Today's the day. Are you playing it? What do you think so far?
Today's the day. Are you playing it? What do you think so far?
im taking a break because i dont want to speed through it too quickly but i think overall its great
whoever decided to give doomguy a dash deserves a pay raise
The dash was for console gamers because they cant turn around quickly.
You want to pay someone for catering to retards
i disagree. i feel like the dash adds an extra step of mobility that makes the game feel even more fluid than 2016. top that with the meathook and you can literally play the floor is lava but in doom
its awesome
The game scams you, and you HAVE to use certian guns on certian enemies. It's really frustrating because there's really no reason for it to be like that. Then the lives system takes something meaningless in a hard game like this and makes it feel like you've lost progress, and that's even MORE frustrating.
There's just alot of really BAD design choices that goad you into playing the way the devs want you to play and it's all so unnecessary.
>you HAVE to use certian guns on certian enemies
example? ive been playing for about 8 hours and i havent felt this way at all
This. The unlimited trash mob for chainsaw refills mechanic just breaks up the core of the game, which is to shoot.
The opening cutscene of the game, when doomguy steps into the portal, was so bad that I refunded the game. I couldn't believe that the people who made 2016 doom made this one, or at least were in charge of making it to the same degree.
>in a hard game like this
It's pretty awesome so far bros
Sticky bomb or grenade for Cacao. Basically sticky bomb for anything.
A serious effort was put in towards changing up the gameplay and Eternal's considerably harder than the original, though simultaneously it's more forgiving in some respects (ie enemies turning into armor fountains when you use the Flame Belch along with being a DOT to apply to heavy enemies). Soundtrack and environs are gorgeous, cutscenes being skippable if you can't handle them is nice since they're not walkarounds like the previous game, the Fortress of Doom being a radicool 90s guy's pad is hilarious. The dash and other mobility options along with starting you off with 2016's double-jump is 10/10 fuck yeah dude, mobile shooters are great.
Have sex.
Shotgun being too good of a generalist option is why it has low ammo. Better yet since its mods are flat-out better than their 2016 equivalents.
you honestly just solved your problem within your own post, if you use the grenade on cacodemons instead of the sticky bombs you achieve the same goal without switching weapons.
In this viral situation? Are you nuts?
when you're all out of bullets and your waiting for your ultimate to charge I MEAN your chainsaw to fill, there's fuckall you can do.
Desperate times call for desperate measures user
This, its more irritating than it is exciting to stop mid fight so you can go looking for the one weakling to chainsaw. Its a really annoying part of an otherwise pretty fun game.
Level design is completely mediocre
Have you tried not missing so you have more ammo?
>The speed you can achieve once you have the rune to increase it after glory kills
Don't run out of ammo, be accurate, use splash-damage mods like sticky bombs to extend your ammunition, use your grenade and flame belch, swap between weapons often.
grenades you idiot
you have an unlimited amount of them
is it actually harder than 2016 or am i retarded? lost most of my extra lives on the slayer gates
it is, im playing on UV and it is much much harder than UV in 2016
Fucked up the N
I made a beeline for the infinite ammo cheat. I have no shame in using it considering this awful choice.
as soon as they recharge. everything has a damn recharge. It's like i'm playing a fucking MOBA and it's all because they don't want to place enemies and pickups.
You desperately want to catch the virus?
It's considerably harder, ammo-management is mandatory and weapon-swapping is heavily suggested.
More like ammo famine
I mean this sincerely, get good.
What's their excuse?
Good thing I didn’t buy this trash.
Based Todd dabbing on redditors
Oh, what's that? You wanted to shoot demons in your game about shooting demons? Heh, gotta wait for your ultimate to charge.
Playing on nightmare and I noticed something fun while on the second Slayer Gate.
>Ammo is so pitiful even with upgrades that you have to use the chainsaw
>enemies can't kill you while you chainsaw or use the melee pinatas but they can move to you and ready attacks at you
>you will get shot right after unless you find a lone wolf somewhere
>I refuse to come back and try when I have more upgrades because I am stubborn
Other than that it's fun. It's Doom 2016 with the last vestiges of Doom violently ripped out and replaced with some unholy mixture of Darksiders, Quake, and the Rise of the Triad remix and I like it well enough.
I don't whiff half my shots so I'm not running into that problem. Have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in?
I think the funniest cynical contrarian post I’ve seen on this board so far about this game was last night when this brain dead faggot said
>hurrrrrr HURRRRRRR how could Hell take over earth that quickly?
I can’t even fathom how fucking stupid you have to be to act like earth would even stand a chance
Tortanic fags are so fucking desperate lmao
Enjoying it so far, but it's a bit worse than 2016 in my opinion
>Forced to use chainsaw all of the time LOW AMMO LOW AMMO
>It might just be me, but you feel a lot slower
>A lot more downtime with mindless platforming
>Way more projectile-based monsters, fights become a cluster fuck of shit to dodge
>A lot of the new shit is kind of redundant, there's so many mechanics that I forget to use them most of the time
>>It might just be me, but you feel a lot slower
that is you
>>It might just be me, but you feel a lot slower
What does this have to do with the game?
>A means to shoot more breaks up the mechanic of shooting
Tell us how you really feel, user.
Is the level design better?
The arena spamming in nuDoom was my only problem with that game.
>Being this casual
While there are some arena rooms, they have much mobility options and there are more fights out in the open.
Its a hella epic game for dummies and teens.
Playing nudoom is the equivalent of watching mainstream news.
Its the Joe Biden of fps games.
It caters to this oblivious, hyped idiot type consumer who lives on buzzwords and inanities.
Its as if a bunch of has beens and marketers gathered in a room and tried to think about what the youngsters like and then just shoved it into one game.
Its the feel of the game and everything surrounding it.
They essentially made a single player console arena shooter.
The fucking console font and style of the menus, the gun upgrades, the constant need to jump around and do acrobatics and the need to change weapons non stop.
like an xbox kiddie just drank a can of monster.
>Forced to use chainsaw all of the time LOW AMMO LOW AMMO
This is annoying me
>Way more projectile-based monsters, fights become a cluster fuck of shit to dodge
Hey at least its not hit scan
>what if there's two cacodemons
regardless, it's bad game design to just make certain weapons the obvious "I win" button
>>what if there's two cacodemons
wait until the grenade comes back
I miss actually having the chainsaw out and revving it as I chase down imps.
Git gud and get the upgrade that lets you fire 5 grenades
Only played for 90 minutes hopefully steam refunds me
This guy just admitted to whiffing some shots. What a fucking loser.
>recharging grenade
>recharging flamethrower (what is it even fore besides using on the last enemy to farm armor?)
>recharging dash
what's with this clusterfuck of new features that don't really matter?
>45 minutes to download
Should've started it while I was playing Animal Crossing. Now I have to shitpost on Yas Forums to kill time.
Imagine having less than 100% accuracy. I myself haven't missed even a single pellet from a shotgun blast
don't like that balista thing. It replacing railgun even less.
glad there is option to destaruate that rainbow piniata of drops, didn't expect that one.
don't like them doubling down on glorykills mechanics.
thought i'll have more issues with platforming, but it plays allright even if level designs look outright retarded. but i find myself bumping in invisible walls everywhere mildly annoying.
amazed it's actually running on my 2200g poorfag rig.
story is cringe and memes are god awfull.
8/10, would pirate again
(opinion might change once me completez it)
>80 canuckbucks + 13% tax
imma pass on this one
It's not because I forget half of it and kill everything with the sticky bombs