culture encourages the men to be strong and stoic, never seeking help for anything.

no other way around it. if a group is know for a specific thing then it's almost always filled with people who shouldn't be part of it.
I never want to be diagnosed so I am even more isolated than you.
I have no friends and rather prefer to enjoy my time all alone.
fuck going to the doctor. the pills are not even that helpful. it's not just chemical flow in your brain that doesn't work right. there are way more factors to it.
just try to do something to feel a little better and what should go wrong if you don't have contact to retards? fucking do whatever.

Because they're white

>self reported illness
>b-but a doctor told me I had it, I'm diagnosed, not like those fakes


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Most of these faggots don't get REGULAR human emotions you think they can understand something as complex as depression? They just see it as "Oh...Im sad all the time"


>seek help for my depression because that combined with being anti-social made it impossible for me to get any jobs and such
>"Here take these pills!"
>never helps and always just get to try some other pills or something
>"Try and talk with this therapist!"
>The therapist was the most useless and unprofessional person I've ever met
I've given up trying to get any help, it's not worth all the trouble and energy.

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Not to sound dismissive, but perhaps see a BETTER therapist?

>not playing LISA instead

I live in the middle of the nowhere so I have to spend the entire day walking to the closest town to get to a train station. So basically I have to walk like 5-6h to get to a 20min meeting or take the buss that only drives 6am and wait 7h to have the talk. I used to have energy to do that kind of stuff but not anymore...

>twenty-something year olds
Yeah, heh heh, us twenty-year-olds, am I rite?

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Scene kids were kids who liked emo fashion but were otherwise happy, normally adjusted people.
They didn't listen to the music and they definitely weren't cutting themselves or moping around.

of course this was in the mid to late 2000s. YIIK is a real failure of a period piece.

however, you could say "fuck it" and try to break the circle of things you normally don't like to do.
and most of the time it's still not worth it because all you do is put on a fake face and return home to feels like shit again but this time with additional shit like stress because you had to talk to retards all day. sure you do that at the therapist, too but not all the time.
I'd advise you to put on a smiley face and lie your way into a job.

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>besides taking pills for the rest of your life
Isn't it heavily recommended to not take any fucking pills unless you are literally going to kill yourself?

that's stupid.
the pills can't fix a mental state the way you think. it's still like a drug, changing the exchange of chemicals between your neurons and synapses.

antidepressants is a fucking meme pushed by psychiatrists and pharmacists
Like, sure, some people can actually be helped with the help of those, but most of the time it's just way more profitable for doctors to prescribe some meds to several people and be about it, instead of working with one patient for that amount of time