What on Earth causes the simp mindset? I mean it's one thing to pay money for actual porn...

What on Earth causes the simp mindset? I mean it's one thing to pay money for actual porn, but what the fuck causes someone to pay for titty streamers to say there name or for mildly provocative snapchat/onlyfans accounts.

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It's loneliness user.

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Why are underaged super mongoloids using "simp" as some new hot meme word? Is this the work of a nigger or a Jew?

Hot take porn is the same as simping.


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simp is the new incel

Fuck off Brittany

Name of the streamer? She cute.

those bobs

No, it's incel for left wingers and trannies

Why are you braindead faggots so susceptible to new twitter/reddit trending words? Goddamn I fucking hate the underage retards who inhabit this board.

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>there name


Simp detected, girls you defend online don't and never will give a fuck bout you

No it isn't I am lonely but never go out of my way to be some "nice guy"

Being a SImp is actually extremely selfish, you lower yourself to essentially a pathetic bug in the hopes you will get praise and pussy for being so non-confrontational and easy to get along with

But you aren't doing this for a genuine reason, its to get pussy and women subconsciously know this without ever consiously knowing it

Luckily most men get this mentality out of the way in their teens, for example when I was 16 I liked this girl and we were friends, HOWEVER she always asked me to carry her bag and do shit for her and I would without a seconds notice

Then one day we were walking home from college and she tells her friend that she's having a party on the weekend, I asked why she asks me and she straight up said "lol your not coming why would I invite you"

From that day onwards I never ever lessened myself for women, I realized that being nice does not equal respect

And that is what these simps don't understand

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The planet is a giant ship and you're stuck on it with them.

Only Nazi's can be incels

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simp has been around longer than you've been alive.

No, it's not. Incel and simp are different breeds. One thing sets them apart. Hope.

Incel is hostile and cynical about women for never having been with a woman. They might live in denial and justify it to themselves by calling all women whores. They think very highly of themselves and have a high chance of going on a shooting rampage.
Simp is the man who deludes himself to think he might have a shot with that twitch streamer for who he's been moderating chat for years and donated thousands to. They're taking the worm way with women. They grovel at their feet their entire lives and are much more harmless.

It is possible for a simp to turn into an incel, but rarely does hope return into someone broken, so incels turning into simps is much rarer.

I'll give you a hint but not the full answer: it's not an abbreviation.

Not this interpretation of it you fucking monthbreather.

Suckaz idolizing mediocre pussy

>nooooo stop coming up with new words to attack me with

Isn't that iCuckkkz's gf?

Well thanks for ruining the fun, now the other retard doesn't get to embarrass himself by insisting it means "simpleton" or some other retarded shit.

Wait, how is the cat doing that?

>twitter starts using a new word
>starts getting posted nonstop on Yas Forums

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You clearly already know the answer.

It isn't a new word
It's a nigger word
White retards start stealing their slang and overuse it up the ass

Literally wrong. It means to idolize mediocre pussy (which 90% of e-thots are, disembodied pussy's. because thats what they're selling/ promote themselves as) It's okay to be wrong :)
Again this phrase has been arounf for about 20+ years faggot. We all now what it means

holy shit, is this real?

Yeah, she's not even that hot, don't understand why anyone would pay for her nudes at all like you can see 10x better bitches for free

Dude I'm trying to start a discussion.

It's just men who have realized they're not actually horny but genuinely lonely, but at the same time totally broken from many heartbreaks while trying to find a partner in the real world.

>new word

I wish zoomers would just kill themselves already

What compels someone to sit in front of a computer screen, for house on end, starting at pic related and giving her donations?

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A chinese virus, do you live under a rock?

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>new word

I feel like a retard just by using Yas Forums, situation you mention is beyond my imagination.

not even paying just watching/commentating on an e-thots stream should get you banned from civil society.

>Mediocre pussy
This is how you know that this insult was made up by a woman, and most likely women who are just jealous that other women have "Simps" and want simps throwing free money at them instead.

Men should never idolize any pussy to a fanatic extent. It doesn't matter how hot the girl is or how good you think it would be to fuck her, throwing away money in the vain hopes that she might recognize you is pathetic. If men made the term, then it would be a phrase warning men not to blindly idolize pussy at all.

Women on the other hand don't want to say all pussy isn't worth blindly chasing because they have one themselves. Therefore their goal is to downplay other women's pussy while pretending theirs is worth chasing. By calling someone else's vagina "Mediocre" they imply that their own vagina is superior in some way, and therefore men should waste money on it.

Using the word "Simp" as a man ironically makes you one of the biggest "simps", because you're being manipulated by jealous women to believe certain pussies are worth throwing money at while others are not.
And before a woman or beta inevitably gets upset at me for "Targeting women", this is literally no different than how guys try to pretend that their dick is better than other guy's dicks because it's bigger/circumcised/etc. You don't hear anyone complaining about women chasing "Mediocre dick" though.

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>the simps in this thread getting mad at people using a word that describes them

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t. simp

Probably a family filter on their home network that keeps them out of actual porn sites.

THIS. Only fucking losers without friends watch streamers.

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The lack of beatings of course

Simp is the new cuck, and as usual the sequel is disappointing and forced.

This is some stupid fucking cope.

Yeah, OK faggots. You totally were using this word FOR YEARS and not when it suddenly got popular a week ago.

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>you lower yourself to essentially a pathetic bug in the hopes you will get praise and pussy

But the ironic thing is you paying girls makes their pussies dry.

you're literally spending money to be as pathetic and unattractive to them as possible.

cope harder simp

Every game with 13 yr old squakers on mics have been using the word. Pretty funny how desperate people are to fit in with other losers lol.

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>Using the word "Simp" as a man ironically makes you one of the biggest "simps", because you're being manipulated by jealous women to believe certain pussies are worth throwing money at while others are not.
How's that feminist logic working out for you, user?
Regardless of their origins words only serve to represent and communicate their inherent perceived meaning. They're completely detached from everything else except the context and manner they're used in.
Stop being a retard, dude. And a complete fucking simp, like at that point why not just buy a whore? She'll actually listen to your shit and give you pussy unlike all those ethots.

Found the simp

ok simp

Man, can you respond with anything that isn't a word salad?

You guys are latching onto the most extreme example, when the reality is that streaming as a whole requires simps to function.

>>new word
It's certainly not a new word, but it's only vogue from the cross-posting twitter/e-celeb faggots. I don't disagree with the application of the word, but claiming it's not "new" (read: vogue) because it predates a majority of the board's age is disingenuous.

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Reminder. icucks paid for her boob job so she could show off her tits to the world.

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>These replies
Based Kirby poster blowing out and exposing simps

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But if women only care about how much money a guy has, then the guys who can afford to donate a lot and are displaying their wealth should be making them wet as fuck.

>Guy literally talks about how no pussy is worth it
>Insult him by implying he's desperate for pussy instead of just calling him a gay faggot
Either you're a normalfag or personally insulted

Itt: simps seething because their favorite e-whore isn't mentioning their name after they dropped a donation bomb

>take an already existing word
>take off the last two letters
Why do people do this?

>there are incels on Yas Forums who want content like this banned on twitch, just because she's exploiting a rich market of lonely, virgin males

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It's literally used by niggers not woman you faggot, she doesn't care about you little bitch