Soooo.... Am I the only one here that actually likes this game?

soooo.... Am I the only one here that actually likes this game?

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No I like it too, I'm just disappointed
The shill campaign and the shitposting fields will die down a few weeks from now and then actual discussion will take place

I'm 4 hours in and am surprisingly disappointed
I really liked Doom 2016 but this game is different in all the worst ways
I hate the changes to the weapons
I hate the tiny ammo pool
The levels are visually great but gameplay-wise a chore to explore
The new enemies seem to have all been designed with the goal of annoying the player as much as possible

Yeah, its a lot better than 2016.

Its great and much closer to og doom games then 2016

Only two hours in, but so far I love it.

Only people who don't like it are shitposters or women.

how so?

No most redditors and steam users like it. though there are many upvoted negative reviews and complain threads on the reddit aswell. Seems to be a pretty polarizing game.

Went through it once and loved it, the beginning is really weird, becuse of the expectations set-up by the previous one, but then it gets going after you get all the stuff unlocked.

Last levels were so bloody tough too, it was amazing. I honestly feel like the game could be "too smart" for your average gamer, especially considering the traction that DOOM series got in the last years.
There's a lot of deliberate design choices that people will misinterpret or be too lazy to get and i hope it won't hurt the game.

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I take it you're talking about the ammo complaints?

>The new enemies seem to have all been designed with the goal of annoying the player as much as possible
That's a positive thing. Fuck they added pain elemental, I'd expect them to be as annoying for a palyer as one can be.

I hate the devs shoving their hands up my ass and forcing me to play the game in one specific way and die
The game does a lot of things VERY well, and it IS enjoyable don’t get me wrong.
I watched some of the DEV’s talking and they said “you have to respect the demons and you will die, but just get good”
I imagine then saying this every time I shoot an mancubus with a rocket 7 times to kill it... when it’s immersion breaking that it takes that many.

Ammo complaints, the HUD design, the platforming and so on.

It's clear id had a specific idea on how the game should flow and what you should and should not do, but people will still pretend like the game is "wrong".

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>That's a positive thing
how exactly is that a positive thing?
all it accomplishes is making the game less fun

I haven't played it yet but the ammo thing is concerning; what's the deal with it? from what I gather there's less you can hold, but you can get it back from chainsawing enemies
what seems the be the issue is when you run out of chainsaw fuel

>but people will still pretend like the game is "wrong".
yeah I'm gonna go ahead and join those guys who "pretend" the game is wrong

You'd rather have enemies roll over and die?

players want to be challenged, not annoyed

It’s not “too smart” for gamers
The demons weaknesses are literally shown in a pop up on screen.
It is however, a pain in the dick to play, and not in a good way. I don’t feel like an uber badass, I’m penalized for making mistakes but rewarded for doing things right way in terms of combat.
Sure I get health and ammo, but no distinct advantage to lining up all my shots and using the abilities exactly the right way.
They made the base game harder, then reduced the effectiveness of mods by half, making you switch between them constantly in order to adequately deal with demons.. then you can kill maybe 3 tanks max before you have to press shift like a maniac and then c just to get some more ammo, rinse and repeat

So you admit you're ass at the game? Okay retard

The first bit of chainsaw fuel is on a cooldown so you'll be able to get ammo from the zombies everywhere.

It's not terrible, maybe I'm yet to fall in love with it ,but so far I just like 2016 better.

It is clear the had a specific idea of the flow of the game.. but they messed it up.
The effectiveness of all weapon mods on demons should be upped.. hell just up the damage of weapons in general

It's fucking garbage so yes you are

Sorry NOT rewarded


Nah bro I'm loving it. And I love the fact that it absolutely BTFOs plotfags with its opening premise and just going with whatever it feels like.

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i personally found 2016 boring
this is pretty fun

Not really, OG doom was a lot more just cutting through masses of enemies without thinking too much.

seems like people who hated 2016 like this one, its the same for me. fucking despised the first one, and i'm liking this one

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is there a mega link

You start will less ammo reserves, so in the first few levels, when you also have limited arsenal you run out very quickly and is taught that way to use the chainsaw that replenishes ammo.

When you get a couple ammo upgrades it's not noticeable but you already learned what they want you to use the chainsaw for.

And yet you have people that don't understand that them's the ways to play and want the game to be something else.

That's what you get masteries for and then combined with grenades and flamethrower you can stack up serious damage

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The first thing I hated about Eternal is having only 16 shells.
You can't afford to shoot your way through the first level, you shoot once and punch each one of them to save ammo, chainsaw if not your nuclear option for when there's too many barons of hell, it's your bread and butter that get you through the fight.
Shooting a cacodemon to kill it is absolutely not viable, you have to feed each one of them a grenade and punch, would be a funny easter egg but instead this is the only way of playing thee game.

The entire marketing material of Eternal was about the combat puzzle, and so far it feels extremely restrictive compared to the 2016 creative combat sandbox.

why did you migrate to Yas Forums?got bullied too much on Yas Forums ?

As someone who loved 2016 I'm loving Eternal even more.


>write complete garbage
>BTFOs plotfags
Probably the gayest excuse I've ever seen

Yeah, its a lot worse than 2016.

2016 was absolute shit.

Its a hella epic game for dummies and teens.
Playing nudoom is the equivalent of watching mainstream news.
Its the Joe Biden of fps games.
It caters to this oblivious, hyped idiot type consumer who lives on buzzwords and inanities.
Its as if a bunch of has beens and marketers gathered in a room and tried to think about what the youngsters like and then just shoved it into one game.
Its the feel of the game and everything surrounding it.

its a single player console arena shooter.
The fucking console font and style of the menus, the gun upgrades, the constant need to jump around and do acrobatics and the need to change weapons non stop.
like an xbox kiddie just drank a can of monster.

No it's just that everyone is busy actually playing the game so the only ones bitching about it on Yas Forums have no desire to play it and just think it's shit

I honestly kind of hated it at first but its growing on me. I think it's just a bit of a shock due to how different it is compared to 2016, which will probably be off putting for a lot of people. Dunno yet whether I like it more than 2016 yet but its not bad.

>Its the Joe Biden of fps games.
true or not at least you made me laugh
good job user

Interesting level design with puzzles that would be more fitting for a game from 90s where you shoot giant switch to open the door and make your way there through platforming, serious tone dropped almost completely and it feels more like a game now, with floating key cards, collectables and weapons in secret places, classic looking pickups etc
Gameplay wise its 2 times faster then 2016, double dash and chainhook lets you be almost as mobile og Doomguy and you can "fly" through tight packs of mobs while avoiding projectile spam just like in old games now where in 2016 it was impossible.
The only thing i dont like is that rune choices are still retarded, air control and health gain on blood punch are literally a mandatory runes especially on high difficulties which leaves you with just one slot for your preferences
still each enemy required a specific "dance" if you wanted to kill it efficiently, its same here aswell

I'm a fan of it. I love the weaknesses and the smaller ammo pools forces you to use your other weapons so you aren't just constantly spamming rockets and siege mode like in 2016/

look bro I get that you miss me, but there's nothing good on Yas Forums right now. Yas Forums is where the hype is at right now. Try not to get so worked up about where I go. You can have fun on your own.

Even though your statement is wrong it doesn't conflict with his statement

it's pretty great, i fucking love the unmaker also
>mfw this stupid shit is now canon

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I'm so used to 2016 feeling incredibly smooth, this performs much worse and even when I'm hitting close 100+ fps in less busy areas it feels a lot choppier than the same frame rate in 2016. I can't put my finger on what feels wrong but I played for about an hour and wasn't really hooked, which is a shame because this was one of my most anticipated titles all year. I'll jump back into it in like half an hour.

But you are suppose to be THE Doomguy, the Scourge of Hell, the demon nemesis. You cant enjoy the game if it fails the primary task, to be good DOOM.

ssg two shots a revenant, sticky bomb aoe gibs all trash and rocket launcher is actually worth using again, its alright you just need to git gud

wasn't fully enjoying it until I turned the shitty electro djent off and put on actual death metal. Would highly recommend all do the same

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There's a bunch of weeb autists shitposting angrily about it, most people think it's amazing.

I just need the instrumental versions of those songs. Metal vocals and lyrics are so fucking cringeworthy, it's always like an edgy 13 year old kid's inner monologue. The instrumentals would fit the game well though.

>I hate the tiny ammo pool
You upgrade your ammo pool gradually dumbo.

>gameplay wise a chore to explore
More engaging than in Doom 2016 to explore.

>new enemies seem to have all been designed with the goal of annoying the player as much as possible
Right, because enemies that aren't tough are so much better.

Get fucked zoom zoom, you got filtered, HARD.

I shouldn't have start on Nightmare, shit is brutal.

woah, so this, is the power, of zoom zoom?

Not that guy but there's a difference between annoying and challenging. I'm not too far into the game and I haven't been annoyed by any of the enemies so far, but let's not equate the terms annoying and tough.

>dying fetus

Shit taste.

>annoying =/= tough

Well then I have no idea what the fuck he's talking about. The enemies are all designed well, the fast ones are indeed fast and hard to hit, the shield ones indeed do their job of blocking damage, the brutes are indeed designed to rush you down and do it well.

The fuck is the point of saying "they're annoying!" Some sort of catch-all term for some dipshit to say "they're bad" without explaining why?

It's annoying because first couple of levels are introductory and you're not uupgraded even in the slightest.

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>You upgrade your ammo pool gradually dumbo.
I put all my upgrade points into ammo so far and the ammo pool is still far too small
Maybe it will be a decent size at the end of the game but then it won't do me much good because the game is about to be over anyway
>Right, because enemies that aren't tough are so much better.
I didn't complain about tough enemies, tough enemies are perfectly fine
The enemies in this game are designed to be annoying and they succeed at that
>Get fucked zoom zoom, you got filtered, HARD.
I'm beating the game just fine on Ultra Violence, my problem is that I'm not having as much fun as I did with Doom 2016

I wish they had kept the continuous adventure type of game that was in 2016 and not break it up so much with cutscenes and combat arenas. Other than that, the gameplay is solid.

>tfw you enter your first slayer gate on nightmare

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>enjoying a game
Fuck off Reddit.

I imagine if I didn't like 2016 Doom I'll not like this one? Have there been significant gameplay changes or is it still stunning every enemy and melee killing them?

>OG doom was a lot more just cutting through masses of enemies without thinking too much.
I've seen multiple anons today complain that Doom Eternal requires "too much thinking" and that the game should be more simple.

If they can't explain why they're annoying then they're probably bad at the game and are just getting frustrated, but want to blame the game for it.

that ending gave me an orgasm

enjoy later levels.
>gets bodied by cacodemons into a corner and brutally raped

Are you retarded? It was more of a puzzle game than a shooter, youre thinking of painkiller or serious sam

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Slayer Gates are fucking hardcore

Crazy idea, why not use the chainsaw that regenerates over time and fills your ammo pool? It's almost like it was designed that way.